
Nasty Ink

The first thing Oliver saw when he woke up was darkness. No, this isn't darkness... But whatever it is tastes f*cking awful! Finding himself awake in a new world, Oliver is quickly sent into a shock as he discovers his new body. What awaits him? Authors Note: I'm saying this first but I am a NEW author and this is my FIRST book. I just like reincarnation novels especially ones where the MC is born as a monster and wanted to try and write my own. This is my first novel so I would appreciate feedback or if you happen to see some errors in there whatever it may be feel free to tell me. I am the only one writing and editing this so sometimes things just go over my head. Typically the chapters will be around 1000-1500 words in length, but there may be some chapters which are out of those boundaries. Also I don't have any definite schedule bc of college and what not so I'm sorry for being inconsistent. Currently not updating because of being busy with general life. I don't want to drop it but as of now I am on hiatus with the story.

SquidBeetle · Fantasi
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47 Chs

Chapter 13: Creature Settlement

At the same time as the Unotia Empire was holding their conference regarding the flood, a separate meeting was taking place between creatures of different statures all in a large cave decorated by brightly different corals, and reefs alike.

These creatures varied from creatures such as eels, crabs frogs, seals, and fish, however there were 4 main groups present. Sharks, whales, snakes, and crocodiles.

At the forefront of the meeting however, were 4 different large groups of predators acting as the leaders for all the groups present.

These 4 predators were the bull sharks, beluga whales, armored vipers, and fire crocodiles.

Following the arrival of the last of the creatures joining the meeting, 4 different representative for each of the predator groups gathered in the center of the cave.

The different leaders of the smaller creatures also stepped forward, however they remained on the outside of the center circle not joining the main predators in the middle.

With that the beluga whale leader swam forth and spoke first,

"We meet here today to acknowledge that a new a flood has been graced upon us..."

The creatures surrounding all kept on listening to the whale as it continued.

"With this, the seas shall bless both our brothers and sisters alike."

"We have also received a decree from the Great White Shark Kingdom to look for the different tide candidates as well."

The bull shark leader cut off the beluga whale as he impatiently swam forward and began speaking in front of all those present wanting to get straight to the point.

"As such, it is not only our duty to look through our Maritome Seamount territory to look for the tide candidates... But also to eat! Consume! Kill! And grow!" "Only the strong shall survive!" The shark roared!

"Only the strong shall survive!" A loud chorus of cheers and roars followed as the large predators all followed the bull shark as they left the cave in excitement to begin their hunt anew.


"Idiots! All a bunch of stupid Idiots!"

An angry crab walked out of the cave meeting as it met up with a group of similar looking crabs right outside of the caves entrance.

"How did it go elder Carn?" One of the crabs asked.

"It wasn't even a meeting! I thought that we would be discussing a new group of creatures arriving or maybe a previous group had been extinguished, but no! It was about a flood coming upon us!" Yelled the elder crab named Carn in anger.

An even smaller crab from before paused briefly before speaking, "Isn't a flood a big deal elder Carn?"

"Of course it is!" Snarled elder Carn. "Its a much bigger deal that me, you, or even this whole damned seamount!"

The crabs said nothing as they waited for elder Carn to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to take it out on all of you, but a subject like this has nothing to do with us." Carn muttered.

"Tide candidates are creatures who can evolve to control up to multiple seas at once. We have no business messing with something like that whereas we can't even say we control a single seamount..." Carn explained.

"What do you mean we have no business with a Tide?" The first crab asked. "What did they say in the meeting?"

"Apparently the Great white shark kingdom has issued an order on this area to keep a look out for tide candidates." Carn said while they began to walk back to their cave.

"I wouldn't have even gone to the meeting let alone be in the settlement if it weren't for us being able to be warned for certain events earlier than usual. I bet those damned eels are gonna be attacking us within the next 2 days, and I just went to the same meeting as them!" Carn exclaimed.

"However, this is still a good thing that we came here for this. I know that none of you have ever experienced a flood but I have. Floods are events where more creatures are born, and they grow stronger, faster, and deadlier."

"Some of these creatures have extreme potential, and can influence the growth and direction of a flood. We call these creatures tide candidates." He lectured

"The more tide candidates there are, the more severe the flood becomes and thus the more dangerous the territory around a flood turns as well."

"An event like this we have no part in. What we need to focus is on making sure that our clan actually survives this flood. The other larger predator clans will use this as means to grow and expand themselves, meaning that we will probably be hunted more." Warned Carn

"We also need to watch out for nearby human empires. Since they aren't directly influenced by the flood, they simply kill more creatures, hunt down candidates, and cull population numbers to make sure that it doesn't get out of hand in their territories." Carn said as they approached their enclave and walked in.

"From here on out, all hunting groups must have more than 6 members instead of the usual 4." Carn ordered.

"Groups also will not leave unless necessary, because many different predators both those from before the flood, and born from it will be appearing. Dismissed." Carn said before turning around only to see a smaller crab before him waving its claws around.

"Elder! Elder!" Said the small crab.

"Elder! You said that other clans will be growing during this! Does that mean we will be able to grow as strong as you?!" The little crab exclaimed animatedly.

The elder chuckled and thought to himself 'Getting to the yellow rank is no easy feat, but I shouldn't be so pessimistic to the young ones'

"Perhaps we will Shelton, however we must survive first. You know how you can help with that? Help hunt. Grow stronger. Protect your family got it?" Carn ordered.

"Yes elder" Shelton said sulkily as his hopes were diminished quickly.

"Why don't you go join a hunting group over to the Guppy Kelp Forest, eh? The only thing over there are wild crabs and Guppys so we should be able to get food pretty safely from there."

Elder Carn added as he walked away back towards his den. He wanted to rest before things got really hectic.

The little crab, Shelton nodded, and watched as the elder crab crawled back to his den, before turning around and looking for a hunting group going to hunt in the Guppy Kelp Forest.

One of my reader's recommended that I make some changes to my previous chapters so I'm going through and changing it right now. I probably won't upload another chapter till sometime this afternoon, but don't worry, I'll still get at least 2 chapters in today.

SquidBeetlecreators' thoughts