
Naruto: Transmigrated as Shikamaru

Transmigrated as Shikamaru in Konoha post Nine tails incident...then fusion happened between the two souls gradually.

ZEN1ST6 · Komik
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8 Chs

To be or not to be...

It's been a few days since I have left my month long bed rest. I was only allowed to do physical activities very slowly. There was a medical nin, performing checkups at regular intervals. But long story short, somehow when I transmigrated in Shikamaru's body the Yin energy in the young body far exceeded its capacity and damaged the tenketsu points, which within a few minutes led to chakra exhaustion. Now when we hear chakra exhaustion we don't feel it to be so severe, so news alert chakra exhaustion is a very critical issue. For someone as young as six years old and facing chakra exhaustion is tantamount of facing death.

That is behind me thankfully, there was no serious suspicion of something being wrong with Shikamaru, as now Shikamaru is being hailed as once a century genius of the clan. Who knew having abundant Yin energy will be so useful. I have a running theory that my soul was somehow fused with Shikamaru's and as I had a lot more life experience I became a dominant personality, that being said I have felt some characteristic which I didn't have originally, what you ask? Of Course first and foremost this habit of monologuing in my head. Huh... tiresome.

Again I have been feeling lazy, too lazy to even get up sometimes. Other than these I have noticed I have become a much more calm and rational person. Don't know what that says about me if a six year old influenced me to become more rational, huh.

Anyway, I am still not allowed to leave my clans compound. I have to say, my physical fitness has been in deterioration during testing period, medic nin said it was a side effect of having abundant Yin chakra. There was even a concern that it may impact my life expectancy, and I will not survive long. Somehow, both my parents broke down after hearing that news, even Shikaku the cold and rational jonin commander was crying after holding my mother. I was not very concerned, mind you it is not I have suddenly become suicidal. But, finding yourself back in a child's body has an effect of making you realize what truly is more important, sigh. I spent a long time in the group hug with mom and dad. But, I did something which I regret the most, huh.

While consoling my parents asked Medic nin what counterbalances Yin Chakra, and he said Yang chakra. And that sealed my fate, both Yoshino and Shikaku stopped crying and looked at me with a new determination. Which I would soon find was to my detriment. I am being forced to exercise, yes that is what is happening, Shikamaru Nara, the laziest six year old in the universe have been forced to exercise against my will if I might add.

So dad called me after today's running session. Let me take a bath and see what he wants.

I entered the study cum library of our house to find him waiting for me. He was looking at me seriously. And motioned me to sit in front of him. Sometimes I feel why have I never been intimidated by him, or why was I able to accept my situation so easily, sigh.

Shikaku: " You are still having bouts of distracting thoughts?"

Me: "I won't call them distracting"

Shikaku: "Do you feel that you are getting weaker, even after this month long exercise?"

I kept silent as we both know in yesterday's checkup he should have known the answer to that, he is just asking for the sake of bringing this topic up. Yes, I may have taken this issue too lightly. I have not been able to make progress in my fitness, I feel more and more tired nowadays, but who said I will tell all that to him.

Me: "I feel I am making progress don't worry"

Yeah I lied, you may say it is wrong to lie, but sometimes lying to spare the pain to your loved ones and hiding your pain is the only thing you can do. I have started to care and love them, how can I not, they have been doing everything good parents can do in their position, I can see it impacting everyone, Mom has become quiet, not in front of me, infront she still portrays her strong cheerful persona, but when she thinks I am not noticing I can see sadness in her eyes. Dad has been working overtime to find a solution consulting with a lot of medics and experts. Anyway...

Shikaku: " You have become mature, not that is a bad thing but try to be open with me, sigh..."

Shikamaru: " Dad I am ..."

Shikaku : " I may have found a solution to your problem, and it was closer than I thought, so it is..."

I came out of his office stunned by what I had heard. I knew we were family friends but this was more than that, this was sharing something which generations have guarded severely, I am not sure how dad compensated for this. I can't think of anything that will help. I asked but he said not to be concerned with it now. So the solution was having three parts,

First yang chakra: I have to work with Uncle Choza and my diet and physical exercise will be taken care of by someone from the Akimichi clan.

Yin chakra: I have to work with dad to expel as much Yin energy at regular intervals during the day using our clans jutsu, and last but not the least: I have to work on yamanaka clan's secret chakra control exercises.

This was a big change...I am not sure at this time how it will impact the future of this world, I was never going to work towards keeping the timeline intact. But, I was always reassured of my future knowledge.