
Naruto: Time Control

Reborn as Kakashi's older brother with the power to control time. I do this translation just for pleasure https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Komik
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525 Chs

Chapter 337: Scale IV and Information (End Naruto)

After 'defeating' Momoshiki and Kinshiki, the Shinobi world finally regained its long lost peace.

Yeruashi received information from Kinshiki about the Ootsutsuki Clan and one day he left the Shinobi world and embarked on a journey to the distant Ootsutsuki Clan through a space passage.

He spent almost all of his chakra reserve to open the space passage as far as possible, and then used the reverse time flow ability to recover and reopen the space passage.

In a few days.

He returned to the shinobi world.

Kakashi asked him what he had done in the last few days.

Yeruashi calmly explained that he went on a trip to Kaguya's homeland and destroyed all the enemies he found there one by one, and with the last hit he accidentally destroyed the entire planet of the Ootsutsuki Clan, so he couldn't bring back any 'gifts'.

Kakashi lost contact with reality.

About a month later.

Yeruashi stepped down as Hokage at the age of twenty-eight.

Konoha welcomed the Sixth Hokage, Hatake Kakashi.

Given Kakashi's early training and immense strength, the change of Hokage did not cause too many waves.

But many did not want to accept it.

People expected the Fifth Hokage to continue ruling Konoha, but Yeruashi quietly went into the shadows, transferring all his power into Kakashi's hands.


A few years later.

In some house located in the northern part of Konoha.

Yeruashi sat relaxed on the couch, holding a cup in his hand and slowly sipping his tea.

Sitting across from him was a six to seven year old teenager with medium-length silver-white hair.

"So... mating and reproduction is a natural biological instinct of any living being, whether it is the pursuit of men by women or vice versa, decent people, as a rule, will always be surrounded by a large number of representatives of the opposite sex, this can be called a mechanism of natural selection."

"The better a person is, the more opportunities he will have to mate and pass on his genes, and those who are not good enough will not be approved by the opposite sex, which will lead to the gradual disappearance of his gene."

After taking another sip of tea, Yeruashi carefully placed the cup on the table and continued, "Therefore, the better and more attractive a person is, the more attention he or she will receive from the opposite sex."

"The level of attention from the opposite sex can be considered a criterion of how good a person is."

"So never be afraid of being surrounded by a large number of beings of the opposite sex, because this is just a manifestation of how good you are."

"You should be proud of that."

The boy nodded understandingly.

"I understand, Uncle Yeruashi."

"Well done."

Yeruashi smirked and stood up.

At the same time.

Kakashi entered the room, dressed in the Hokage cloak, and saw his son sitting across from Yeruashi.

Kakashi looked at Yeruashi, "Brother... you didn't teach little Sora weird things, did you?"

"Ah, how can this be?"

Yeruashi sighed and spread his hands, "I only taught him to look at some things differently, so that some unpleasant circumstances would evoke positive feelings."

Kakashi looked at Yeruashi suspiciously.

He had a strong feeling that there was a very strange meaning in these words.

Yeruashi put on his wooden sandals and said as he left the room, "It's okay, I've played enough with Sora, you can take him. Sora, come see your uncle more often".

Kakashi looked at his brother's back as he walked away.

Only after Yeruashi left, he looked at little Hatake Sora, "What did big brother just teach you?"

Sora said very seriously, "Dad, Uncle said that your mask is a manifestation of doubt and asked me not to take an example from you in any case."

"I think uncle is right."

Kakashi: "..."


Yeruashi, wearing wooden sandals, appeared on the roof.

Tap. tap. tap. tap.

He strolled to the edge of the roof and looked at the horizon in the distance.

At this moment, his gaze seemed incredibly deep.

When viewed from the outside, it may seem that endless sunrises and sunsets were reflected in the depths of Yeruashi's eyes, as if an infinite amount of time had passed in a moment.

This is the fourth ability of the illusory clock: foresight of the future!

It is not just the ability to predict the fleeting future.

This ability of the illusory clock allows you to see the distant future and its infinite options!

The future is not a straight, clear line, but a handful of sand.

More figuratively, it is like an infinitely expanding tree diagram.

There are many forks, each of which can lead to a completely different future.

