
Naruto: Whirlpool Chronicles (DROPPED)

Suddenly, a young boy finds himself within a web of corruption and lies; his only way out is death. Follow along in his story on how he got reborn from Zero to Hiro

Teru_zZz · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Entrance exam

The sun rose over Uzugakure, casting a golden glow over the bustling streets as aspiring ninjas gathered in the village square. Today marked the beginning of the trials to enter the Ninja Academy, a rite of passage for young hopefuls like Hiro.

Hiro stood among the crowd, nerves buzzing beneath his skin as he awaited the start of the competition. Beside him stood Suki Hana, Kenta Jinfu, and Ayumi Luminara, their faces a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Suki: "I'm so excited, Hiro! Do you think we'll pass the trials?"

Hiro: "I hope so, Suki. We've been training hard for this moment."

Kenta: "We've got this, Hiro. Just remember what Ayame-sama has taught us."

Ayumi: "Let's do our best, everyone. We'll show them what we're made of."

The announcer's voice boomed across the square, signaling the start of the trials.

Announcer: "Attention, aspiring ninjas of Uzugakure! The trials will commence shortly. Prepare yourselves for a test of strength, skill, and determination."

With a surge of adrenaline, Hiro squared his shoulders, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The announcer continued, detailing the trials that would determine their fate.

Announcer: "The first trial will test your chakra control. Each candidate will be tasked with weaving intricate hand signs to form chakra threads. Precision and focus are needed."

As the first trial began, Hiro concentrated, channeling his chakra with practiced precision. Beside him, Suki's small hands moved with grace as she mimicked his motions, her eyes alight with determination.

Suki: "Like this, Hiro?"

Hiro: "Perfect, Suki. Keep going."

Kenta and Ayumi worked diligently, their determination matching Hiro and Suki's. Around them, other candidates struggled to maintain control, their chakra threads wavering under the pressure.

Next came the trial of fuinjutsu, a test of intellect and creativity. Hiro approached the challenge with determination, his mind buzzing with ideas as he examined the array of seals before him.

Hiro: "Let's see... I think this one goes here..."

Suki: "Hiro, look! I found the right seal!"

Kenta and Ayumi joined in, their combined efforts unraveling the mysteries of the seals. With a burst of energy, the symbols activated, a testament to their level of understanding of the art.

As the trials progressed, Hiro found himself facing the test of taijutsu, his muscles coiling with anticipation as he prepared to demonstrate his physical prowess. With each strike and block, he moved with fluid grace, showcasing the discipline and agility instilled in him by years of training.

Kenta: "Watch out, Hiro! Here I come!"

Kenta darted forward, his movements a blur of speed as he unleashed a series of lightning-fast strikes. Hiro countered with practised precision, their sparring a testament to their shared dedication to the art of combat.

Ayumi observed from the sidelines, her eyes shining with admiration as she cheered them on.

Ayumi: "You're both amazing, Hiro, Kenta! Keep it up!"

The final trial brought forth the awakening of chakra, a momentous occasion that would determine each candidate's potential as a shinobi. With bated breath, Hiro closed his eyes, reaching deep within himself to tap into the wellspring of energy that lay within.

As he focused his thoughts, a surge of chakra flowed through him, illuminating his senses. Around him, Suki, Kenta, and Ayumi underwent their awakenings, each one a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

With the trials complete, Hiro and his friends gathered in the village square, their faces alight with a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration.

Hiro: "We did it, everyone! We passed the trials!"

Suki: "I knew we could do it, Hiro! We make a great team."

Kenta: "We couldn't have done it without each other. I'm proud to call you my friends."

Ayumi: "Now, let's celebrate our success and prepare for the next chapter of our journey."

Announcer: And where do you think you're going the exams just began this was step one of the trials.