
Naruto~ Heir of the Uzumaki's

The story of a Uzumaki who survived the Uzushiogakura Village masscare and fled to Konoha with his sister... Witness his rise in power and growth...

NeoKing · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

1• Ichigo Uzumaki


Not again. 

It has been a week now since I started seeing weird dreams like this.

"Everyone take out the homework, that I have given Yesterday", A lady wearing a weird dress that I have never seen before shouted, and continued with a bone chilling smile,"And those who have not done the homework, stand up"

'Homework? What was that again?'

I had a look of confusion as I looked around. The room was filled with kids around my age and they all seemed to be searching for something in their bags.

I took a glance at the lady, I don't why but looking at her twisted smile, I decided to copy the others around me.

I started searching the bag beside my desk, there seemed to be books inside it. 

'What exactly do I have to search for? Should I ask them?'

After searching blankly for a while, I looked around, I was conflicted on the idea of asking for help .



I was startled, hearing the familiar voice. I quickly scanned my surroundings searching for the owner of the voice.

But before I can process the situation, I noticed the space around me started distorting and black rifts formed all over the place.

" Become strong Ichigo, the world will soon at war again"

I saw a dark silhouette standing at the end of the room, 

"And don't think to much about me, We will meet soon again and then we can have a nice chit chat"

'Who is he?'

My thoughts raced against each other searching for a solution, but it was of no use.

I wanted to ask the question but I soon found myself in reality, Under the blue sky, a cute face and red hairs falling all over my face, blocking my view.


I muttered as I raised my hand and wiped the tears off my sister's face.

'Was she scared?'

" Why weren't you waking up?" *sob* *sob*

She asked in a timid voice, and I can't help but curse myself for scaring her.

"I thought…I thought.."

She stuttered, having difficulty speaking her fear.

" I am not going anywhere"

I made myself sit up, and pat her head. I understand she was referring to me dieing like mom and dad.

"If you are up, then we shall start moving",

A husky voice interrupted us. It was one of the four leaf shinobi who found us when our village was under attack.

It was precisely a week ago when the Uzushiogakura Village was attacked, by unknown masked Shinobis.

Many people died, while many fled to nearby villages. The Once strongest Uzumaki clan was almost at the brink of extinction in just one night. Everything was a mess, our parents were slaughtered infront of us by a masked Shinobi.

He was even hell bent on killing the both of us but we somehow escaped at the cost of my life.

Yeah. I, Ichigo Uzumaki has died once, a week ago. I don't exactly remember if we fought or not but I remember running along my sister while carrying a kunai stabbed on my back and blood slipping out every second.

We were quite lucky that we escaped to the forest before I took my last breath according to me. But somehow I regained my consciousness a few minutes later, with my wound fully healed.

I don't know how to explain it and we also didn't have much time thinking about the unknown, so we decided to run to the forest. It was the only possible way I was able to think to survive at that moment.

And I don't know if it was luck or miracle that we found four leaf shinobi on the 6 th day willing to help us.

And now we are moving to konoha with them, they seem to have received order to secure every possible Uzushiogakura survivor from what I have hear them talking 


I nodded at the man, and stood up and helped Kushina stand up before walking towards the north.

Now that I think about it I also started having weird dreams from that day. Didn't I?

And that's not the only weird thing that happened to me, as there is also this blue screen flowing infront of me.

•System interface•

 > Status

 > Missions(locked)

 > Shop( Locked)

 > Daily Quest 

I have tried asking Kushina and the other leaf shinobi's about this but they seem to not understand what I am saying and are also unable to see this.

'Quite a Mystery'

But anyway I have got used to it, and also understand a lot about it.

Like if I think ' Status'


Name:- Ichigo Uzumaki

Age:- 6

Level (1)( xp 50/100)

Chakra capacity: 500/500.

Strength: 7

Endurance: 15

Durability: 8

Agility: 8

Extra stat points: 0


 Fuijutsu ( level 2) ( xp 7/50)

 Taijutsu ( level 1) (xp 21/25)

I don't know much but from what I understand it seems to describe my poweress I think so.

And for the next.' Daily Quest '.

•Daily Quest•

> All daily Quest are halted.

> Emergency Quest.


• Survive the massacre and flee to a village.

Reward:- 5 stat points.

That's quite straightforward. Anyway, we are already on our way to Konoha.

And then I will be able to check if whatever I am seeing is true or is my mind playing tricks with me.





On the evening of the 9th day we finally arrived at Konoha. 

At first we were taken to the hospital for any possible injuries and then we followed a Shinobi to the local Orphanage.

" All of you say hello to them, they will be living with us from now on"

The wardens said to the kids surrounding us.

"Why do they have red hair?"

"Are you siblings?"

"What's your name?"

And we were all of a sudden, Overwhelmed by so many questions, I took a glance at Kushina who was trying to hide behind me, Cute.

"My name is Ichigo Uzumaki and this is my sister Kushina Uzumaki", I introduced both of us, and continued in a low voice,"My sister is currently not in the condition to talk with others so sorry about that, but I am sure we will get along".

And that is how the tale of Ichigo Uzumaki started…..To be continued.

Children in Naruto are quite mature, unlike Naruto himself, So I think Ichigo with mature a lot faster

NeoKingcreators' thoughts