
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
127 Chs

Chapter 09

"A bo staff huh? Well you're in luck because we have all of those things." Tenten said, once more leading him around the store. "Now then what kind of staff are you looking for?" she asked as she grabbed some of the other equipment he had asked for.

Naruto blinked as he went through the information of his clone. "It needs to be made of a light material, but have heavier ends for added force, if I can get something that has studs or some kind of protrusions to do more damage that would be awesome too. And I want to be able to channel chakra through it."

"Wow, that's quite a detailed item you want."


Both Naruto and Tenten yelled as they spun around.

Naruto found himself staring at a bull of man. Large and built like brick shit house. The man had muscles on every part of his body that Naruto could see; he even had muscles on his muscles! He had brown hair and brown eyes much like Tenten. He was wearing an off white shirt, brown pants and a pair of brown boots.

"Damn it tou-san!" Tenten shouted as she clutched a hand to her chest. "How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me? And especially when I'm with a customer!"

Tenten's dad merely laughed, "Ah take it easy Tenten. Beside aren't you ninja supposed to be more aware of your surroundings?"

"Do you want to be used as target practice again?" Tenten asked with a maniacal gleam in her eyes and had one of her hands inside her kunai pouch.

Her dad merely sweat dropped before he coughed and turned his attention to Naruto. "So I heard what you want. That's a pretty descriptive weapon. Your fortunate that I have just the thing!"

Naruto watched with a mixture of shock and weariness as the man led him and Tenten to the back room, which turned out to be a forge. Getting a ladder the large man positioned it above a shelf and climbed up. Not finding what he was looking for, he got off and repeating this process several more times.

"I know I put it somewhere… but where- Ah hah! Here we are!" the man said as he came back down the ladder with a large object that was wrapped in cloth. "This was actually custom made for someone else, but well, he had died before I could give it to him. Since it's just been collecting dust over the years, I figured I may as well get rid of it."

Naruto and Tenten followed the large man back to the front where he rang Naruto up.

"Now all that stuff you got there will come to around 10,000 yen," Tenten's dad said.

Naruto cringed a bit but got out the necessary money, it would put him back by a lot, especially since he would no longer be able to gain a stipend from the Hokage since he was a ninja. That meant he would have to find some other way to get food, so he could use the money he had left to pay for utilities.

"Um… I think you missed the staff sir," Naruto said as he realized that the staff should be a lot more expensive then all of his other stuff combined.

"Nah, it's good," the man gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "You can have it to commemorate your first time shopping here."

Tenten gasped, her father had never given anything away, ever. Yet he had just given what Tenten could tell was one of her father's finest pieces of work, and to someone he just met!

Naruto was even more shocked, this man had to know about his status as the Kyuubi container, there was no possible explanation for him not to know. Ojisan had told him that everyone who was old enough to remember that night knew of his status. Yet here he was giving him something that looked like it had taken more time and effort to make then all the time and effort that Naruto had put into all of his pranks combined.

"Why?" Naruto asked in an uncharacteristically quiet voice. "You know who I am…" both Tenten and her dad saw Naruto's hand unconsciously go to his stomach, one looked at him with understanding while the other was just confused.

"Because I'm not like most of the fools in this village kid," the brown haired man smirked at the blond. "Besides it's not like I'm giving this away for free!" Naruto looked up at him. "I expect you to come here for all your shinobi needs!"

Naruto looked at the man with shock; he realized that this man was also someone he could count on to see him for who he was and not what he held. He gave the two there one of his most brilliant smiles. "Thanks mister…"

"Kaito," the man replied.

"Thanks Kaito-san," Naruto bowed before grabbing his equipment and running off with a grin. "I'll make sure this staff becomes famous when I'm Hokage!" he yelled out as he left.

Tenten looked over at her father in undisguised curiosity. "What was that about?" she asked.

"Nothing that concerns you for now Tenten," Kaito replied as he looked at where the blond left.

Minato, Kushina, I hope that this will help your legacy grow; it's all I can do for him…

(The Next Day…)

The next day found Naruto in a training field working on several different shinobi aspects. He had summoned around one hundred clones to help him and had them divided into groups of twenty five.

The first group was working on chakra control, from what Naruto's clones had read yesterday, the whole reason he could not do a standard Bunshin was because he had extremely large reserves and next to no control, at least, that was the theory he had come up with from what he read. So he would need to fix that by getting better control.

Right now they were working on the leaf floating exercise, the first and most basic exercise. It was basically floating a leaf over the palm of their hands and making it spin. It was just in one hand at the moment, but Naruto eventually planned on increasing the amount of leaves that he could spin, figuring that the more leaves he could float at the same time, the better his control would be. It was not in the scroll he had read, but Naruto had always been innovative when coming up with pranks, and that ability was easily carried on into other aspects of his life and career if he actually set his mind to it. He wanted to at some point be able to spin a leaf on each finger at the same time, rather than using his palms before he moved on to tree climbing, which was the next exercise he saw when he had skipped to the intermediate chakra control book, just to see what it held of course.





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