
Naruto: The Strongest Senju

A girl from the modern day is given a chance of rebirth with perks as the princess of the Senju Clan. Will she simply follow the laid out plan or will she make the world look entirely new? Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023 Discord: https://discord.gg/gPa65Uw9fB

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Chapter 57: Mito

Tsunade was beyond shocked by the arrival of Mito.

She not only saw her grandmother move at a speed that seemed to be on par with the Raikage, but easily stopped his 4 Finger Nukie, an attack that was almost unstoppable even at its lowest degree.

'How did Grandma know where we were? Even if she knew where the mission was gonna be, we took a different route back to the village.' Tsunade questioned to herself in her mind.

A memory then came to the forefront of her mind as she remembered Mito applying a seal onto her shoulder as well as the seal activating during her fight against Iseei.

'So that's what it was for.' Tsunade thought as she deduced the purpose of the seal, though she was knocked out of her thoughts by Mito as she began to speak again with the same dark voice.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" Mito said before she punched A, sending him flying through the forest and multiple trees.

LIghtning crackled once more as A flew straight at Mito and attempted to punch her directly in the face.

Mito was hit, but instead on flying back, she returned the favor with a powerful punch of her own that knocked A back.

She proceeded to kick A in the stomach, making him lean forward, before she gave him a stiff uppercut, sending him completely off the ground and flying back.

"Your Mito Uzumaki, the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi. You shouldn't be allowed to leave the village so how are you currently out?" A asked as he got up while a million thoughts were flashing in his mind.

As one of the first people born when Kumogakure was newly established, he knew first hand about the terror of the Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. He also knew that Mito was the first Jinchuriki of the Shinobi World, something that inspired every other village to create Jinchuriki of their own.

All that was known about her was that she was a member of the Main Branch of the Uzumaki Clan before she married Hashirama, she was a Fuinjutsu Master, and that she was the Kyubi Jinchuriki.

While he didn't know how strong she was or had ever fought against a Funijutsu user, he knew that they were dangerous in combat due to the fact that the Second Raikage had told him that with his powerful body and Lightning Chakra Cloak for speed, the only weaknesses he had were Genjutsu users and Fuinjutsu users. Of course this didn't include people like Madara and Hashirama, who were above the level of any other shinobi.

Mito didn't answer as 4 chains erupted from her back, with each binding a limb of his. She then slapped his chest with both hands as she yelled

"Uzumaki Sealing Technique: Lightning Suppresion Seal!!"

"Uzumaki Sealing Technique: Bodily Destruction Seal!!"

Two different seals spread onto A's body, with one completely disabling his Lightning Chakra Cloak while the other spread and caused the part of his body it touched to turn red.

"AHH!!" A screamed in pain as he felt the immense pain that the seal caused to his body.

Mito released him and looked at him in contempt before she turned to see Tsunade heavily sweating as she tried healing Hiruzen.

"We have to hurry back to the village Grandma to get Sensei to the hospital, otherwise Sensei won't survive. I've almost run out of chakra." Tsunade said impatienly while Mito nodded.

Mito took one last look at A and spoke while the red chakra receded off her body "It seems you're lucky today brat, but next time you harm my Granddaughter, I'll kill you myself."

Mito then used her chains to lift Hiruzen, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade up into the air as she took off towards the village, leaving a wounded A who tried to bear the pain and return as fast as he could to Kumogakure without his Lightning Chakra Cloak.

'Uhh... I have to report this to Lord Raikage as fast as possible. Konoha is much more dangerous than we thought.'

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