
Naruto: The Traitor Starting from Kushina Uzumaki

THS IS A TRANSLATION ORGINAL;Author; Running Lychee =作者:奔跑的荔枝, --- Chiba, who possesses half of the Uchiha clan's bloodline and half of the Senju clan's bloodline, is not recognized by the Uchiha clan—he can't even bear their surname. At the same time, all of Konoha ostracizes Chiba. When Chiba decided to leave Konoha and stand on his own, everyone blamed him. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "You were the one who said you'd become a ninja of Konoha. Why have you become a rogue ninja?" Danzo: "Damn brat! How dare you use underhanded tricks on me!" Minato Namikaze: "How can you keep up with my Flying Thunder God technique?!" Chiba: "Didn't you all call me a traitor? So, is it wrong for me to do what a traitor would do?" ... "Support me on Patreon for more chapters!"https://shorturl.at/wERub , ps;schedule ten chapters per week.

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66 Chs

Chapter 66: Advancing the Front Line

Chapter 66: Advancing the Front Line

"P.S.: I haven't edited the last few chapters yet Please let me know if you find any mistakes."

Before Minato Namikaze could react, Chiba struck him in the abdomen, sending him crashing into a tree trunk, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Minato was stunned; he hadn't expected Chiba to end the battle in an instant, just as he had predicted.

Chiba slowly walked over to Minato, looking down at him from above. "You've lost this sparring match," he said.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Minato replied, "Is this your new technique? It's even faster than the usual Lightning Flash and hits with more power. I didn't expect the gap between us to be this big—I couldn't even take a single move from you. Chiba, this sparring match is my loss."

Chiba clicked his tongue, eyeing Minato. "You don't seem the least bit discouraged. If anything, you look even more excited. By rights, since you see me as your rival, discovering such a gap should make you at least a little disappointed."

Minato managed a small smile. "No, I won't be discouraged, Chiba. Precisely because I see you as my rival, I feel exhilarated. I'll keep pushing myself, starting from being unable to take a single move, to eventually being able to handle one, then two... until I catch up to you."

Chiba shrugged. "Whatever makes you happy. What a boring sparring session."

As Chiba turned to leave, Minato called out, "Chiba, you said this move was unfinished before. Just now, was it complete?"

Chiba paused, then replied, "No," before walking away.

Minato took a deep breath. 

Such a powerful move, and it's still incomplete?

Chiba's First Form: Lightning Flash: Godspeed was indeed unfinished. It required Chiba to use Lightning Release chakra to stimulate the meridians in his legs to the maximum, then explode forward in a single burst.

However, Chiba could feel a clear stutter when performing the technique, and the Lightning Release chakra wasn't stimulating his legs enough—he could be even faster. But his legs couldn't handle that speed right now.

Even now, his legs throbbed painfully.

The move also consumed a huge amount of energy.

Still, even in its unfinished state, Lightning Flash: Godspeed was much faster than the regular Lightning Flash.

And since it was a derivative of Lightning Flash, Chiba could still perform it even if it was incomplete.

Lightning Flash: Godspeed and Seventh Form: Flame Thunder God were two different development paths.

Godspeed relied on extreme speed to deliver extreme power.

Flame Thunder God, on the other hand, was an ultimate move that combined other sword forms, making it more comprehensive, though slightly slower than Godspeed.

Feeling the soreness in his legs, Chiba sighed softly.

Training for Lightning Flash: Godspeed couldn't be rushed.

It wasn't just about practice—his leg meridians also had to keep up with the increased intensity.

His legs would need to withstand more stimulation from Lightning Release chakra to truly achieve Godspeed.

After finding a secluded spot, Chiba put Minato out of his mind.

In his view, unless Minato mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique or Sage Mode, he wouldn't be able to match him in a fight.

Otherwise, even developing the Rasengan would be meaningless.

Chiba began his daily training routine.


The next morning.

The 32 ninjas still capable of fighting gathered once more.

The commander leading them was still Orochimaru.

"Everyone, split into as many clones as possible, then create a shadow clone. After that, form teams, and align yourselves with your clones. We'll advance the front line. Jiraiya!"

Hearing Orochimaru call his name, Jiraiya responded seriously, "Yes!"

Orochimaru ordered Jiraiya, "You and I will position ourselves at the far ends of the formation. Summon your summoning beasts. When you encounter Cloud Ninjas, drive them away with your summons! Any stragglers will be dealt with by the two of us!"

Jiraiya accepted Orochimaru's orders. "Understood!"

Orochimaru called out again, "Chiba!"

Chiba stepped forward. "Yes!"

Orochimaru instructed, "You have a special task. Your speed is the fastest, and your mobility is the highest. Search within a 50-meter radius of the formation. If you find any enemies, notify me immediately using a summoning beast."

Chiba asked, "Orochimaru-sensei, is it just reconnaissance?"

Orochimaru replied coldly, "If you're confident, kill them!"

Chiba bowed. "Understood!"

Orochimaru addressed the remaining ninjas. "The rest of you, unless the Cloud Ninjas directly approach us, your task is to maintain the formation of shadow clones and regular clones. Understood?"


Orochimaru declared, "Now advance the front line! After advancing ten kilometers, set traps and guard the line. Then, await further commands from me!"

The ninjas began creating shadow clones and regular clones, forming into teams.

Jiraiya noticed that Minato looked unwell and frowned. "Minato, what's wrong? You look terrible. Didn't sleep well last night?"

Minato shook his head. "I'm fine, Jiraiya-sensei. It won't affect the mission."

Jiraiya cautioned, "Take care of yourself and don't push too hard."

Each ninja had now created a shadow clone and five regular clones.

One ninja with a shadow clone and five clones added up to seven people.

With 32 ninjas, each having seven in total, the group looked like over 200 people—a considerable force.

Orochimaru nodded in satisfaction. "Move out!"

Led by Orochimaru and Jiraiya, the ninjas began advancing.

Chiba also began his solo mission, scouting within a 50-meter radius around the formation.

For the first two kilometers, Chiba detected nothing unusual.

But after that, he began to sense movement.

Chiba formed hand signs and pressed one hand to the ground.

"Ten Thousand Snakes Formation!"

Unlike Orochimaru, who summoned a swarm of snakes from his mouth, Chiba summoned them directly from his sleeves.

He ordered the snakes to spread out and report back any intelligence they gathered.

He also summoned a small black snake from Ryūchi Cave.

"Find Orochimaru-sensei and tell him there's movement ahead. Tell him to be on alert."

"Yes, Master Chiba!"

The little black snake slithered away quickly.

Soon, several snakes returned, coiling around Chiba's arms, and reported their findings.

"A three-man squad is scouting, huh?"

A cold gleam flashed in Chiba's eyes as he tightened his grip on his ninja sword.

The battle was about to begin!