
Naruto : Uchiha Clan

The story : "What if Naruto had been born into the same timeline as the legendary Sannin? Imagine if he were a member of the Uchiha clan, yet shunned by the entire village because he was Izuna Uchiha's son and Madara Uchiha's grandson. How might the story unfold as he carves his unique path, earning the village's respect and affection, ultimately ascending the ranks to achieve the unthinkable: becoming the Hokage, a feat no Uchiha had ever accomplished." Naruto X Tsunade ===================== Disclaimer : I don't own anything

sybife · Komik
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102 Chs

Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 83

All three chains converged in on him like a helix in formation, intent on piercing and pulling him back to make some distance at the same time.

Not like he was having any of it …


A huge burst of chakra in his soles, and he was off the ground like a spring high in the air.

Like a bouquet the chains spread and swirled to keep their momentum and direct it upwards - straight at him while he was still in mind air.

And completely vulnerable.

But in a flash his sword was sheathed again in it's holster. His hands forced themselves in his hip pouch and plucked out the metal stars and kunais he was looking for in a split second.

His Sharingan watched the chains come towards him calmly. Still being upside down in mid air mind you. Slinging out the end of a small coil of ninja wire in his teeth, it was sown in expertly through all the weapon's holes before any human eyes could do so much as to follow those movements.

A shinobi had to be as discrete as possible.

Tobirama had always been adamant in that point whenever the man was training him.

So he began the hypothesis to test his opponent a little.

Like an upside down top, he spun.

Each shuriken between his fingers was launched at a precise gap of time, so as to hit each target perfectly well.

Almost inhumanely well…

And hit their target they did.

Like a cyclone of metal, each shuriken embedded itself in the small gap right in between each link of the chain. Each chain getting speared by dozen of weapons, each right in between the weak point of it's links.

And it served it's purpose, embedding the three chains to various trees way too far away from each other. In a show of acrobatic ability, he twisted and turned his body, straightened himself out and landed on his feet;

His feet landed on the chains sprouting from her back to be precise, one foot on each of her chains.

Naruto let his knees bend at right angles to soak up the impact of the fall, but also for another purpose.

Like a predator, he leaned his chin down near her shoulder- his lips grazing past her ears to let his menacing, panting breaths tickle her cold ears.

"Now you're done."

His voice, almost resonating a bloodthirsty shinigami for a moment, whispered ever so softly in her ear.

She glanced back just for a second, just to see his shadowed face only letting her see those luscious eyes of his.

Her eyes closed - partly half lidded and her face started showing signs of relief when she looked on ahead. All restraints she was keeping to keep herself composed went out the window as soon as she had heard that whisper.

But they were utterly crushed seeing that intimidating way he had threatened her just now.

This boy was just too much for her…

As if turning to jelly, the girl's legs gave way and she fell down. Her chains disappearing too - due in part to the sudden blanking out of her mind.

The girl's breathing became labored, she could feel her heart hammer and a small thing that annoyed her was that he had ruined her frock a little.

She had liked that frock - especially,when she had taken it after killing the store owner for it.

But she liked this boy even more.

Like a schoolgirl being found up skirt, she clenched her frock down her thighs shyly. Her cheeks a brilliant shade of red while she relished in the aftermath of her sudden, yet pleasured release.

A slick noise, almost inaudible to anyone sort of a slinging noise gave way as Naruto unsheathed the sword from over his right shoulder. Placing it's shining blade by the side of her neck, he narrowed his eyes when she didn't even so much as flinch from it's cold touch.

But he had to do something before he finished her off.

He needed some information out of her.

This was something he wouldn't be able to live with - if he didn't accomplish right now.

Tobirama would certainly have his head for not finishing his enemy off when she was clealry out of it. But he decided to be a bit foolish for now in the name of some interrogation…

Not that it made him feel any less stupid…

"Why did you do it?" his voice was icy, sharp and to the point.

He needed answers, and kami damn it - he needed them now.

To think she had wiped off a whole damn village off the map, even if she had the skills to do it - her reasons, he had to hear.

When she didn't answer for five seconds, he released the pressure off her neck to make some momentum and be done with it.

But his sword stopped it's final swing when she did in fact speak.

"Because of you." her answer made his blood drop a few degrees in temperature.

Every cell in his body chilled while he had half a mind to let her head roll just for the ridiculous nonsense she was spouting.

And every damn sense of his screamed at him to kill and run.

But when she continued on, each word she said made his mind and heart race at a million miles an hour.

"I came here in the afternoon and I waited, and I waited and I waited..." her shy eyes glanced at him innocently, his own eyes as chilly as they were a moment ago. But she was far from finished. "…but you didn't come." gulping thickly, his own hands trembled slightly.

What was she saying?

Was he the one she was here for?

Her voice once more broke his thoughts of a million questions…

"So I got bored, but I stayed put like a good girl. But that annoying guard just had to set me off, so I just killed him off and be a good girl again. But then, I don't why, they all panicked and well…here we are …" with each word, horror overtook his very being hearing her reasons for such a wide scaled massacre.

All because a guard had ticked her off?

She went on ahead and killed them all?

To top it all off, she was saying it so innocently as if she were the victim here.

But one question still boiled up and down his mind.

Logic took hold of his mind for a single second before he went through with his instincts completely.

"The bodies, where are they? What did you do with them?" tightening his blade over her skin to prick it slightly and draw a trickle of blood, he emphasized his point and her current position.

The corpse of a shinobi was valuable, but the corpses of a shinobi whose whole clan was now probably extinct was invaluable.

He had to know what she had done with her.

"Oh those…" her off handed voice made the pressure on her neck increase even further, he was grinding his teeth into dust by now.

What the hell was she?

Just one wrong word, and swear as he might upon his clan's name;

Her head would roll…

"I staked them right outside the other end of the village on a few trees, made it seem like a bouquet of sorts. It was a little hard but it really is pretty, I'll show you…" was all she could spout out before he had cleaved her head straight off her neck.

And just like he had expected, her head and body splattered down into water.

A substitution.

Before he could so much as blink, dozens upon dozens of chains broke out from underneath his feet and staked all across his body - each one at a non fatal point.

She wasn't here to kill him.

She was here just for him, the rest had only been victim's.

And like a clean pane of glass, everything made sense to him.

He hadn't walked into a village where enemy shinobi were looking for anyone to kill.

No, he had walked into something much much worse.

For, Naruto Uchiha, had willingly walked into a trap laid there just for him.

He wasn't the predator here - he was the prey.

And just like the predator he had surmised her to be, she came out from behind him - her slender, frail looking arms snaking around his staked torso.

"You're not the only one who knows clones."

His whisper made her look at him confused, as was shown by the cute flick of her head to the side. But her eyes widened when the boy pierced in her chains disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

A shadow clone.

"You really are too much Naruto-kun, no wonder he wants you so much. Run, but you won't escape me…" her whisper accompanied with a bloodthirsty smile looking so much more deadly on her innocent young seventeen-year-old face while she willed her chain back into her body for the time being.

"… I will have you love. For me, and only me has the right to completely destroy you. Let's play if you want to hehe…" her melodic giggles filled up the clearing as she made her way out with a slight sway of her hips.

She couldn't wait to feel the fun when she broke free the chains that were holding him back so much.

He really had so much potential, just like 'he' had told her…


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