
Naruto: Uzumaki Rebirth

Waking up in a body that is not mine was pretty confusing. Waking up as a redheaded Naruto Uzumaki even more so. A village on the horizon of an invasion. Being hunted by a organisation of people who could kill me with a pencil, John Wick style, was not pleasant either. There was only one thing I could do...wait, what is shooting out of my hand! Strong!Naruto, Redhead!Naruto, SI

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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Authors Note:

Welcome back to another chapter! If you like the content don't forget to follow/powerstone the story.

If you do not like it, please let me know why, so I can improve myself.

If you do not want to wait for the next update here, head over to (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N)/Tronic42 and read on. I am up to Chapter 9 over there.

Of course, you do not have to do that! The remaining chapters will be posted here eventually.

If you decide to donate to me, then a big THANK YOU!

Chapter 4

[Naruto Uzumaki]

"Is that a seal on the gate?" asked Naruto. Probably something like a barrier, connected to some kind of identification. I can even feel the large amount of chakra surrounding the house like a bubble.

"Yes, Naruto-kun. It is an identification seal, which uses blood. It should be the only time you need to use it. There are other seals connected to it, which will recognize your specific chakra signature every time you step over the barrier. Should someone try to step over the barrier who is not keyed in…well, it would be most unpleasant I believe." Hiruzen chuckled.

That is only the seal for identification?! I thought it would also contain the barrier…I really need to learn Fuinjutsu. Naruto thought shocked, that something so "simple" like identification, would need such a complicated sealing matrix. Not that he could understand anything on that piece of paper, but he falsely imagined, that identification seals would not be so complex looking…

Shaking himself of his inner monologue, he bit his thumb lightly, drawing some blood and smeared it on the seal which immediately sucked the blood in until it finished. A few seconds later the whole barrier flared with a light green sheen and settled down again.

That looked so cool. he thought to himself with sparkling eyes.

Seeing Naruto's look of wonder at the display of Fuinjutsu, Hiruzen laughed and beckoned the starstruck Naruto to follow him inside. Maybe you have awakened a new passion in your son with your brilliant work even from the grave. he thought looking at the excited and determined eyes of his successor's son. What do you think, Minato, Kushina?

Looking around in the living room of his parents and his home, Naruto had to admit to himself, that he maybe had risen his expectations a little too high. It was a pretty normal home. There was a kitchen, living room, two bathrooms and three bedrooms with one being that of his parents and one clearly being intended to be his childhood room. It was painted in blue with a few accents in yellow and red.

My parents just took their hair and eye color to paint my room…thought an amused Naruto.

"It's a nice home. Minato and Kushina were not people to buy or display their wealth." interrupted Hiruzen his thoughts.

"It is. I did not necessarily picture it to be something so…normal, ya know." Naruto said sheepishly. "It's probably because I thought about my home for so long that I came up with secret training rooms and incredible advanced technology and what not." he laughed out loud.

Other than that, the fanfiction I read may have played a part in my unnatural expectations. he thought sheepishly.

"The imagination of youth is truly something else." laughed Hiruzen. "I must disappoint you on that front Naruto-kun. Unfortunately, I cannot fulfill your lofty expectations, but there is one room in the basement, that your parents used to store a few ninja related scrolls."

Naruto became a bit more excited at that and snapped his eyes to the stairs leading to the basement.

Seeing his reaction, Hiruzen started walking to the stairs. "I don't know how far Minato came, but he once mentioned to me, that your parents started to write down a few of their basic techniques . They wanted to prepare for your education, but I would not expect too much in-depth knowledge, aside maybe in the form of Fuinjutsu. That was something your mother and father were very passionate about, and no doubt prepared extensively in advance to teach you." reminisced Hiruzen.

"That's okay. A very strong basic understanding of the different shinobi skills is what I exactly need." said Naruto with determination. "To become truly strong, I need to develop my own skillset. Either by creating my own skills and jutsu or improving existing ones by such a margin, that they can be used in different ways."

"It's impressive, that you already realized that crucial piece of knowledge." Hiruzen smiled. "Even your father improved the versatility of Tobirama-sensei's Flying Thunder God jutsu to use it as efficiently, as he did in battle. My sensei could only use it, while standing still and never as rapidly as the Yondaime."

Arriving in the basement there was another identification seal, which required Naruto's blood after which the entered a room of about 25m2. It had bookcases lined on three of the four walls and a weapon regal on the one with the door. The bookcases were labeled with the different shinobi arts.

"Fuinjutsu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Chakra Theory,…woah that's more than I expected" exclaimed an obviously excited Naruto. "A lot of the space is occupied by Fuinjutsu…, there is even material on the basics of pretty much every shinobi art!"

"That…is much more than I expected." murmured a surprised Hiruzen, while looking over the books and scrolls, which were mostly handwritten. "Maybe I underestimated their excitement a little bit." he chuckled. "As exciting as the amount of knowledge is, I would ask you to select a few books. Don't go overboard but take a healthy amount. It could take up to two months before we can visit again. You can seal what you choose to take with you in this storage scroll." Hiruzen instructed handing Naruto a scroll.

After that Naruto collected nearly two dozen books on various subjects and sealed them, with the help of the Sandaime, in the storage scroll. They left the house shortly after that.

Watching the clearly excited and happy boy brought a soft smile onto Hiruzen's features. It was clearly relieving seeing the gloomy boy from a few months ago smiling again.

"Unfortunately, I need to return to my duties once again. Be careful with the contents of the storage scroll Naruto-kun and proceed carefully with their content. If there is something you need help with, write them down. Your instructors will be happy to help you, and if they will not be able to, you can ask me the next time we meet." said Hiruzen seriously.

"Understood. I will be careful and study diligently, old man Hokage-sama!" ended Naruto with a smirk and left laughing to his apartment.

On his way to the apartment, Naruto could not help the genuine smile he had on his face.

Even if the home was more normal than I thought, it was still nice to see my home. I even got to see a few pictures of my parents together.

After eating his dinner, which consisted of meat and rice alongside a salad, he sat on his couch with the storage scroll on top of his cleared table.

Releasing the contents of the scroll by directing his chakra into it, he spread them out on the table. Looking over them he needed to decide in which order he would need to learn the contents. He did not want to waste time by starting something, he could not learn because he lacked the necessary foreknowledge.

"Let's see, with what should I start…maybe some Fuinjutsu or rather Genjutsu. Hmm…" he mused to himself. "I should start with the basics, but do I need to know Genjutsu for Ninjutsu and vice versa…".

Roaming his eyes over everything he took with him from his parent's home, he suddenly stopped on one specific book.

"That's it! I will start with…".

Authors Note:

Welcome back to another chapter! If you like the content don't forget to follow/powerstone the story.

If you do not like it, please let me know why, so I can improve myself.

If you do not want to wait for the next update here, head over to (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N)/Tronic42 and read on. I am up to Chapter 9 over there.

Of course, you do not have to do that! The remaining chapters will be posted here eventually.

If you decide to donate to me, then a big THANK YOU!

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