
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

012: Prelims and meeting a perverted sage

_______________________________________3 Days later:

In three days Naruto removes anko's curse mark and uses its chakra to increase her chakra pool to high jonin level and she tastes what nature energy feels like.

Sasuke trains his mangekyo sharingan but stop by Naruto by saying that keep your Trump card hidden and tell him heavy use of mangekyou can cause blindness. After that he stopped playing with this mangekyou and started working on his tijutsu.

Naruto eats dinner with her girlfriends and teases iruka about his dates with anko.

As three days end only 6 teams pass the test, five teams of leaf , one team of sand .

Why because Naruto defeats the rain village and takes their scroll and Sasuke kills the sound shinobi.


Tower arena:

As all the teams who passed come into the arena and start making que .

Hokage and his bodyguards appear with second exam proctor Anko.

Anko: first of all, congratulations on passing the second exam.

As hokage starts his speech about the chunin exam is nothing but a small version of war, suddenly a Jonin appears in between Hokage and participants.

Jonin: let me handle this lord Hokage, as i geko Hayate chosen for this task.

As he speaks and looks toward the participants, Gaara speaks .

Gaara: Anything is fine just tell us about the contest.

Hayate : That's what i am going to do.

But before anyone wants to quit, do it now.

As he spoke Kabuto raised his hand to quit, after the affirmation he left the tower but he got Anbu on his trail from now on.


Preliminary round starts :

Big screen back on Hayate show name for the first match

Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi Akadō:

they come down to fight.

Hayate: Both of you are ready ,hajima

As yoroi try to use his speed to make sasuke to use his curse mark but to his surprise sasuke dodge his every move easily and deflect his kunai and shuriken

he tries to use his chakra to block sasuke's chakra points but fails as sasuke can easily dodge them , after that sasuke appears behind yoroi .

Sasuke: let's finish this i am bored ,

"Lion barrage"

As the move hit yoroi full force he fell on the ground with a thud and got unconscious.

Sasuke(arrogant): weak .

Hayate: winner Sasuke Uchiha of the leaf.

Orochimaru thinking why Sasuke did not use his curse mark and curse mark did not activate automatically.


Second match:

As they take yoroi away for treatment

Screen start glowing again and stop on

Shino aburame vs kankuro:

They come inside of the arena

Hayate: Both of you are ready , hajima

As kankuro try to take out his puppet but his body freeze and he become unconscious after few second .

Everyone is surprised to see what happened except rookie nine and shino explain.

Shino: As the proctor said there is no rule in the fight i put my bug on him as the screen showed his name against me and my bug poisoned him to make him unconscious.

On the shino's explanation every one nodded but baki was disappointed with his students.

Guy : this is not very youthful, you have to fight your opponent fairly.

Naruto: And give them a chance to kill you and your comrades.

Guys don't have any words to say to counter Naruto's words.

Everyone was shocked that someone was able to make the guy shut.


Match 3 Sakura Haruno vs Misumi Tsurugi

Sakura finish that match by knocking the shit out of him after he strangle him with his arm and legs .

Hayate: Wi...…winner of the match with knock out, Sakura Haruno.

_______________________________________Match 4

Ino Yamanaka vs Hinata Hyuga

Naruto become silent because he don't know who he cheer for .

and kiba teases him but akamaru stops him by biting his finger.

In arena:

Ino : So we have to fight , let's find out who is better for Naruto.

Hinata: If that's what you want so be it.

Hayate : Hajima.

Waiting area/contestant area:

Shikamaru: Ino loses the match before it's even started, why does she have to provoke Hinata by taking naruto's name.

Asuma: What do you mean Shikamaru.

Shikamaru: the only fight between them is who is going to be Naruto's First wife and nothing makes Hinata more aggressive than taking Naruto away from him.

In arena:

As the match starts they start using ninjutsu and for everyone's surprise that they are seeing a Hyuga water style jutsus .

Ino: " Mind transferring jutsu"

hinata's byakugan is active so she was able to dodge the string of chakra that was sent by ino.

Now hinata takes her tijutsu stance and runs towards ino

Hinata: you are in my range , "8 tigram 256 palms "

2 palms, 4 palms, 8 palms , 16 palms , 32 palms ,64 palms , 128 palms, 256 palms .

You did good ino but you forgot what he said about talking the name of jutsu loud.

Ino: that not to take the name loud.

Everyone was surprised but the one who is surprised the most is hinata's cousin neji.

Hayate: winner Hyuga hinata of the leaf.


Match 5 :

Tenten vs temari:

same as the original Naruto.


Match 6:

Shikamaru vs kiba

Shikamaru: Troublesome but atleast it's not Naruto.

Kiba Nodded and akamaru yelp in agreement.

they reach the arena

Hayate: You both are ready, Hajima

Kiba : I am going all out ," Beast style: fang over fang"

Shikamaru dodge by hair

Shikamaru: "Fire style: phoenix flower jutsu "

As fire drops on the ground by which kiba and akamaru's shadow becomes bigger .

