In the tranquil Konoha of a summer that marked its 51st year, a three-year-old Uzumaki Naruto carefully tucked his pocket money into his pocket before stepping out of his home. "Can I play with you?" he asked timidly, eyeing two children nearby who were happily engaged in their game. Envy flickered in Naruto's heart as he approached them.
"OK!" the little boy agreed, to Naruto's delight. "Great!" Naruto cheered, feeling the world brighten around him. But his joy was short-lived.
"Let's go, stop playing," one of the children's mothers intervened abruptly, her tone firm. "Mom, I haven't had enough," protested the child, but he was swiftly dragged away, with a stern reminder to avoid Naruto in the future.
Confusion gnawed at Naruto, yet he remained silent, having learned from similar encounters before. As he traversed the streets, the sky seemed to darken, mirroring the shadows in his heart.
Amidst the wary glances of passersby, Naruto trudged on, acutely aware of the disdain and malice directed his way. These hostile gazes, brimming with an unsettling desire for his demise, forced Naruto to adapt, to accept his solitude before all else.
Pausing outside a shop, Naruto's gaze fell upon a fox mask, igniting a spark of hope within him. But his attempt to purchase it was met with cold rejection. "I'm not selling you anything here, God of Plague!" the shopkeeper snapped, shoving Naruto out with disdain.
"Why won't you sell me anything? I have money!" Naruto protested, his frustration boiling over. But his pleas fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the shopkeeper's contemptuous words.
Before he knew it, a crowd had gathered, their murmurs growing increasingly ominous. Naruto trembled, feeling suffocated by their collective hostility.
Suddenly, an egg struck his face, followed by a barrage of insults and projectiles. "I'm not a demon fox! I have a name—Uzumaki Naruto!" he cried out, his voice cracking with anguish.
But his protestations only fueled their hatred. "Look at his eyes, it really is a demon fox!" someone shouted, and chaos ensued. Naruto was bombarded from all sides, his world spinning into darkness.
Then, a voice cut through the frenzy—an ANBU ninja, rescuing him from the mob's wrath. Naruto was whisked away, his heart heavy with confusion and pain.
Back home, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen's gentle reassurance offered Naruto a glimmer of solace. "You are not a demon fox, Naruto," he affirmed, his touch a soothing balm to Naruto's wounded soul.
Yet, as Naruto drifted into an uneasy sleep, questions lingered in his mind. "Why are they doing this to me?" he murmured, his thoughts consumed by a longing for acceptance and understanding.
Above him, a meteor streaked across the sky, heralding the dawn of a new day in Naruto's tumultuous journey. And as he slept, a faint whisper echoed in his mind: "Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improvement. The terrain is Kun, the gentleman carries things with great virtue."
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