For example, the will to observe the world of One Piece can only allow you to look into the future for a few seconds and see only one scenario, but the fourth ability of the illusory clock is capable of seeing countless scenarios!

At this moment.

Standing on this ceiling.

Yeruashi could see the end of this world.

"Disgusting ability..."

He closed his eyes, forcibly calming his emotions, and shook his head.

This ability was unlocked about two years ago.

After acquiring this ability, Yeruashi used it whenever he was interested in future events.

At the time of use, it is as if he is standing on a hill, looking at the countless scenarios below.

This ability is extremely powerful.

But because of this power, it also has an obvious side effect.

Foreseeing the future can easily lead to a loss of interest in the future.

Because the entire future is visible.

The ability to clearly see all future events is actually extremely boring, to the point that in these two years, Yeruashi has lost interest in many things.

"Frequent use of this ability can lead to a complete loss of human emotions."

Yeruashi whispered softly.

But looking at the countless possibilities of the future, he already knew that even without using this ability, he would lose interest in this world after a few decades.

"This path doesn't lead to gaining control over time, but to depending on it, if you don't make changes..."

Yeruashi looked up to the sky and whispered.

After opening the fourth ability, he received a message left by the previous owner of the illusory clock.

[The power you possess... I called it the Sands of Time...]

[The Sands of Time can unlock a total of twelve skills]

[After acquiring all twelve abilities, you will be at the absolute pinnacle of all worlds and times]

[The unlocking of three or four or a maximum of five skills should be enough to ascend to the top of some world, so I made sure that you received this message after the unlocking of the fourth skill...]

[The Sands of Time have the ability to travel through space and time, in short, you can use them to travel to other worlds]...]

[I meant to say that obtaining the twelve abilities is not the end point, it won't mean gaining control over time... you will still remain a puppet of time, because your personality will continue to fade as time goes by]

[I don't know how to resist it, how to free myself from the shackles of time, how to gain real control over time..... I can only keep moving forward and get lost in time, like a puppet of time]

[I tried to block my memory to try to live a new life, and every time I went back to my memory after climbing to the top of the world, but this approach did not cure me, it only slowed down the process, unless I decide to completely abandon my past, but then I would no longer be myself]

[I can't find a way...]

[I recorded this message when I still had some traces of my identity, if you received it, it means that I failed in my journey, I got completely lost in the endless flow of time, I became another loser...]

[I have passed through many worlds and experienced many beautiful moments]...]

[I am happy with this journey, and with the almost complete disappearance of personality, emotions such as 'unwillingness' or 'discontent' no longer exist]

[I don't even think it's bad to die. I've lived a pretty fun life full of many adventures]

[But time is really merciless]

[Good luck]

[I hope you learn to control time and not be controlled by it].

Yeruashi remained silent for a long time after receiving this message from the illusory clock.

All the experience he had experienced so far showed that there were no mistakes in this message.

"I don't know how long you have experienced, but my time is just beginning."

"I don't intend to give up 'time' so easily..."

Yeruashi chuckled.

His gaze swept across Konoha and the entire shinobi world.

In the depths of Yeruashi's eyes, an illusory clock of pale gold appeared and emitted a faint golden glow that seemed to cover the entire sky and earth.


A strange invisible force burst out.

Kakashi, who was asking Sora what Yeruashi had taught him, froze in place.

Kurenai, who was preparing food in the kitchen, froze.

Mei, who was bathing in the bathroom, froze.

Rolling drops of water froze motionless on her skin.

The wind stopped.

The whole world froze.

Whether it was a living being or something else, whether it was a body or a consciousness... everything froze.

Yeruashi also froze.

But only his body froze and his consciousness remained in a normal state.

"Time has stopped..."

"No, it wasn't time that stopped, but rather that I separated myself from that time..."

Yeruashi quickly realized exactly what had happened.


The golden glow of the illusory clock enveloped Yeruashi's body and, like a hand, pulled him out of this time.

He appeared above a golden river.

If you look closely, you can see that each drop of this river appeared to be a miniature illusory clock, whose hands were constantly turning.

While in this golden world, Yeruashi could feel that his body aged rapidly after an unknown time and then began to rejuvenate again, returning to childhood.

Before long.

The power enveloping Yeruashi's body disappeared and fell into the golden river.

Yeruashi disappeared in the middle of the river, with golden spray flying in all directions.
