
Naruto: Yūki clan

an otaku unfortunately or fortunately dies and gets reincarnated in Naruto the warring states era he is born 30 years before hashirama and Madara our lucky fella came through with a system [strongest family system] to be exact. as you may know not a lot is known about the warring states so some clans will be made to fill the void in the world a lot of original characters from myself and the show will be included in this novel

TheprimordialGod · Lainnya
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41 Chs

warring state Jordan’s

[name: izanagi Yūki

Clan members: 1

Age: 15 (200)


•Chakra: 3,000

•Strengh: 80

•Vitality: 150

•Agility: 70

•taijutsu: 50

•ninjutsu: 10

•genjutsu: 70

•bukijutsu: 70

•chakra control: 110

Chakra natures

•Fire: no training

•lightning: no training

•wind: no training

•earth: no training

•water: no training

•ying: no training

•yang: no training]

Looking at his stats izanagi couldn't help but frown his stats were lower then expected he was at best a high level genin well thinking about it now it makes sense the system didn't do anything but insured his survival it only ever did missions because it needed money it did training to lay a solid foundation for him thinking about it some more his stats are luxurious for a 15 year old during these times, during the warring states kids were thrown into battle a lot don't even make it to 15 let alone be as strong as him his chakra control and vitality are abnormally high too comparable to chunnin since he didn't have any jutsu and his system did the bare bones to survive his jutsu stat is at 10 'wait why is my chakra control so high' thought izanagi as he activated his Ōgonshō, as a small fuinjutsu seal appeared on the side of each of his 4 pupils izanagi was momentarily stunned looking around he could see wisp of chakra all around quickly tuning out the chakra from his vision it returned to normal as he looked down at his torso and arms he was even more flabbergasted as he could sense how strong and how much chakra he had not only sense he could visually see it, it was a strong blue flame at his core but the thing that shook him were his chakra pathways they were damn near identical to his fuinjutsu seals "I have no idea how or why but there are advantages and disadvantages to this well I'm almost immune to hayuga techniques since my chakra pathways are completely different genjutsu should not work on me also but I will have to modefy every single jutsu so I can use it with my chakra pathways" said izanagi out loud as he move his chakra to his hand looking at the moving chakra he was even more stunned because he can feel it his fuinjutsus are working guiding his chakra with a thought tinder sparks flew from his palm and disappeared almost instantly "Nature transformation???" Said izanagi in an almost yelling voice visibly shocked "scratch that I only need to learn the jutsu and my fuinjutsu seals will do the rest if I get super proficient I might not even need hand seals for jutsus" said izanagi still visibly shocked at being able to do chakra transformation with just a thought he never even trained it not even his chakra control what is this cheat "100 chakra control is the minimum to do nature transformation if someone had a jutsu with the same chakra nature as them then they will only need about 20-40 chakra control as hand seals are used to help shinobi shape, control, or convert their chakra to perform ninjutsu, genjutsu, and other jutsu, but flat out with no hand seals no training it's was absurd to do some form of nature transformation even if it was abysmal with his fuinjutsu seals guiding his chakra pathways he just has to think of the nature and he can perform some form of nature transformation obviously his nature transformation is weaker then a Jonin or chunin even but if he gets his hands on some jutsus "hehe now I just need some jutsu and it will be as strong as a middle to high tier chunins jutsu afterall in jutsu battles the one with the strongest chakra nature wins not mentioning chakra countering"

"Hey system is there a beginners gift or something" asked izanagi curiously from most the system novels he read they always had a beginners gift he doesn't believe his system is worse then others

[beginners gift opened: received A-rank jutsu chidori, Demon armor set, truth seeking eye]

[chidori: A-rank ninjutsu created by Kakashi It's an offensive, short range lightning jutsu that can inflict severe damage on opponents, The speed at which the attack must be done, combined with the fact that the user must run in a straight line, causes a tunnel vision-like effect for the user.]

[demon armor set: an armor set very popular amongst ninjas during this time period not as cumbersome as samurai armor does not affect agility while adding protection, the demon armor is custom made by the system for the host]

[Truth seeking eye: system ability with no other function but to view others stats]

Before izanagi could even see what he got with a loud clatter a set of armor and scroll fell on the damp cave floor sending lots of dust into the air "this is the demon armor set? it looks good" said izanagi as he looked at the armor it was a full set it looked like Madaras armor with pitch black fuinjutsu seals on it a bit like his own fuinjutsus on his body but different the armor came with its own clothes a pare of fishnet chain mail a black robe with baggy pants with a pair of black shoes well it was just a pair of black socks with sandles in this day and age this is like some Jordan's thought izanagi with a smirk besides his new Jordan's the drip I mean armor set also came with a white headband with a clans symbol on it