
Naruto : The Wind Calamity

The MC transmigrates into Narutoverse in the body of a civilian orphan. Luckily for him, the transmigration results in chakra being unlocked. Follow the story of the MC as he grows in power and stabilizes himself into the world of ninjas and trains to be the strongest.  Warning :  1. The MC won't be op for a long time. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over years (so if u want an op mc right from the word go, this one ain't for you) 2. No harem (probably no romance either) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) 4. The story will start slow. Quite a few of initial chapters will be around training, orphanage and academy life, instead of directly becoming a Genin. 5. MC is a careful person, he won't put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. 6. I haven't read (nor will be reading) Baruto. So Baruto plotline won't be considered much in here. What to expect : 1. Smart and consistent MC  2. Lots of training 3. MC manipulating the plot to his advantage 4. A lot of original arcs.  5. Plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create). The image used in the cover isn't mine and belongs to R. J PS : It's my first fanfic, I'm hoping it turns out good. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. Grammar and English should be fine, but I'm not sure how good the dialogues and scenarios will be. Hopefully I'll improve as this fanfic progresses forward.

Devil_Hex · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
662 Chs

Chapter 616 : Taking advantage of a Perilous situation!


Hiruzen was left speechless by Fujin's sorrowful words. He wondered, 'You are poor? Since when? And, what do you mean by taking care of the orphans? My Anbu ninjas look after them! I'm paying for all their expenses! You only train the ones with Kekkei Genkai and only send a clone to train them! Not to mention, you stopped going on missions long before I gave you the orphans!'

Hiruzen wanted to vent his frustration at being played around by Fujin. Unfortunately, he knew that those words couldn't be spoken aloud. He could only swallow his words and frustration. However, if Hiruzen knew that Fujin had plundered hundreds of millions of Ryo from corrupt and vile Nobles and had that money with him, how would he have reacted?

Hiruzen sighed in his trademark manner and said, "Fujin, the village finances are tight for the time being. You know it since you saw the village budget. It is difficult for me to arrange such funds."

Fujin tilted his head and immediately said, "The village will earn around 4 to 5 billion Ryo by selling the land around the Guidance Hall. Along with the other sources of income, I don't think you'll need to worry about funds for a few years at least."


Once again, Hiruzen didn't know what he should reply. After all, what Fujin said was true. Had it been anyone else, they would have tried to profit at least 500 million Ryo from that proposal. They would have let the Council Members profit by 1.5 billion Ryo and left the remaining to the village. It was how things normally happened. However, Fujin gave everything to the village.

Hiruzen sighed internally thinking, 'He's right. The village will profit heavily due to it… So the village sponsoring his sword wouldn't be improper. Especially considering that he defeated Orochimaru. However…'

He looked at Fujin and thought, 'It looks like expecting him to be completely selfless was too much. Though to be fair, he couldn't have known that he would fight Orochimaru and break his sword. I guess he just took advantage of the situation. That said, it is possible that he acted that selflessly just so that he could make me pay for his expenses in the future...'

Hiruzen became worried thinking that Fujin would keep using this reason and ask him to keep paying in the future. Fujin continued looking at Hiruzen and thought, 'Wow, he's so deep in thought. If it wasn't so fun to make him pay, I wouldn't have minded paying for it myself. Even though Hiruzen would've been suspicious about how I gained so much money, he wouldn't have looked into it and just been happy that I wasn't making him or the village pay.

Unfortunately, I couldn't think of any jutsu I could ask from him. Otherwise, I'd have asked him for a jutsu and paid for the sword myself. The only one that comes to mind is Edo Tensei jutsu, but Hiruzen won't give it to me. The only way I could ask for it is if he survives against Orochimaru. Even then, it is highly unlikely that he'll give me that jutsu.'

Hiruzen resigned himself to the fact that he couldn't deny Fujin's request. He said, "Making a sword as good as the sword of Kusanagi is more or less impossible. I don't know any living blacksmith who could do it. Lower your requirements a bit."

Fujin thought for a bit and said, "In that case, could you make me a sword equivalent to the Blade of the Thunder Spirit which Lord Second had created? If I can get a similar sword that helps in controlling winds, it'll be very helpful to me."

Hiruzen's left eye twitched again as he angrily thought, 'Even 5 billion Ryo won't be sufficient for that!'

He immediately replied, "Unfortunately, that is even more impossible. Sensei had found the materials required to create the sword by himself. I'm not sure where and how he found those materials. Unless you have the materials that could create such a sword, no one can make one."

Fujin sighed and said, "That's a shame. Oh well, I guess we can just stick to the basics then."

Hiruzen asked, "Which means?"

