
Naruto X Ken mania

Reborn into Naruto and all where Minato and Kushina still live as Naruto brother follow the story of Ken as he create an interesting tale of Naruken mania. this is a fanfic, while I am bore and though of writing so don't expect regular updates and if you like continue to read it

Akash_Rathor_1836 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Blood Lillie's and pixie's.

After goodnight sleep, next morning Naruto and Ken were able to wake at 4 am and started with morning training with guy and Lee after which they trained with Han for an hour, soon they walked for their classes.

After coming back to class, where Shikamaru was sitting half asleep with Choji eating his snacks, Sasuke siting Cooley but didn't had cold behavior from anime, Kara Ai sitting while closed eyes, Ria Uchiha looking at board with pondering expression, Mai Song of Song clan looking dazed (well that's all about beauty, except Sasuke cause I don't swing that way.)

Sitting over their seat most of the class noticed their arrival while most people eyes were ablaze by fighting spirit.

Soon the class turned silence because Hinata and Rinna enter the class and were looking exceptional beautiful, Hinata smile at other girls while they nodded at Ken and Naruto, noticing Hinata and Rinna coming Ken smiled "you both look exceptional beautiful today." Ken smiled as he complimented there beauty which made Rinna and Hinata face turn beet red " especially those ear ring both of you are wearing." Rinna smiled and touched her ear ring, especially it was the gift from Ken he gifted it to her yesterday night.

Hinata also touched her ear ring and looked at Naruto who was looking at her with a silly smile as he " Yeah Hinata you look good in your dress especially with the ear ring." Causing Hinata to blush much redden as she looked away for a sec while looking back at Naruto replying " Thank you."

Ken was shocked that Naruto was able to pull that out while Rinna also was shocked looking at Hinata with astonish gaze.

"So are you here for fishing compliment." Ken asked with a smile, while Rinna glare at the glib tongue while taking out a card decorated by something (obviously looked like some child had made i.e.… not work of a professional.) and handed it to Ken as she walked away like a proud peacock moving out.

Smiling Ken open his invitation of Rinna birthday while the date was day after tomorrow.

After the classes were over Naruto and Ken walked toward the area uncle Han was talking about, soon reaching there they saw Uncle Han fishing silently as he nodded his head toward Ken and Naruto to enter the barrier field he casted only then they could walk inside it.

"Uncle Ken I want to obtain flower of blood lilies as a gift for someone." Ken asked in a low tone.

"Oh for a girl I guess." Han spoke lightly.

Nodding his head Ken asked "Is it possible for you to help us keep the clone I made identity Hidden."

"So you want me to trick your dad and mom." Han smiled "I'll seal with my technique and until you personally touch it clone will not diffuse like always."

"But if clone get hurt the pain you will feel afterward will be hundred time then before." Han explained as he looked at Naruto and Ken, afterward both Naruto and Ken performed /Shadow clone's Jutsu./ and real body rush out of konoha behind uncle Han clone.

Uncle Han made it very clear that he would not help them in the fight for Blood Lillie's and they had to work and fight for them by them selves.

Blood Lilies have special trait's which is the symbol of love as dark as Blood and also a tiny pixie guard it and live around it for ever.

3day ago Ken and Naruto read the news of sightings of pixie hence it was speculated that a Blood Lillie's had blossomed some where, while once a great researcher said that a pixie was born out of Blood Lillie's flower and they are released when they bloom.

These pixie bring good luck, increase vitality of the greenery around, a healthy forest had at least one pixie in it, it was a bold law which is still a matter of debate between many scientist but end conclusion everyone believe pixie is the manifestation of nature guardian itself.

"Ken will it be alright if I get one for Hinata too, even though it's not her birthday but I would still like to gift her one." Naruto looked at Ken with an silly smile, while Ken nodded his head as he exclaim " of course as you will be helping me to get it while if my guess is right there are more than one pixie there and if not false there might be growing a bunch of water Lilies growing there for sure."

"In any case first get them both of you." Han said sarcastically with a provoking tone.

" of course we'll get them just watch and see old man." Ken rebutted out, while Naruto increased his speed " don't look down on us old geezer."

After 5 hour of travelling they finally reach the city of Gan where first pixie was seen while the whole city was bustling even though it was mid night.

Rino kin… activating it Naruto and Ken diffused in the crowd, watching Ken and Naruto vanishing in the crowd Han nodded his head " good work it seem they are catching up quickly, they are like shadow itself." While Naruto and Ken rushed out of the crowd from the other side as they enter forested area.

They had already made a plan to help them find pixie, as they were known manifestation of guardian of forest so they must have abandoned amount of would style sage chakra which bring good luck and can also be the reason of high vegetation.