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1 Year Later.

After one year finally the date which Jin was waiting for came.

He made sure that Frieza died so no Freiza is coming back but someone did come back.

This person was none other than Future Trunks.

All the Z warriors went there where they could sense the powerful Ki.

Jin also went there with Tsunade and others.

But this power was not from Trunks but rather from King Cold. Frieza's father came to avenge his son.

Jin stood there and also noticed Vegeta coming there with Bulma and others. Bulma had a baby on her hands. 

And beside her stood another equally beautiful woman holding another baby in her hand.

"Yup, that's my son alright" Jin could not help but smirk.

His name is Nawaki. he is also half Saiyan and Senju.

Besides that almost everything went just like the Canon except the fact that future Trunks was looking confused as he could clearly see Goku back on earth.

He could not help but blink.

Soon King Cold came and was killed by Trunks. 

Then Trunks talked with Goku in private. 

And that's pretty much it.

There was nothing more about it.

No difference.

It was worth saying that at this time both Vegeta and Goku achieved Super Saiyan. And this time around not only Goku fought wth Trunks but also Vegeta fight him.

Both were better than trunks. 

Trunks at this was surprised and was thinking about what went wrong or to be exact, what went right in this time.

Then he looked towards Jin and Tsuande. The only two people who he can't recognise.

Jin was sure that he had many questions but he refrained from asking it.

So after Trunks goes away. The Z warriors got another reason to start working hard.

Nowadays, Jin only works alone and does not train with other Saiyan. And that too for a very good reason.

Jin already knew thanks to a system that it's better to focus on a few transformations and perfecting them and focus more on his base power.

Its very similar to how Vegeta Super Saiyan Two was almost similar in power to Goku's Super Saiyan 3.

Jin after thinking about it a lot has decided to completely ignore Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan three and master the normal Super Saiyan to the limit.

And Of course, start working on the next transformation. 


Yup, Jin is going to directly jump all the stages and go for the Super Saiyan God From.

And the reason is also very simple. 

According to the system and even his understanding. Super Saiyan God will almost Cost the same amount of power as Super Saiyan 2 when completely mastered.

The reason is, that God's transformation is very efficient after mastering it. 

And of course, it's much much more powerful.

But of course, there is a problem. There is always a cost of the power.

And that cost is more mental fatigue which happened because of controlling the god Ki.

That is the cost of God Ki in the first place.

It requires a lot more control than normal control.

So with that said. Jin immediately then went back to training.


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