
chapter 3 revelations

Once I woke up I looked around

The area was a mess

the top half of like five trees were laying on the ground

I sat down on the branch and sighed

[glad your awake mr. uzumaki] jarvis spoke through my mind

My eyes widen jarvis- wait uzumaki I uh think you got the wrong person jarvis my name is not uzumaki its Aaron harvey""

[no sir you are uzumaki]


"I remember everything when I was born so unless I disappeared at birth I cant possibly be naruto uzumaki plus I don't even have whisker marks"

[ you were banished from your village ]

[kyuubi gave you knowledge to reincarnate in a new reality and live your life over again]

[as a result he died but his essence is still there and thanks to the creator he will reform back into your mind ]

"oh ok" I nodded my head

[the creator saw this and waited 16 year to take you back he also gave you a new power to summon anything related to video games and me to guide you along the way]

my eyes widen and my grin formed enlarged it could almost split my face

"hell yeah" I screamed excitedly but paused

"wait then how do I use it and wont people steal it " I asked confused and worried

[just tell me and I will do it for you and it wont be stolen because its bound to your soul sir they wont be able to use it unless you let them ] jarvis replied

"oh ok I nodded" a little relieved

{now lets see if I can try this}

"jarvis Activate Iron man armor mark L " I stated at this their was a flash of light appeared and I was in a new type of iron man armor

[mark L iron man armor online and ready ] jarvis stated


{the game didn't even come out yet interesting}

"deactivate armor" the armor flashed away

hey jarvis can you make it so that theres no flash of light

[as you wish]

what about clothing jarvis? I asked

[Anything related to games mr uzumaki clothes weapons ships cars trucks even people] my eyes widen in shock

"wait a second.. If I summon them I dont want to force them if they don't want to besides even if did what if they betrayed me" I asked

[they wont. they will be completely loyal to you as they seen the life you have by the creator and you have become the most respected man in all of existence]

my eyes widen in shock

"WHAT" I screamed

jarvis chuckled [indeed sir lets just say you have quite the fanclub as well the women are beautiful they have instantly fell in love with you demons goddesses angels devils humans warriors and women of other races ]

[once they saw your memories and your face and how pure your soul is they quickly fell madly in love with you]

my face turned turned red as he continued

[and since you are the last male of your clan you are aloud to have a harem you could be a harem king with all the women in your anime and manga falling in love with you kukuku]

"jarvis stop it" I said my face red in embarrassment

but then may face turned to a depressing frown

"why would they like me.. none of the girls in my world rejected me or never payed attention"

[those girls are idiots] he simply stated

[besides why would you want them when you got an army of smoking hot females all wanting to get in your pants and love you for you lets not forget their willing to share]

"JARVIS" I yelled my face had a full blown blush with steam coming out of my ears

{honestly this must be a different jarvis from the games he never was like this}

I thought embarrassed

[ the creator has already got you engaged to some people]

[like kami from naruto.. yes kami is a she artemis and hestia lightning farron from final fantasy hella from marvel wonder women from dc and other gorgeous females]

I my eyes widen I couldnt take it anymore I fainted

minutes later I woke up

"so jarvis you are saying that all these women are engaged to me EVEN THE FREAKING MAN HATER AND THE GODDESS OF DEATH HERSELF besides isnt she evil"? I asked shocked

[yes most girls were evil or hated all males but once they saw what you went threw and still remained pure even if you dont remember it they still saw it there views of the world changed]

I smiled ok

but then frowned doesnt that make me a god though

jarvis chuckled yes once you mate with all of them you would become immortal you are already titled a primordial by your marriage with kami"

[they are looking forward to having your kids be ready when you meet them]

"ANY WAY" jarvis is it ok if I can change my clothes to xeno gokus clothing from the game db heroes

[trying to change the subject are we]

I glared


in an instant clothing appeared and I was wearing an exact repleca of xeno goku's clothing from the game db heroes

{ok now only if I had a power pole with the thing to put it in and attach it to my back}

"jarvis can you give me the power pole too"

the second i said that I felt my back become heavier

Jarvis can you give me a mirror

a mirror appeared in my hand when I looked at it I froze in shock

{how did I get these muscles I never worked out before and now my muscle mass rivaled goku's and when did those whisker marks appear}

{now that I think about it I do look like a buff version of naruto uzumaki so I guess jarvis was righ}t

my face then gained an excited look as I took out my staff and pointed it at random

"POWER POLE EXTEND" the second I said that the staff enlarged farther than I expected

"FUCK" a voice cursed seconds later I heard a crash and an explosion

my eyes widen

{that sounds like hidans voice} i thought as my power pole returned to normal size

"jarvis scan the area where are we"

a blue holographic wave enveloped the area for a few seconds

[scanning completed]

[it seams we are near the village hidden in the sand sir] jarvis replied

{well then it seems like my friend gaara is in trouble} i thought as I pushed my self up to stand on the branch

"hang in their gaara because your friend aar- ahem naruto uzumaki is coming" I shouted as I did a pose similar to the ginyu force

"jarvis activate iron spider from the game spiderman ps4"

in an instant the iron spider appeared and I felt the powers of a spider flow into my veins

[iron spider suit is online and ready]

" lets go"

I jumped off the branch free falling before I started to web sling out of the forest once there was nothing left for me to websling

I used my thrusters and flew toward the source of the scream