Shikamaru: Shadow possession jutsu complete.

Kiba : Damn, i give up.

Shikamaru: thanks i don't want to do more work.

Hayate: Winner by forfeit, nara Shikamaru.


Match 7 :

Neji Hyuga vs rock Lee.

Naruto: Lee go all out in this match, if not you have to face me

Rookie nine become pale none of them want to fight pissed Naruto, Lee nodded and go to arena.

In the arena:

Hayate: both are ready, hajima.

Lee: Neji let show everyone our flame of youth.

Neji: why even try you always lose against me.

Lee: not this time

They start fighting with tijutsu only and they are equally matched .

Naruto(shouted) : Lee loses your weights

Lee : but guy sensei said i only remove my weight when it's necessary or when he says so.

Guy: Remove them Lee.

Lee nodded and jumped over the ram seal statue and removed his weights


Temari: what the hell, how in the world this guy is even moving.

Kakashi: Guy , you don't think it's too much .

Guy: No , as he wasn't able to use ninjutsu and genjutsu.

Back to fight :

Now Lee is beating the shit out of Neji and Neji doesn't understand what is happening as he is losing against the class loser .

Lee : let's finish this "primary lotus".

As Lee kicks Neji's chin and throws him in the air and binds him with his bandages and fixes him in the ground.

Neji tries to get up but the shock he gets from the impact with the ground, his body gives up.

Hayate: Winner Rock Lee of the leaf.

(A/N: Neji already gets his father's letter because hinata already beat him in their daily spar , after seeing his hate towards the main family Hiashi give him the latter.)

_______________________________________Match 8:

Gaar of the sand vs Choji akimichi

Naruto: Listen me carefully Choji if you get any hint of blood lust from Gaara just forfeit the match, he will kill you .

Choji gulp and nodded to what Naruto say and leave.

Asuma: what do you mean by he kill Choji, Naruto.

Naruto: Well Gaara is....is a jinchuriki like me but he is unstable.

He like killing people to prove his existence , that was he said.

In the arena:

Hayate : Hajima

Choji : "partial expansion jutsu"

as Choji expand his both hand and try to hit gaara but gaara's sand shield take every hit without breaking.

Choji start sweating and panting .

Choji : proctor i give up.

Hayate nodded.

Hayate: winner by forfeit, Gaara of the sand.


Hayate: Naruto Uzumaki you are given by .

Naruto start crying anime tears.

Naruto: i want to fight .

Kakashi: be happy Naruto you are in chunin exam finals.

Hiruzen: first i want congratulate all of you who qualified for the chunin exam finals.

As for now finals will be held after one month so be prepared for that .

Hayate: Now come here and draw one number from this box.

Everyone starts picking up balls on which number is written

Lee: 9

Shikamaru: 3

Hinata: 6

Sasuke: 1

Sakura: 5

Gaara: 7

Temari: 4

Shino: 2

Naruto: 8

Hayate: the series of the match in the final exam will be

First match : Sasuke vs shino.

Second match : Shikamaru vs Temari.

Third match : Sakura vs Hinata

Fourth match : Gaara vs Naruto.

Lee you got bye for second round.

Now go and start training for the finals.


Two days later:

Hokage office:

Naruto: Old man you call me .

Hiruzen: My boy , your Godfather is here , you can find him near any hot spring .

Naruto: Finally i am going to meet him, ok old man good bye.

Naruto runs towards every hot spring to find jiraya.

but found the closest pervert Ibisu.

Naruto: what are you doing here pervert .

Ibisu : I am not a pervert, i am appointed to instruct you for your finals .

Naruto: Go teach konohamaru some useful things.

As they are bickering, a man comes into existence who is sitting over a toad.

(A/N : put a picture of jiraya here)

Jiraya: Hey you broke my concentration, i am doing research for my new book.

Naruto: White hair check ; marking on the face ; haori check , toads near by check , pervert check ;

Hey are you really my Godfather jiraya of the sanins.

Jiraya: Godfather, are you Naruto ??

Naruto: yes, that means you are grandpa jiraya, right.

Jiraya nodded, Naruto charge some chakra in his hand and punch him full force and he fly and hit the wall of hot spring and wall break.

Some random women: PERVERT!!

every women start throwing some random things at jiraya as he start running and Naruto follow him until they lost them.

Jiraya: Hey why did you hit me ??

Naruto: that hit is for leaving me behind and not even coming to see once.

Jiraya hang his head in shame , because he know what Naruto say was true.

Jiraya: Sorry about that Naruto, so tell me did you reach the finals of the chunin exam .

Naruto: Yes , can you teach me something new.

Jiraya : only if you brought me some fresh melon.

Naruto sign

Naruto: I will show you something even better.

Naruto flair his sharingan

Naruto: "Naruto special : Haram viewing technology".

As Naruto uses genjutsu on jiraya his face starts having a perverted smile.

Jiraya: Tsunada, you look so beautiful like this .

Naruto cancels the genjutsu

Naruto: Oyy stop dreaming about my godmother.

