
Naruto: This Uchiha Is Too Cautious

Uchiha Kai has been cautious since he came to this world. He vowed that he must be cautious and go to the end. But one day he received a mission - to cover the wave wind team to blow up the Kannabi Bridge, Uchiha Kai knew that he was going to be unlucky... _________________________________________________ This is not my fanfic. The original author is called "Void Singer". I just translated it from a Chinese site. Sorry if there are some wrong translations. I have tried to translate it as best as I can but there are still words that sometimes I don't know because I take them from the raw source which is still in Chinese and when translated sometimes the meaning changes. So if you know what's wrong, you can tell me and I'll fix it.

rockefella01 · Komik
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43 Chs

Chapter 20: Resolve

Kakashi as bait?

Kai frowned. It was indeed a good plan.

Kakashi's reputation was well-known, and his strength was not weak. Using his chakra to create shadow clones to lure the enemy wasn't difficult.

If he went as bait, drawing the Iwa-nin forces' attention, reinforcements would surely follow.

With Aya's help, they could quickly find a breakthrough point and infiltrate Kannabi Bridge to complete the mission before Kakashi was captured or killed!

But the death rate for such a plan was incredibly high; it was practically a suicide mission!

Kai looked seriously at Kakashi. He realized he couldn't compare to Kakashi's 'resolve.' It was something he couldn't possess.

Initially, Kai didn't understand what 'resolve' meant in this world. It was frequently mentioned in the early parts of "Naruto" but less so later on. Now, Kai seemed to get it.

It was a kind of spirit, or perhaps a form of courage.

The future Fourth Hokage, Minato, sealed the Nine-Tails inside his own son. With his wisdom, did he not foresee the potential suffering Naruto might face?

Maybe it was an unavoidable choice—he and his wife Kushina were dying, and Naruto, as a Uzumaki clan descendant, had the most suitable constitution.

Another possibility was that it was a plan Minato laid out in his final moments.

This not only ensured Naruto's survival but also planted the seeds for his future growth.

If viewed this way, the fact that Minato was willing to do this to his newborn son, it's no wonder Jiraiya called him the most resolute among all the Hokage.

Of course, this was just a conspiracy theory. Kai, having come to this world, was used to such tactics. After all, Itachi's 'resolve' was likely the most terrifying.

For the sake of Konoha, he could collaborate with the ambitious Danzo and the mysterious Akatsuki.

To preserve the last bloodline of his clan, his brother, he could abandon his clan, which was doomed to fail in the coup.

He could even kill all his clan members, including his parents, and bear all the infamy calmly and stoically.

To push his brother to grow stronger, he used the most cruel methods to continually strike, provoke, and harm the one he loved most, turning him into someone filled with hatred and eager to kill him, giving his brother the best reason to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan.

He allowed his brother to seek out Orochimaru, who wanted to take his body, forcing him to race against time and death.

He anticipated his brother's remorse and despair after learning the truth but bore everything silently until his own death.

He planned for his brother to return to Konoha with honor, making his death his brother's glory, thus securing his return.

Even to ensure everything went according to plan, he unhesitatingly planted Shisui's Mangekyou in Naruto, ready to trigger Kotoamatsukami when Sasuke saw Naruto's eyes.

Knowing his brother might be manipulated upon learning the truth, he hid Amaterasu in Sasuke's eyes for protection.

If not for various coincidences and Obito's interference, Itachi's plans would have been perfect.

Though Kai, as a Uchiha, despised Itachi and thought he was insane, he had to respect his ruthlessness. Kai, at least, felt he was still human, whereas Itachi seemed not.

Itachi's resolve was not needed by Kai he wasn't insane.

Now, Kakashi also displayed a frightening 'resolve.' To complete the mission, he could face death calmly.

Perhaps it was for the village, for redemption, but this unique resolve indeed shocked Kai.

Kai fell silent, contemplating the feasibility of it all. Meanwhile, Kakashi had already handed Minato's kunai to Kai.

"Sensei said to use this in the most critical moment, because the front line... So, I entrust Rin to you," Kakashi said quietly. "Don't let her get hurt. I beg you, Kai."

"Kakashi! No!" Rin had recovered from the shock of Kakashi's proposal and screamed hysterically.

"Sorry, Rin. I have my mission to complete," Kakashi said calmly, looking at her. "I might not be able to protect you anymore, but you must survive. That's my final wish."

"I understand, Kakashi," Kai said, putting away the kunai. "I'll find a way to protect her. In a critical moment, I'll have Minato take her away."

With Kai's promise, Kakashi's eyes narrowed into a crescent, and he left the cave without hesitation.

Since Aya's reconnaissance wasn't hidden, Kakashi knew which direction had the least defense, even if it was a trap.

Kai silently watched Kakashi's departing figure, then looked down at the kunai in his hand, his eyes becoming distant.

If Kakashi succeeded, it would be great.

Kai liked Kakashi as a character but not more than his own life. He would regret Kakashi's death, but it was better than his own.

However, Kai felt something was off. Could Iwa-nin not foresee their plan?

Or was it intentional, and something more dreadful awaited them?

Thinking of this, Kai picked up the map.

Thanks to his previous life as a humanities student, he understood geography. After a while, he looked up.

No clues— the map was still crude, lacking clear markings of small forks and paths.

With a grim expression, Kai made a terrifying decision: "Everyone, prepare to move. We're following Kakashi."

"Following Kakashi?" Aya and Kenta were stunned. "Are you insane? He's going as bait, his own choice. Are you planning a frontal assault?"

"Are you stupid or am I?" Kai sneered. "If we thought of this plan, don't you think Iwa-nin could too? Don't underestimate their strategy. They might have guessed our move, so I have a plan."

"A plan? A suicide plan?"

"Do I need to kill you now? You have two choices: follow orders or report to your dead clan members."

(Chapter end)