
chapter 7

back at my world

aunt Jessie was in a mess

it all started 5 years ago 1 week after I went missing

she found a picture of her sister in a small drawer covered in clothes aunt jessie picked up the photo and saw her sister my mother smiling brightly with a peace sign in the air as she leaned on her husband's arm who smiled as he was a caring a 3 year old me on his shoulders grinning a megawatt grin

she started to realize how wrong she was and cried

" im sorry Aaron im sorry please come home.. please"she whispered as she hugged the picture while sobbing silently to herself


I was sleeping negative emotions plowing my head as every memory was flowing into place I wanted revenge I wanted to get back at the people for what they've done to me..until I remembered... one particular memory

flash back

"Mom why do people hate" A 3 year old Aaron Harvey Asked his mother curiously as she was sitting on her chair fixing some clothes

she smiled sadly

"Its a part of life honey"

"theirs always reasons why people do what they do most of the time we dont understand it but somethings happen to them causing their views of the world to change

"it ends up causing them to make bad decisions"

"people fear what they don't understand most of the time we act on our fears"

"people who do terrible things to other people end up wanting revenge and will try and do terrible things in return"

"its an endless cycle"

she then looked at me and smiled

"later in life.. your going meet people who love you and people who hate you"she then put her hand on my shoulder

"If you hate and get revenge you will be no better than them"

"promise me this no matter what they do to you forgive them and move on..because its in forgiveness that will make you stronger"

I looked down for a moment before I looked back up My eyes lit up in determination as I grinned a huge grin


"thats my boy" she grinned her eyes full of pride as she ruffled my hair

flash back end

I woke up with a gasp and smiled

"thank you mother" I spoke softly to myself as I looked up I blushed as I spotted a nipple in my face

hela and the girl from earlier I thought was sleeping in the nude with their tits pressed against my shoulders

a girl with gorgeous black hair laying on top of me Along with 2 other females gorgeous one with red hair and another one with silver both snoring they all have bodies that will make most hottest supermodels green in envy

My ears turned pink when I heard the girl from earlier and the black haired girl moaning in there sleep

"yes give me more naru~kun more"

"fuck me harder master harder"

"I am not a pervert I am not a pervert I am not a pervert" I repeated silently to myself

my face turned a darker shade of red as I felt her grind on me

{activate fortnite teleportation device} it appeared in an instant and I teleport-ed out of the room

deactivate it

it disapeared as I sighed

"Im sorry Im not ready to have kids Yet" I muttered to my self

[did you enjoy your morning sir] jarvis spoke as he appeared randomly Making scream in surprise

as I turned around I saw that jarvis was in his vision Outfit grinning like a mad man "Uh jarvis who where those people I only new one of them" I asked nervously

[oh the one that you just meet yesterday thats kami the one in the black hair is chaos the one in the other silver that you havent seen is artemis as the red head is hestia all virgin goddesses] he smiled as if it was a normal thing

my eyes widen in shock

"no way you mean to tell me that all of those women in that room are primordial s and goddesses" I yelled in shock before I two soft orbs on my back

as I looked back I saw two black orbs that looked like galaxys staring lustfully at me making me gulp

as I looked around I noticed everyone staring lustfully and lovingly at me

"uh jarvis.. a little help" I asked nervously jarvis shook his head

[have fun] he grinned

"YOU TRAITOR" i yelled dramatically as I was dragged into the bedroom with my wives

lemon warning

w-what hold on what are you doing I stuttered before I started moaning chaos was bobbing my head up in down

{god this feels good} I thought Hela started to lick my testicles making me moan even harder as I was doing this artemis and hela started to suck on my nipples while kami sat on my face

"so soft" I muttered before

A strange glint came in my eyes I smacked her pussy making her gasp she and the rest of the girls looked on me in shock I smirked they grinned kami moaned in pleasure as I ssucked her ass

chaos placed her pussy in my dick making us gasp

"so tight" I groaned

she smirked at my expression then started to ride on me her dd cup breast jiggling as she moaned out in pleasure

2 minutes later

"I want you to fuck me as hard as you can" kami said the rest of the girls nodding in agreement

My eyes widened before I smirked I made two handsigns and I flipped them over

"shadow clone jutsu"

in an instant 5 clones appeared as I entered six path sage mode there eyes widen before they grinned lustfully

I me and my clones smirked at each other before we put our dick in their pussy fast making all of them gasp wide eyed

golden blood dripping from their pussy as I fucked each time My waist hit their ass shock waves echoed through the forest the ground is shaking as Im pounding them into the bed

you can here them scream "fuck me harder master harder and give me more give me more MORE

artemis was in a dazed state

never in her life had she felt this good before she never imagined she would love a man but here she was she found a man that was unlike any other she will bear his children

hestia couldnt think she was drowned in pleasure

":FISHCAKE iM CUMMING" chaos screamed as her eyes started to roll to the back of her head like everyone else

"so am I" I growled I smacked all of their asses It jiggled as they cummed silver substance flowing out from their body before they fainted all of them had dazed smiles on their faces

I looked at them and felt a sense of pride before I felt my body change again energy started to gather around me from them

My hair and eyes turned green as a flaming green aura formed around me my and muscles got Skinner my body was glowing ( exactly like super saiyan god except its green instead of red) then

blue particles started to release from chaos and kami I watched in amazement as It absorbed in my body

my muscles grew bigger as my hair turned from green to turned silver my eyes turned from green to gold and shined brighter than the sun a silver aura formed around me (he aura was like goku's mastered ultra instinct )

"woah" I gasp

"what is this power "I asked my self as i looked at my glowing hands

[congratulations sir] jarvis spoke

[ not only have you become immortal but it seems that you've unlocked your god form and your primordial form]

I could sense pride echoing through his voice

Jarvis can you give me a mirror

a mirror appeared in my hand as I looked at myself

my eyes widen

{ultra instinct} I I thought

I grinned a megawat grin before fainted