
Naruto: Transmigrated as Shikamaru

Transmigrated as Shikamaru in Konoha post Nine tails incident...then fusion happened between the two souls gradually.

ZEN1ST6 · Komik
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8 Chs

You are what you eat

I have heard the saying that diet can change a person, not only physically but on a spiritual level too. It seems pretty evident when looking at our friendly neighbor Akamichi Clan. They are so jovial and lively, it is a refreshing change. That's it, only a refreshing change but it will wear you out, the goodness is good in small doses but over a long period of exposure it started grating on my nerves, troublesome.

Let me tell you my daily routine since the talk with my dad.

6 AM to 8 AM - Running + Refreshing drink

8 AM to 10 AM - Shadow Possession Yin Release

10 AM to 2 PM - Akimichi Strong Body training, with lot of eating

2 PM to 5 PM - Meditation and Yamanaka Chakra Control

5 PM to 6 PM - Socializing with friends

6 PM to 8 PM - Nara clan Yin exercises

8 PM to 10 PM - regular study

After that you ask if that is much needed sleep, to be honest I try to sneak in as many naps as possible here and there. Also my Akimichi instructor has asked me to develop a habit of snacking on high calorie food whenever possible.

When my father said that using Akimichi clans Yang Chakra Augmentation could be a way to go forward. I was skeptical as everybody knows other than these exercises the main factor for them is lineage which I will lack. Dad has also thought about it, but the solution to him came in respect to the founder of the Akimichi clan, who was progenitor. He started this Yang specialization and this trait for Strong Yang Body becomes part of their lineage with generations of doing the same specialization. Their bodies started to become more hospitable for these augmentation. I will never be able to compete with Akimichi in terms of Body augmentation, but that was never our goal. We wanted to attain balance which was broken by my arrival.

I have also been told bad news, due to frailty of my body, and disbalance in chakra composition. I will not be able to attend Ninja Academy, I will be home schooled and current estimates from improvements seen over the year shows that I will be able to join Ino and Choji in their final year. This news crashed my dream of finally breaking out of the vicious cycle that is my daily life.

Back to my evening lesson from where my mind wandered off.

Shikaku: "Sigh, Son pay attention to the light source as you have to project your Yin Chakra, at the point of contact from the light, then when light is blocked use the Rat Sign to create an imaginary boundary with the help of light that is the first step in shadow manipulation."

Me: "Yes, doing, Sigh"

I started creating this boundary, it was pretty simple and looked at dad expectantly for the next process, just to see his mouth ajar.

Dad: "troublesome, sigh, ok now think the shadow between boundary as an extension of yourself, under your control and push Yin Chakra in it as much as you can"

I started to concentrate on the task at hand. This felt like how we teach children to fill correct colors in their coloring books. The only difference is that this world is my book, my chakra is my color and my body the conduit for this act. Sigh, troublesome.

Dad: "Why are you filling it haphazardly, bring more control and start from the borders and then come to the middle, sigh, troublesome."

Me: "I am trying to fill them line by line, with narrow strokes, I read that is an advanced way to do this, also it helps me empty my Yin reserves quicker than your way..."

Dad: "learn to walk before you run, troublesome brat"

Me: " I will tell mom that you are asking me to prolong training so that I can spend less time with her"

His eyes are twitching, serving him right for bullying me into this inhumane training. Mom is the only one who loves me.

Dad: "troublesome, do what you want"

I completed my training, this way trying to find the most unique ways to get some time back for resting. My laziness is pushing me to do stuff which would have people go crazy, for example when normally Nara shadow possession jutsu is constructed with a light boundary and the shadow is just filled with chakra like water is added to a bucket. What I am doing is completely different, I have searched clan library and was able to bring parallels to Suna'a chakra thread and our first step of creating a thin shadow border, what I am doing is trying to create first border, then keep on just creating borders rather than filling it, there will be lot of lines after other with infinitesimally small space between these lines. This process is terribly slow, and drives dad crazy, as since we started training three months back, I only initially completed this jutsu and dad made me repeat it again and again to reduce Yin chakra. Now with this approach I have not completed this jutsu even once and end up using up all my yin chakra reserves.

Side effect of this training is that the time taken to use up my reserves have reduced by half, and the rest of the time I can take a nap near mom. I have also asked her to protect me from my slave driver dad, but she has not intervened until her time with me was not threatened, sigh, troublesome.

About the tenketsu on my forehead which was most severely damaged, even after healing it is much bigger than other tenketsu of my body, so initial exercise of chakra control with a leaf is too easy for me, but I try to complete it using specially treated chakra pearls. This is a product of kirigakure, they have a special breed of chakra oysters which create a pearl which chakra inert in nature, which leads it to be most difficult to stick to the body using basic chakra control. This was a gift from mother, she being part of senju clan, has access to some of their treasures, and this pearl was with her as heirloom.

This has challenged me atleast and helped with the forehead tenteksu problem.