
Naruto : Uchiha Clan

The story : "What if Naruto had been born into the same timeline as the legendary Sannin? Imagine if he were a member of the Uchiha clan, yet shunned by the entire village because he was Izuna Uchiha's son and Madara Uchiha's grandson. How might the story unfold as he carves his unique path, earning the village's respect and affection, ultimately ascending the ranks to achieve the unthinkable: becoming the Hokage, a feat no Uchiha had ever accomplished." Naruto X Tsunade ===================== Disclaimer : I don't own anything

sybife · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
102 Chs

Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 7

"Well that will not be possible…" he reasoned in a sudden calmness that Naruto took as a queue to run.

"SINCE YOU'RE NOT AN ADULT! NOW GET BACK HERE!" he shouted and formed a couple of water whips in his palms. The blonde yelped and ran throughout the clearing, trying to pry off those dangerous looking whips with skillful and last moment dodges.


Tobirama took this time of playful banter to realize how honed his agile instincts really were as he tried to press on slowly a little by little to see and gauge the limits of the blonde that had peeked his interest a bit.

Mito Uzumaki, the heiress to the great Uzumaki clan and the sealing mistress herself was walking in the fields with a baffled look marring her beautiful face, regardless of her age.

She had tried to go and find Tobirama, since Tsunade had to start her Academy tomorrow and had picked the house over her head to go shopping for her dress and equipment with her Ojii-san and Baa-san.

The first place she had looked into, was the first place anyone would go to find the ever stoic Senju these days.

The Hokage Tower.

But what surprised her truly was that rather than finding him there. There wasn't a trace of life near his office. The secretary wasn't there to be seen and Tobirama's desk was unkempt with half filled paperwork stacks.

Now this intrigued her. For a man who was hell bent on getting everything perfect, his table had surprised her. She wondered what had come over him to leave so abruptly like that.

But there was no trace across the Tower for the man. So finally, she had given up and resorted to desperate measures.

Her special ability, Negative Emotions Sensing had kicked in at that moment. She was renowned for her sensing ability as the strongest sensor in the world for quite some time now and was surprised when her senses led her straight towards the back clearing of the Hokage monuments.

" *WHIP* Kyaaa!" she heard a soft yelp followed by what seemed like chasing footsteps. She pushed the bushes away, after following those strange sounds to their source and her violet orbs widened in shock at what she saw.

"Hey come on! Now we're square! Both of us are wet and you hit me once too!" the blonde yelped, dodging another whip while Tobirama was having the time of his life. It had been so long when he had cut loose and he couldn't even remember when he had joined in on some childish antics like this one today.

"The why don't you stop running?" asked Tobirama following the sprinting blonde who picked the small sleeping cub up in his arms and rolled to the side effortlessly for another dodge.

"Will you stop then?" he asked, his breathing a bit erratic now and his voice pretty hopeful. He hadn't intended to piss the man off so much.

"No…" Tobirama said and Naruto's mouth opened and closed at his honest reply wordlessly, completely baffled in confusion. Tobirama wanted to assess his stamina a bit too, plus, not that he would admit it to anyone.

This was a little fun…

"OH COME ON!" he shouted and jumped aside from another whip when his azure eyes caught the stare of the baffled violet ones and a plan formed in his head making him smirk.

Mito stood there, staring at the scene in front of her in utter disbelief. Never had she thought in so many years that she would see Tobirama Senju acting so childishly as if he was his elder brother.

Her thoughts were broken off when a golden blur barreled straight into her waist and a small pair of arms slid around her hips tightly.

She looked down and her motherly instincts kicked in, wrapping her own arms around the little boy's head and brushing his hair gently.

"Hey what's wrong little one?" she asked in a gentle motherly voice and her heart twisted when she saw those doe looking puppy dog eyes that were shimmering a little with unshed tears. Couple with their usual shine and beautiful color, well needless to say the charm worked perfectly.

"Miss, that scary man is chasing me and hurting me…please help me…" he faked a soft sniffle between his words and Mito's eyes turned murderous.

Her reasoning capabilities went out the window as soon as she heard that soft sniffle coupled with those adorable eyes and killing intent washed over the fields while she brought his face close into her stomach.

Tobirama, unaware of it all was wondering where the boy had sprinted off to when he felt a humongous amount of killing intent from behind him making him shiver.

He suddenly had a feeling of foreboding which proved to be quite effective in this case as an Adamantine Chain wrapped around his stomach and reeled him back quickly like a rag doll.

His confused amber eyes stared into the murderous violet orbs of his sister-in-law in utter confusion. He couldn't get why she was so angry and for that matter why he was hanging upside down in mid air while his ankle had a chakra chain wrapped around it.