Jiraya: Ok, but you have to tell me so many things like why you have sharingan and how you are able to use the bastardise version of tsunada's super strength .

Naruto: I will but not here, let's go somewhere , we can talk freely.

Jiraya nodded and both of them used body flicker to get away, as they came near the cliff .

Jiraya: now start explaining

Naruto starts explaining everything from wooden maskman with sharingan to how he gets sharingan and how he meets his parents and lives life with them for five years.

Jiraya : Minato was a genius kid , it's no surprise that he was able to pull that stunt even after facing death.

Naruto: yep my dad is a genius, now tell me what you are going to teach me.

Jiraya : i am going to teach you a killer technique .

Boar dog bird monkey ram summoning jutsu.

As jiraya slams his hand on earth a toad appears .

Jiraya: This is a summoning contract, cut your thumb and put your name with blood on the contract.

Naruto nodded and cut his thumb and wrote his name on the contract.

Jiraya: Now Naruto you sign the contract and try to summon a toad.

Naruto: ok , Boar dog bird monkey ram Summoning jutsu

As Naruto slams his hand on the ground, a small toad appears.

Small toad : yo, my name is gamakichi, Did you have any candy.

Naruto: well i have chocolate, if you like.

That toad jump and take chocolate from Naruto's hand .

Jiraya: I am impressed Naruto, i thought you would summon some tadpoles for the first time.

As Jiraya talks Naruto put half of his chakra into the next summoning jutsu and slam his hand on the ground.

An old toad appears to look around the area.

Jiraya was looking at Naruto like a fool.

Jiraya: Naruto you summon great toad elder.

Naruto: cool, toad Gramps can i now become toad sage.

Inside Naruto's mind:

Kurama: Naruto switch with me for now

Naruto : ok.

Outside world :

Naruto facial features change to of a fox

Naruto( Kurama voice) : Oldman Gamamaru you still sucks , i hate you .

Gamamaru: Is it you kurama, oh you still mad at me for calling you rabbit years all those years ago.

Kurama started grumbling and Naruto was laughing like a mad man at Gamamaru's comment, jiraya well he became unconscious after seeing old sage.

Naruto: Oldman told you that you are awesome, but how did you survive the nine tails beast bomb he almost blew me away when I told him that.

Gamamaru : i will personally teach you sage art but you have to take permission from the toad boss.

Naruto nodded and did Summoning jutsu one more time , this time two small elderly toads appeared.

Fukasaku: what happened jiraya boy why did you summon us.

Shima: yes tell me , i am making caterpillar soup for pa.

Naruto: hello granny , my name is Naruto and i summon you with Gramps are you toad bosses.

Shima and fukasaku looking at Naruto then suddenly their eyes shift towards Gamamaru.

Shima : who summoned you here elder sage.

Naruto ( rubbing his head) : i did , why is everyone so shocked after looking him grandpa jiraya is already unconscious after .

Fukasaku: well you see Naruto , it takes a lot of chakra to summon a great elder so nobody is able to summon him in a thousand years.

Naruto: Wow Oldman you are strong, so Gramps told me who is toad boss.

Gamakichi: Hey Gramps, Naruto his name is gamabunta and he is my pops.

Naruto nodded and used Summoning jutsu again but this time three big toads appear with weapons.

Gamabunta: Jiraya where you why did you summon me here.

Gamaken: i am ungraceful , tell me who i have to fight.

Gamahiro: Yes jiraya where are you .

Fukasaku: Gamabunta, meet Naruto he is the one who summoned all of us.

Gamakichi: And he also gave me chocolate.

Naruto: tell me can i become your summoner .

Gamabunta: you have to pass my test first.

Naruto: ok tell me what the test is .

Gamabunta: you have stayed on my back for a full day .

Naruto: challenge accepted.

Naruto jumped over Gamabunta as he jumped so Naruto fell on the ground but as he jumped he came back to the place from where he jumped.

Gamabunta: what happened, I jumped but why am here.

Naruto: i put a marker on you and put one marker on the ground so every time you jump you come back to the same place , I told you that I can do this whole week , pass me or i will do it again.

Gamabunta: hey kid my test my rules.

Naruto: You never tell me rules, you say survive and that's what I am doing.

Everyone was amazed how easily Naruto turned this test into his favor.

Gamabunta: Fine you pass now remove that marker and tell me how you know that jutsu is Minato's .

Naruto: Yep dad teaches me and i am a seal master of level 10 so i make it even better .

So great old man sage when did you start teaching me to become sage.

As Naruto say that everyone looking at Gamamaru , who was smiling at Naruto's question.

Gamamaru: You are ready for sage training lesson, what is your name again?

Naruto: Naruto, great Oldman sage.

Gamamaru: You can come whenever you want to train , i will train you personally.

Everyone was in shock and awe because Gamamaru never trained anyone except the sage of six paths.

Fukasaku: Ok kid we are leaving, wake jiraya boy up from his unconsciousness.

Naruto nodded and they all vanished in smoke.


Author's note: read , review and comment, if you like the chapter please drop power stones.