
Chapter 088

Naruto glared at the man through bloodshot eyes, his killing intent slowly rising. This man, this monster was talking about having a bunch filthy pigs degrade Haku-chan's body! This person was the entire reason Haku was dead in the first place, for hiring her and Zabuza for this job. Without Gato, Haku would have never come here, would have never faced him in battle and would have never gotten hit with his sensei's technique. In the blonde's mind, everything that had happened to this point was that man's fault.

'Kill them.'

Naruto blinked when he heard the voice from inside his mind, it had an odd inflection to it, the voice sounded like two people were speaking at once, though he could not tell who.

'That man is the reason she's dead…Kill him!'

Gato stopped a short distance away, not wanting to get to close to the two jonin shinobi, "Hey! Are you deaf or something you stupid fuck!"


Naruto snarled as he looked back up at Gato, whose eyes widened as he took a step back in fear at the eyes he was now staring at. The eyes were no longer blue, nor did they hold any of the warmth they usually did.

They were blood red, with a single black slit running down the middle.

They were eyes belonging to a demon.

"You…" Naruto whispered, his voice was harsh and ragged, carrying such rage and unbridled hate that everyone, even Zabuza could not repressed the shudder that ran down his spine. "…This is all your fault…! Because of you Haku's dead…! And now you want to desecrate her body! All of it…it's your fault! I'm gonna KILL YOU!"

A powerful bloodlust and killing intent crashed onto the bridge, being so powerful that Gato had fallen on his ass and was crab walking to get behind his men. Meanwhile a powerful red energy began to swirl around the blond. The energy began swirling around him before shooting into the air to form a column of red energy, which lashed out around him in a violent manner as if it had a will of its own. The energy covered the area around and above him, and at the top the energy took a shape. It too the shape of a grinning fox head.

Is the seal breaking! Wondered a frantic Kakashi as he jumped away from the blond, the red energy burning his skin. No! He realized, the seal is perfectly stable, it almost seems like this was supposed to happen…but I'll need to be careful since I don't know what Naruto will do in this state.

What is he! Wondered Zabuza as he was forced to jump away from the blond, after getting his skin burned from being near the energy. Such bloodlust and unbridled killing intent far more potent than my own! This much intent shouldn't even be possible!

The others on the bridge were not fairing nearly as well.

Sakura who had been facing away from Naruto and trying to futilely wake Sasuke, had been unable to do anything more then pass out on top of the Uchiha. Her body was spastically twitching and drool coming out of her mouth.

Tazuna was on his hands and knees, breathing heavily and unable to even move, since staying conscious from the feeling of power and bloodlust around was a challenge in and of itself.

The thugs who were with Gato were all shaking; some were already on their hands and knees like Tazuna. A few of the weaker willed ones had already passed out; And as for Gato.

The man had fallen onto his ass, his entire body shaking uncontrollably as he lost all motor functions and had already released his bowels. His breathing was strained, and he could see images of his death at the hands of the blond. Images of his head getting ripped off, of getting torn to shreds. Out of all the people there, the killing intent was affecting him the most, being the one it was directed at. Never before had he felt something so vile, and it was enough that he almost wished he were dead just so the feeling of his impending doom would stop.

Within the swirl of energy Naruto began to transform. His whiskers became jagged and thick, his hair stood up even spikier then before. Claws formed on both his hands and feet, and his canines turned into long fangs that jutted from his upper lips.