
Naruto : Until the water understand the fire

Senju Tobirama could not help but admit that he messed up. ****************************** This is a story about Tobirama in alternative universe. This is a translation of another work done by a Korean author on novelpia.com Link is here : https://novelpia.com/novel/276887 but it is all in Korean so.... just read this haha XD

zeroswordstyle · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 7


Uchiha Madara does not know much about Senju Tobirama.

Senju Hashirama's little brother, Izuna's rival, second in command of Senju, the White Ghost, genius ninjutsu developer. He only interacted with his rumors and reputations and only recognized him with his given tittles. He never bothered to think or learn about Tobirama as a human being. There was no reason or urge to do so.

However, as Tobirama became Uchiha's prisoner and started to work in his house for two weeks Madara started to ponder.

'What the hell is this guy.'

From sweeping the yard to cleaning the floor, cutting firewood, and washing Izuna's mischievous dirty laundries, Tobirama has completed his given jobs and roles with great efficiency. At first he struggled for a bit but, soon he became very proficient in completing any household chores or tasks, to a point in which the head of the housekeeper thanked him for bringing this youth and asked where he found such great young man. Madara did not answer.

Madara did not want to know that the Senju's second in command, known as avatar of cold-bloodedness, cruelty, and evil to most Uchiha ninja, is actually a person with sincere and earnest work attitude. He initially doubted if Tobirama was trying to lower their guard, but he soon figured out that this is Tobirama's personality.

"... What are you doing."

"As you can see, I am meditating."

'To meditate in the middle of enemy territory… what kind of mindset this guy even has. And to do this every day…'

Tobirama's living quarter was set right next to Madara's for easier monitoring. Although suppressed by the seal, the calm and steady chakra proved that he was truly meditating.

Besides meditating, he exercised to maintain his body. Moreover, Madara did not know what Tobirama had done, but he somehow got close with other workers in the house and even started to read some books in the house. This was possible because most of the civilian Uchihas do not know what Senju Tobirama looks like and only vaguely understand what Senju Tobirama truly represents in ninja world.

For Madara, Tobirama's action only made him more and more confused. He sensed that he cannot let this go any further.


"Yes Clan head."

"This is his monitoring report right?"

"... Yes."

'But why is it that this sounds more like an excellent employee attendance report.'

Hikaku avoided Madara's questioning gaze.

"Moreover, Kagami..."

"We have determined that there wasn't any dangerous or detrimental interaction or motive."


'What is he up to?'

Tobirama and Kagami's contact was out of Madara and Hikaku's expectation, but their interaction was even more out of their expectation. Tobirama did not harm Kagami in anyway. Even if Tobirama's physical prowess was suppressed by the seal, it should not have been any problem for him to subdue a child and take him as a hostage. However, the fact that a relationship is forming between Tobirama and Kagami brought headache for Madara. It is quite troubling to learn that young clansman of their Uchiha clan became friends with a potential or immediate enemy.

"Perhaps he assessed that he has no value as a hostage, or he might be planning a different picture."

"Which ever it is, it is not good. Quickly separate them."

"Right –" "Caw!"

The summoned crow sitting on Hikaku's shoulder suddenly interrupted their conversation with a cry. At the same time Hiakaku's face began to fill with perplexity.

"What happened?"

"That guy! Excuse me clan head!"

Watching Hikaku suddenly flicker out, Madara pondered for a moment and decided to also take action. He guessed that Tobirama might have done something.

Meanwhile, Tobirama was staring at Kagami with a troubling expression.

"It hurts..."

"... Did I not tell you to not run around on field of pebbles before."

A few seconds ago, Kagami missed his step while running around the stream and fell. Both of his knee began to redden significantly, and Kagami only shed a bit of tears from pain.

Tobirama carried Kagami and then suddenly came to a halt.

'To carry this child to his home seems... impossible. I will be hacked to pieces by the Uchihas. But, it seems quite unlikely for Kagami to return home on his own....'


"sniff, yes?"

"Where is your home?"

"uh...It's over there."

Kagami's fingers pointed at a house little apart from village.

'If it is that house.'

"....You said you have an aunt back home."


From previous interaction Tobirama learned that Kagami's aunt is his only family left. The problem for Tobirama was whether, she was a ninja or not. If she is a civilian, there should be no problem for him, but if she is a kunoichi… then current him might not be able to handle her.

"Do you think that she can fetch you back home?"

"That should be difficult. Aunt always walks around with a cane."

'Disability, or permanent leg injury. I might be in luck. Injury to the leg should allow him to escape if she even recognize him.'

Just in case something unexpected occurs, Tobirama stared at the monitoring crow and sent his message.

"I am going to take this kid back to his home. Just in case any accident occurs, send a clone over."

Tobirama did not wait for any response and started to move. Works are better when done as soon as possible. While being carried, Kagami asked,

"Why are you talking to a crow?"

"You will find out soon."

The house not too far away from the stream and the village was neither big nor small, just enough for two to live together. If Tobirama could properly utilize his chakra he should be able to sense and gauge Kagami's aunt, but now he can only rely on information that she relies on cane to move around.

Tobirama slowly knocked on the door twice.

"... Who is it?"

"Excuse me. I brought Kagami. He got hurt while playing around."

"What? Kagami got hurt?"

Soon rustling sounds came from the opposite side of the door and Tobirama could hear a rushed stumping noise of the cane getting closer. And the door opened.

"Where did he…...!!!"

A typical Uchiha woman with refined appearance and long dark black hair tinge of blue rushed out of the door while holding onto a cane. However, as soon as she took a look at the visitor her eyes widened with surprise.

"Senju Tobirama?!!!"

A moment later her black eyes stained into bloody red color. Tobirama reflexively avoided eye contact and began to regret his decision. She was a kunoichi, retired from injury and more importantly one who awakened sharingan. He quickly calculated if his monitor could catch up anytime soon and swiftly placed Kagami on the ground and prepared to escape before she starts her pursuit. It was at that moment,

"Wait! Don't leave yet!"

The retired kunoichi called out to him. He could not hear any hurried footsteps for pursuit. He slowly turned to take a look.

The sharingan in her eyes were no more. Kagami, whom he quickly placed on the ground, was fast asleep. It did not take long to guess that the kunoichi used her eyes to put Kagami to sleep….? And Tobirama slowly realized that she held no malice or hatred in her eyes. Only a deep sense of fatigue.

".... Can we talk for a bit."

Tobirama creased his brows, but did not directly reject her offer.