The story : In the hidden village of Konoha, Naruto carries a monumental secret, a hidden intelligence lurking behind his mischievous grin. Yet, he bides his time, waiting for the perfect moment to change averything.
Naruto flashed away again, locking onto the seal he had on Haku's sleeve. He would get the other three out, now that their main goal had been met.
A moment later he appeared to a battle which was clearly going in favour of his comrades. Neji was racing through the lines of soldiers, simply tapping them with a finger, making them fall down.
Haku had another group at the mercy or her thousand flying water needles and Tenten was a little back and hit with deathly accuracy with shuriken and kunais. He could see that there were many tied up in sticky nets that originated from seals tied to kunai that were stuck in the walls.
It seemed that Tenten had used one of his newer seals. Spider net seals to be precise. He grinned. It was good to see that they worked like they should in battle.
The seals were set up to activate if they got close enough to a chakra source not keyed into the seals. After all, you didn't want to hit your allies with a seal like that in battle.
The net would drag the one it hit to the nearest surface and tie him up there thanks to the substance used in the seal being as hard as steel once it hardened. Which only took ten seconds after being exposed to oxygen.
Then he watched ho Neji shot a chakra beam along the corridor, stopping the reinforcements by forcing them to dodge. That also was one of his new creations.
A seal that turned a chakra burst from the part of the body where it was placed into a beam that could fly at distant targets. He had developed it with the Hyuga clan in mind, as they were masters of the gentle fist, which included chakra injections from their fingers.
The problem of many Hyugas was long distance battle, as they didn't want to learn normal ninjutsu, being too proud of their gentle fist. But this way, they were basically just augmenting their existing techniques, which made them much more dangerous fighters than before.
Naruto helped out with a wind jutsu, which also served as a signal to the others to get to him to get out of the fortress. There was no need to fight against everybody that was currently stationed inside the fortress while Naruto had already fulfilled his part of the mission.
Tenten was the first to step next to him, then Neji and Haku followed. They all took hold of him and he transported them away, leaving the soldiers shocked how easily they had been trounced and how helpless they had been in stopping their opponents to get away unharmed.
Once Naruto had Haku's team back at the hideout, he teleported to Gai's position and got him and Lee, even if they had dealt with their opponents decisively.
Both were ranting about being in the springtime of youth and Naruto simply took hold of them to get back to their base. He really needed some chakra replenishment. This had taken up a good half of his reserves.
Transporting people many times was much harder than simply jumping from one seal to the next. And even that cost a good amount of chakra, which was why nobody besides him and his father had ever truly mastered the flying thundergod jutsu.
The chakra cost was immense. He knew from his father's journal that he had dealt with the problem by perfecting his chakra control.
While he had had large reserves, he wouldn't have been able to jump to more than five kunais in a row if not for his perfect chakra control. The creation of the rasengan was another proof of that.
That technique in its full form would cost a lot of chakra normally, but with perfect control, which was ultimately the last step of the jutsu, you could cut down the chakra cost a lot.
Naruto himself compensated with more chakra for his lack of perfect control. While he had great control for somebody with his kind of reserves, not to mention a certain fox inside of him, he would never be that perfect without the help of seals.
And that simply wasn't worth the hassle. Somebody with reserves rivalling a biju on his own didn't need to look out for how much chakra he normally used. He could afford to waste a little.
Neji and Naruto set to work in interrogating Doto after Naruto had got out his concoctions that worked on getting truthful answers out of those not trained in the higher skills of ninjas. Not to mention after they had stripped him from his chakra armour suit. As expected he wore an advanced model, which would have been detrimental in interrogation.
And to face it, while Doto might have known some ninjutsu, they all doubted that he got around to do interrogation resistance training. He was after all attempting to rule a country. Not becoming a full time ninja. The fighting skills would have been much higher on his agenda than other things.
It only took one hour, with lots of swearing and threats from Doto, but they got the gist of what reasons the man had had for his actions.
After all, it made no sense to go after the princess of a country that didn't really plan to return, had she not been tricked and basically kidnapped. Doto was after the family treasure of the Kazahanas and the crystal that Koyuki always wore around her neck was the one existing key to it.
The two got the location of the place where the key had to be inserted to unlock the secret hiding place. Thanks to some recording seals, which the film crew had paid a major sum to Naruto to have them do some recording of the battles inside the fortress for the movie, the movie just needed an impressive conclusion.
The revelation of the treasure of the royal family, after the main villain had been defeated and captured, was perfect. So Koyuki, accompanied by some royal guards, the film crew and the Konoha team, agreed to go there to see what kind of treasure her father had left for her to find. They used some sleighs to get there and the journey was filmed as well.
Doto was also taken along, of course tied up securely, just to make sure to get his defeated impression when he finally got to see the treasure that would now never be his.
Koyuki stepped up to the slot where the crystal had to be inserted. She pulled the necklace from around her neck and then pushed the crystal into the slot.
Nothing happened.
"Shouldn't something happen?" Koyuki asked Doto.
"Yes," he growled, but looked surprised as well.
"Wait, do you hear that?" Naruto asked, taking guarding position next to Koyuki.
The others heard a low rumbling as well now. Then some parts of the ice covering the hills around them broke and fell down.
"There's something under the ice," Tenten pointed out.
"Yes, and it's getting freed," Neji confirmed, "There's a lot of chakra in the air."
"It's also getting warmer," Naruto commented.
Everybody was then surprised when a hologram was projected above their heads. One of Koyuki when she had been younger and her father. Koyuki looked stricken, seeing the memory of her father, when he told her that one day spring would come to Snow Country.
And her declaration that she would both be an actress and a daimyo. For the first time in years, real tears ran down her cheeks.
"No, that can't be the Kazahana treasure!" Doto shouted, "This isn't a treasure, this is rubbish! What kind of treasure are heat generators?"
"For the people of Snow Country this will be the greatest treasure they could receive," Naruto countered calmly, "For a country that never saw spring, these heat generators will finally push back the eternal cold.
While the snow won't leave forever, you'll be able to grow plants, supply your people with food from your own country and won't be dependent on other countries selling you those things for high prices. And with the rightful daimyo back, there will finally be peace."
"Well said, Naruto. I will make sure that my father's dream comes true. And like I already decided as a child, I'm going to do both. Be an actress and rule Snow Country," Koyuki declared.
Naruto smiled at her. It seemed that deep down there had still been a part of Koyuki that wanted to help her people. But not at the price of her life, which she had rightfully feared being on the line, should she come back to this country.
"I guess then you have a coronation to organise," Naruto chuckled.
"Yosh, what a youthful end to a hard mission!" Lee shouted.
Thankfully Neji and Haku prevented that the infernal sunset genjutsu of youth could be triggered. Nobody wanted to have that on tape.
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