
Naruto X RWBY

They had the collective brain fart of their life time as Yang stood with her handcuffs looking at the one armed blonde who had surrendered to them. “Umm what should I do?” She turned towards Weiss hoping to get some answers; I'm trying to do all the characters justice, i plan to at least ship him with Weiss, its gonna be slice of life, rom com and kick as action to finish it off. I have a solid outline

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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Infiltration

As the police sirens blared outside while inside the bustling police station, Naruto found himself sitting in a cramped interrogation room, facing a very irate police officer. The siren blared outside, and the officer was visibly annoyed by Naruto's presence.

"So what you're saying is that you, a guy with no I.D and no relatives, was just roaming about and stumbled upon a fight between these idiot Beacon students, the White Fang, and you helped save a bullhead they were trying to shoot down?" The officer's tone was sharp and accusatory.

Naruto nodded earnestly, trying to explain, "Yes, we started fighting, and then the masked guys ran away."

The officer crossed his arms, clearly skeptical. "So the White Fang members and Roman Torchwick got away while YOU were intercepting the beacon students?"

Weiss Schnee, who was observing the situation, finally decided to speak up, trying to defuse the tension. "Sir, my name is Weiss Schnee, nice to meet you. If you would allow me to make a call, I am sure we could avoid any misunderstandings and get this sorted as soon as possible."

Little did she know her attempt at throwing the Schnee names weight around would backfire so,

, His frustration evident. "Oh, I understand what's going on alright. You huntsman children are all the same. Beacon students are all a bunch of arrogant bastards who get away with pulling anything and everything because of the absurd amount of political influence somehow your headmaster seems to have coupled with a Schnee princess and we have a disaster waiting to happen."

He then turned his attention to Penny, the girl with flying blades, who was also present during the fight. "And you are not a Beacon student. What were you doing there?"

Penny replied excitedly, "I was helping my friend Ruby track down their friend. It was sensational!"

The officer's anger flared, slamming his fist on the table. "So now Beacon students involve their friends in armed conflict in the middle of the day? What is this? Are you running a gang? Huh?"

Ruby, ever the helper, tried to save her friend, "It was almost nighttime."

The officer slammed his fist on the table, "Are you trying to correct me, young lady? I don't care if it was daytime, nighttime, or snack-time! The point is you kids were causing trouble!"

Yang, Ruby's over protective sister did not take her sister being yelled at well, "Hey, we were just trying to help! It's not like you were doing anything about that white fang operation!"

If the officer was not pissed beforehand, Yang had certainly pushed him over the edge.

But he ignored the beacon students for now turned his attention to Naruto

The officer glared at her, and seemed to come to a conclusion

He pointed right at penny and Naruto "I know Ozpin gonna pull these four idiots out of fire, but you two are in big trouble."

A female officer barged right in the middle of the interrogation room "Sir, we have orders from the commissioner to release Penny to atlas custody right this moment."

Naruto couldn't hold back a chuckle, earning him an icy glare from Wiess. "Sorry, it's just that this whole situation is so absurd. I don't even know who those people were!"

The policeman stumbled mid sentence at that and accepted that he wasn't going to get anything out of this. And soon the entire investigation case was handed over to beacon academy at the request of huntsman association.

Scene change

After being under watchful eyes of the police with young ruby still cuffed to him, she had somehow in a incredibly cute display of clumsiness lost the key.

He was now being escorted around a beautiful palace which ruby explained was the beacon academy by none other then its deputy Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch who with on swing of her magic stick unlocked the cuffs.

After the eventful day, Naruto found himself standing before Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy. The mysterious and laid-back man sipped his coffee, observing Naruto with keen interest.

"The charges that stand against you, Mr. Naruto, are your possible association with the White Fang, a known criminal Roman, and your illegal immigration into the Kingdom of Vale," Ozpin said in his usual calm manner. "But there is no proof for the first two allegations. However, illegal immigration could put you in jail for up to a year and a hefty fine."

Naruto squirmed slightly under Ozpin's scrutinizing gaze. He was impressed by the man's ability to read people.

"I did not infiltrate Vale. I was brought here by an... accident," Naruto explained.

Ozpin seemed to take his words to heart, considering the information he had received from his Atlas intelligence about Naruto's incredible abilities, dead stopping Penny's aura blast, defeating her while she was assisted by Ruby and Blake, wasn't something even most huntsman could do. The headmaster was intrigued by the young man's potential.

"Mr. Naruto, I consider myself a great judge of character, and I believe you are just a young man who has made a few wrong choices," Ozpin stated, his eyes gleaming with wisdom. "I would like to propose something to you. Would you like to become a Huntsman?"

Ozpin being the experience man that he was, could have straight away interrogated the young man and obtained information about his semblance and his allegiances, but that would alienate the young man. By offering a helping hand eventually he was going to not only get all the information that he desired but also put a young man of good character on the right path as little Ruby spoke so well of him, the difference between him and other people was that he had all the time in the world.

Naruto was taken aback by the unexpected offer not really getting what he was signing up for, but managed to respond in half confused voice "yeaa,, sounds great? I guess?"

Naruto said remembering his shinobi training, Kakashi 101, go along with whatever assumptions people make and don't give anything away.

Ozpin smiled, satisfied with Naruto's answer. "Very well then. I am going to help you clear up this case and establish your papers. You will join Beacon Academy on special recommendation."

Naruto smiled having no clue that he had agreed to go back to school.

Naruto thought with derision looking down on both Kakashi sensei and Tsundae granny who told him he was an idiot who could never undertake any infiltration missions.

"Team RWBY is going to give you a tour of the academy and tomorrow is going to be your initiation."

He was going to laugh in their faces, Infiltration was too damn easy.

"Alright, believe it."

He smiled going along with it.

That is how Naruto Uzumaki of Konoha completed his first solo infiltration mission.

He was just that good.
