
Naruto X RWBY

They had the collective brain fart of their life time as Yang stood with her handcuffs looking at the one armed blonde who had surrendered to them. “Umm what should I do?” She turned towards Weiss hoping to get some answers; I'm trying to do all the characters justice, i plan to at least ship him with Weiss, its gonna be slice of life, rom com and kick as action to finish it off. I have a solid outline

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3 Chs

Chapter 2: An Unlikely Intervention

Naruto walked among the crowd, his missing right hand a constant reminder of the battle he had fought on the moon in his own world. Following Kurama's sensor abilities, he searched for a place of shelter in this unfamiliar world. To his surprise, he found a town like none he had seen before, with flying machines and tall towers beneath the broken moon and starry sky, the ground and buildings also illuminated like the stars in the sky buy street lights, creating a breathtaking view from his vantage point on one of the biggest building near the outer wall which seemed to encircle the city as far as eye could see.

His form was battered and clothes more like shreds, anything that was not destroyed in the fight was gone by the rough landing he had in a forest near this town, despite using his shadow clones, without Kurama's help the landing would have killed him, Hell it still nearly killed him.

Approaching a passerby for help, Naruto's hopes were dashed when the person mistook him for a beggar and simply tossed some cards his way. Memories of his childhood struggles resurfaced, leaving him feeling ignored and rejected. He felt disheartened; it was like he was back an orphan boy on the streets, with no friends and no family.

For days, Naruto tried to gather information about this new place, but the people seemed too absorbed in their own lives to lend him a hand. He sulked around, camping in a nearby forest and surviving on his sealed rations.

Three days later, while exploring the downtown city of Vale, Naruto heard an explosion nearby. Curiosity piqued, he dashed over to find a fierce battle unfolding in what seems to be dockyard. Roman Torchwick, a criminal mastermind, and his masked goons were under attack by two individuals, a cat girl named Blake Belladonna and a monkey boy named Sun Wukong.

As Naruto observed from a distance, the situation escalated when Penny, the girl with flying blades, and Ruby Rose, the girl with the scythe, joined the fight. Penny went for kills, attempting to shoot down the masked people's flying bullhead with a deadly energy beam from her flying swords, putting lives at risk.

As someone who had lived through a war, his ideals compelled him to defend what seemed to be a senseless loss of life.

Unable to stand by and watch, Naruto leaped into action. In a display of his incredible chakra control, he summoned a giant golden hand coated in Kurama's chakra, nullifying Penny's attack and saving the criminal, his negative emotions sensing easily told him the people in masks were hurt and frustrated individuals fighting for the some shared pain.

In his heightened Kurama chakra mode, Naruto engaged Penny in battle. Her telepathically controlled swords proved no match for his speed and experience. Despite the interference of Ruby, Naruto's expertise proved overwhelming, knocking Ruby down in while matching her in sheer speed.

The dust settled, and Roman Torchwick and his goons were gone, leaving Naruto in a tense standoff with Team RWBY, Blake, Sun, Penny, and Ruby, who was slowly regaining her composure with her over protective sister Yang fussing over her.

Blake was the first to approach him cautiously, "Who are you, and why did you intervene?"

Naruto took a deep breath, "I am Naruto Uzumaki. I didn't want people to die."

Sun, intrigued by Naruto's words getting the feeling he was not dealing with a bad guy, chimed in, "sorry bud we are going to have to take you in."

Ruby, recovering from the blow, smiled warmly, "Yeah, Hi! I'm Ruby Rose, the leader of Team RWBY, you hit like Yang."

Naruto nodded gratefully, "Nice to meet you, Ruby. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just wanted to help."

Soon two more girls arrived at the scene a white clad petit girl with a brandished sword Weiss Schnee and a busty blond girl with yellow Gauntlets Yang Xiaolong Ruby's sister.

After introductions were done heartily by Ruby rose.

Blake frustrated with loss of important information they could have got form Roman Torchwick blamed Naruto for being in cohorts with the famous criminal and helping him escape them.

Blake's eyes narrowed suspiciously at Naruto. "You expect us to believe you just happened to stumble upon this fight and decided to play the hero? What's your real motive?"

Naruto wasn't intimidated by her. "Listen, I don't even know who they were."

Weiss the white clad girl Backed up her team mate,

Weiss scoffed, folding her arms. "That's convenient excuse."

Yang followed their lead and took on an aggressive stance. She assessed the situation and smirked, "Well, well, look we have here. Perhaps another fight."

Naruto grinned, feeling a sense of familiarity with trigger happy girl and smirked like the badass he was and slowly raised his both hands in the air showing an empty left palm and a recently severed stump of a right hand "Yeah, but NO, I surrender."

That threw the girls for a loop, they didn't call him most unpredictable ninja for nothing, and wises was busy observing the stump of his arm which was haphazardly banded by striped cloth bandages.

They had the collective brain fart of their life time as Yang stood with her handcuffs looking at the one armed blonde who had surrendered to them. "Umm what should I do?" She turned towards Weiss hoping to get some answers;

Weiss was the smartest person among them when it came to procedures and technicalities. Her brain was also having a stroke "don't look at me, how I should know?

" she bristled at the sheer incompetence of the team as a whole; they didn't know how to handcuff someone with a single arm.

While Naruto was looking at them expectantly hoping they would help him out since they were supposed to be samurai trainee equivalents of this world, they were supposed to be the honorable good guys. Ruby was trying to be the leader and took the cuffs out of Yang's hands and tied her own arm with Naruto's arm.

She was being so cute, her face literally asking for praise, at having figured out the solution. Naruto wasn't an ice hearted man "Great job", he praised,

"Thanks Naruto!"

Ruby exclaimed back cutely, for some reason Ruby seemed to instinctively trust him.