He turned his head up, which was down in Mito's eyes and his eyes widened a little when he realized what had happened and how much trouble he was in right now.

The blonde giggled softly in Mito's arms who was gushing inwardly, thinking he was feeling ticklish from her strokes and not seeing him stick out his tongue at Tobirama and mouth some words that made Tobirama give him a death glare.

"Shinobi don't play fair old man!" he read the blonde's lips and fumed inwardly when he saw his soft snickers and turned his head down, which was up in Mito's case and saw her scowling face. Her intimidating posture was towering over him, her hands on her hips to make her point clear.

"Mito this is all a misunderstanding you see…" he tried to reason with the bristling Uzumaki heiress who was in no mood for negotiations. Already falling under the charm of Naruto's Puppy Dog Eyes no jutsu.

"Tobirama Senju how dare you scare a little innocent child like that? Have you no shame? I didn't expect this, least of all from you." her regal voice scolded him and he shrunk a little like a child in front of his mother.

"But I didn't…" he said again but trailed off when he saw her eyes narrow dangerously and his ear was being pulled and twisted quite painfully.

"Now listen here big man, if I find you chasing innocent children and scaring them like that again…" she trailed off and he gulped seeing her silent threat, nodding furiously.

He sweat dropped a moment later. Wasn't he a Hokage and the strongest shinobi in the world right now?

To be scolded by a woman, being held upside down at that was a great wound to his pride. Especially, in front of the blonde who was barely stifling his giggles and watching the scene in amusement.

Tobirama threw him a betrayed glare when he was dropped face first into the ground unceremoniously. His body twitched a couple of times comically, and Mito's eyes turned to the blonde who was hiding in her embrace snuggling happily and they softened instantly.

"There no one will trouble you like that again , alright?" she asked and he nodded ever so innocently with a grateful smile. He smiled at the nice woman and nodded happily, she had a calming aura that made him smile and go to her almost instantly.

They heard a cough and Naruto turned to see Tobirama dusting his clothes off and trying to gather up what was left of his wounded pride right now.

"So Mito what brings you by her to find me?" he asked trying to change the subject and the Uzumaki heiress blinked innocently and realized what she had come here for in the first place.

"Tsunade had picked the house up over her head because you didn't come for her shopping appointment as promised. So, I came to find you but you weren't at the Tower and then that search led me here." she explained simply and he nodded.

"I lost track of time." he said honestly and the Uzumaki heiress gave him a knowing smile. No matter how he tried to mask it she had seen that playful smirk on his face when he was involved in his childish antics mere moments ago.

Naruto looked between the two nervously, seeing how they had forgotten about his presence here and looked up at the orange sky only to realize how late it was.

"Umm I should probably just go, it was nice meeting you two." he said in a soft polite tone making the two adults blink. Mito though caught his shoulders and gave him a stern look that made him freeze in place before her eyes softened and she cupped his cheek in her hand gently.

"You must be joining the Academy too right?" she asked softly and he nodded, blushing a bit in embarrassment at how she treated him so kindly. He wasn't used to this behavior with everyone almost always giving him the cold shoulder.

Mito squealed in delight inwardly at the adorable boy who was a shy mess at her mere touch right now. He was so cute!

She turned her eyes to Tobirama who had his arms crossed and was looking at the scene in fascination as if it was a movie for him to enjoy.

"Tobirama since you have missed your spree with Tsunade already, why don't we take this adorable thing with us to make up for lost time?" she asked with a playful smile. He smirked and nodded, raising an eyebrow at the boy who was looking between the two with lost eyes.

"Of course, he is in need of new clothes and equipment for the Academy too." he said, nodding in affirmative. Naruto's eyes widened and Mito watched him squirm nervously.

"What's the matter?" she asked him in a gentle voice and looked to see his adorable wide eyes looking at her apologetically.

"Umm you don't have to, I mean I have clothes already in my house…" he said softly, trying to make them see his point that he didn't really want them to see.

Both elders glanced at each other in confusion before turning back to the nervous blonde.

"Then you must need books and scrolls right? I mean you can't have those since the curriculum is revised almost every year by Tobirama?" she asked him and he bit his lip and said nothing. The two elders were quite curious at his strange actions now.

Mito knew who he was, there weren't many blondes who donned the Uchiha symbol proudly on their shoulders. She knew who he was, the only outcast Uchiha in the village.

And she, for the life of her couldn't see how people could ostracize such an adorable thing in front of them so cruelly.

"How much are they?" he asked softly. Both of their eyes widened a little and they knew now what he was so nervous about.


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