Fujin replied, "A sword majorly made of chakra metal and materials that make wind chakra flow easier while making the sword as hard as they can."

Hiruzen sighed internally, 'That'll probably cost the village around 200 to 300 million Ryo… Sigh, I do so much for the village!'

Hiruzen said, "Alright, I'll see what I can do. Anyway, did you find out the reason why Orochimaru targeted Sasuke and why he did it in the Chunin Exams instead of any other time?"

Fujin shook his head and answered, "Unfortunately, he didn't say. The only thing I can say is that he wasn't here to kill the Genins. He had plenty of time to kill them and I would have a very difficult time trying to keep them alive had he targeted them during our battle. His goal should have been the curse seal he put on Sasuke. Though looking at the bloodlust he was radiating, he probably wanted to kill me as well.

Unfortunately, I don't know much about the seal on Sasuke's neck other than the fact that it looks similar to the one on Anko's neck and gives out the same sinister vibes. Since Anko didn't let me take a look at her seal, I can't guess what his intention was. You should have a much better idea than me regarding the same."

Hiruzen sighed and said, "The curse seal is one of Orochimaru's experiments. He can use it to restrain the ones who have the seal. It's like the Hyuga's Caged Bird Seal in that aspect. However, it also gives the bearers of the curse seal a power that is similar to Senjutsu, increasing their power considerably. However, using that power will create an impact on their brains, making them more subservient or dependent on Orochimaru.

The first ones on whom he put the curse seal were his three students. Not everyone can survive the curse seal. In fact, very few can. Two of his students died and only Anko survived. I and Jiraiya tried to remove her seal, but we were only able to seal it to an extent.

I guess he plans to make a move on Sasuke for some reason and wants to see whether he is strong enough to survive that curse seal."

Fujin frowned and asked, "What would he want from a mere Genin?"

Hiruzen replied, "Hard to say."

Fujin sighed and said, "Do you want me to check up on him? It'd be a shame if a Genin died under my watch. Not to mention, he'll be the leader of the Uchiha Clan in the future."

Hiruzen shook his head and said, "Let it be. Sasuke will survive the seal. Otherwise, Orochimaru wouldn't have an interest in him. However, I'm not sure whether he'd be able to control himself. Send a clone to keep an eye on Kakashi's squad after you recover your chakra."

Fujin nodded. Hiruzen continued, "I was wondering what gave Suna the confidence to make a move against us. I initially thought that he wanted to ally with other major villages. However, seeing Orochimaru's sudden movement, it is possible that they allied with him instead. We'll have to make some arrangements for the last round of the Chunin Exams."

Hiruzen's expression was very serious as he said it. Fujin nodded in agreement and said, "If they are planning to make a move during the Chunin Exams, then it'd be best if I can get my new sword before the last round begins."

Immediately, a deadpan expression appeared on Hiruzen's face. He didn't think that Fujin would take advantage of such a perilous situation. However, on thinking for the second time, Hiruzen muttered internally, 'I should have expected it…'

He sighed and said, "I'll make arrangements for the blacksmith to arrive in the village right after this round is over."

Fujin smiled and said, "Thank you, Grandpa. Do you also know a jutsu that could put a stop to Orochimaru's jutsu where he sheds his skin? Or some other jutsu that'd be effective against the snake or others like him?"

Even though Fujin didn't know which other jutsu to ask from Hiruzen, there was no reason to decline a jutsu that Hiruzen would give himself. After all, who knew which forbidden and rank S jutsus Hiruzen knew that wasn't known to anyone else?

Unfortunately, Hiruzen just stared at Fujin and replied, "Unfortunately, there aren't any such jutsus. Let me know if you come up with any."

Fujin stared suspiciously at Hiruzen, to see if he was lying. Unfortunately, Hiruzen didn't change his expression.

While the two of them were talking, Renjiro and Hoka reached the forest fire. Thanks to Hiruzen's massive jutsu, the fire had been brought under control. Over 70% of the fire was extinguished and its spread had been halted.

'Water Release: Great Waterfall jutsu!'

As soon as Renjiro reached, he spat out a massive amount of water. It dealt with a third of the remaining flames in one go. The ninjas who were working on extinguishing the forest fire were surprised. Seeing that it was Renjiro, they sighed in relief.

With Renjiro's help, they were able to extinguish the remaining flames within a few minutes.

As soon as the flames were dealt with, Anko flickered next to him and asked, "Is it true that Fujin defeated Orochimaru?"


A/N : If you can, then please support me on P@treon.

Link - www.pat reon.com/DevilHex

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Can read up to 50 chapters ahead on P@treon.

Thank You Shreyas, Bau, bftchris, Slothy, Ko Ling, Goeckner and Ugur for supporting me on P@treon.