
chapter 4

it was about few minutes left and I finally arrived at the location gaara was tired as kazuku looked at me in confusion

yo! garra long time no see dattebayo I said as the armor disappeared leaving me in my xeno goku out fit

looks like you could use a bit of help

gaara's eyes widen in recognition

"thank you uzumaki" before he fainted

just then hidan came out he looked pissed

"where the fuck did that staff come from"

my eyes widen in alarm


{jarvis summon hella }

as soon as I said that dark fog like mist appeared and felt to soft mounds on my back making me freeze

"hello my love" a females voice spoke" seductively Ive waited a long time for you to summon me she said

as I turned my eyes widen she looked exactly as she had looked in the comics only more beautiful

"h-hello" m-my name uh.. you already who I am but uh I am kinda in a pickle here heh maybe you can help me out I asked nervously as my eyes couldnt get away from those huge boobs

she chuckled I could see a glint forming in her eyes as she held out her hand and a skive appeared

"you mean those two the one according to your memory cheat death" I nodded

"I will be happy to my dear "she replied

as they got in a stance hidan and kazuku both had a maniac grin on his face


team kakashi and asuma had arrived along the scene

kakashi asuma and shikamaru's eyes widen

before shikamaru went back to his lazy state

" troublesome theres no doubt in my mind that that's naruto "

Ino's eyes widen "wait what" she asked her mouth open in disbelief

"yeah theres noway that hunk could possibly naruto" sakura stated i agreeing with Ino

{so that's the kyuubi jinchuriki danzo would want to here about this} sai thought

"you sure shika"? cho asked as he stopped munching on his chips and stared on in shock

"he is right that's naruto theres no denying it we should report this to lady tsuande" asuma spoke

kakashi nodded

"for now it seems like there going to fight lets watch and see what would happen"

kakashi said

{lets see how much youve grown naruto} kakashi thought as he uncovered his sharinghan

meanwhile with me and hella

I put my power pole in my holder on my back

{jarvis can you give me a rail gun from gta v please}

in an instant a weapon appeared in my hands making people wide eyed and Hela smirk

"really honey.. "?

"the railgun from gta 5" I smirked and nodded before I fired 3 times


in an instant three of kazukus hearts were destroyed

"shit" he cursed as he was more cautious now

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" hidan shouted wide eyed

"oh I am so going to have fun with you tonight" hela whispered seductively as she leaned in and licked my ear slowly making me shudder as huge blush appeared on my cheeks

ino and sakura stared on in disbelief

shikamaru was wide eyed but then went back to his normal state

"troublesome" he stated

kakashi felt pride for his student to win such a babe cho dropped his chips

and asuma just stared

and sai just had a fake smile on his face

hela then appeared in front of hidan punched him in the stomach making him spit out blood before he flew back several miles before crashing to the ground

"you bitch" he yelled angrily before she appeared above him and sliced him up with her giant skive

her skive glowed black as she slashed sending a wave of black energy toward hidan making him curse before he evaporated into nothingness

"too easy"she smirked as she blew the smoke off from her skife and walked back to her fiances location

meanwhile with me

"so your the kyuubi jincuriki mine telling us where you've been these last few years and how you managed to get this power"

"nope not telling" I replied grinning I tried firing the gun but something was wrong

{crap im out of ammo} I thought before I felt a tingling sensation I bended my head back and saw a knife flying past me

"so thats what spider sense feels like" I muttered "cool" before I started to doge more

3 minutes later

{damn it how many knifes does he have} I thought wide eyed

as he flung a kunai I doged it before I fired a web at it and swung it back at kazuku right at the heart

"thats 4 one more but im no killer Ima let my fiance kill you for me cause its her job" I replied smirking

"fuck how did you find out how many hearts I have"? he asked angrily

"Its a secret"I replied in a smartass tone making him even more angry as he was about to charge at me until he saw the end of a black skife appear in his stomach

"fuck" was all he said before he exploded in red blood splashing everywhere

"well that was fun thanks hela chan" I said with a smile

she nodded before she grabbed me by the jacket and pulled me into a kiss shocking the rest of the kanoha group

"Ino are you seeing this" sakura asked mouth open in disbelif

"im seeing but still working on believing" she replied just as shocked

kakashi was giggling perversely while asuma just stared

shikamaru just muttered a troublesome while sai had a fake smile on his face

1 minute later she let go

I just stood there wide eyed gaping at her with a mega blush on my cheeks

she smirked sexily

"I'll be waiting dear"she walked slowly with her hips swaying side to side as she disappeared in a black flaming vortex

I just stared for a moment with a dazed smile on my face

when I turned back my eyes widen in surprise

I saw the kanoha group

"uh.. hey"? I said nervously

Kakashi eye smiled as the rest just stared

{hey uh jarvis}

[yes sir]

{can you give me flash's suit from justice league gods among us I dont trust them at all since I dont have my memory of this place and you said it is not like the canon right I need to leave here as fast as I can }

[as you wish sir]

hey narut- asuma was about to say something when he was interrupted by a surge of power my eyes filled with electricity as red electricity sparked all over my body

all the kanoha nins stared on in shock

"kakashi do you think its the kyuubi" asuma asked nervously

"no this is not the kyuubi this is all him" kakashi replied seriously

shocking the group

"I'm sorry I cant trust you" I spoke my voice vibrating into a deeper different voice making the kanoha nin flinch

"WAIT NARUTO" kakashi shouted panicked

I ran toward gaara faster than the kanoha nin could blink put him on my shoulder and ran back to the forest leaving a sonic boom in my wake

the kanoha nin were wide eyed

"lets go we have to report this to the hokage"kakashi said as the rest nodded before they left