
Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

A young girl is reborn into the Shinobi World before chakra even existed. Watch her become its guardian who helps guide fate while intervening when she deems it necessary. Not gonna be a long one and purely Imaginative. Discord: https://discord.gg/zhSjBbUy Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023

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61 Chs

Chapter 54: Siblings

"I-Irene!! It has been too long!! Where have you been?" Jörmungandr asked with a strained smile as he looked at the oldest of all their siblings, and the only one among them who he felt he would never be able to defeat in a battle.

The two were considered the closest due to them being the oldest and both being similar to reptiles while also protecting the world from the shadows, yet he would always remain wary of her.

It was not as if he did not trust his sibling, it was simply the fact that his instincts as a predator always screamed to him that she was a danger to his life and one that was overwhelmingly powerful. 

'And even after my sensory training, I still can not perceive her if she does not wish for me to. Looks like I need to visit Mother to learn ways in which I can detect others better.' Jörmungandr thought to himself as their eldest sibling floated down to the ground, with her looking at all three of them as if they were fools.

"It's good to see you, Jörmungandr. I'm afraid I can't extend the same pleasure to you, Fenrir, since you are still as childish as ever." Irene spoke, her voice cool and calm just like her personality, yet the words made Fenrir turn back into his human form and put his head down.

"I expected better from you, Oogway. To be the 'Wise' Hermit, you surely know how to become soft whenever he comes around." Irene said to Oogway who simply closed his eyes, choosing to tune his elder sister out.

"Now, back to my earlier question, what are you two doing here?" Irene asked as her eyes turned into a draconic state, the aura coming from her being so dense that it seemed to shake the very Dimension that they inhabited.

"I have found a new threat in the Universe. One that was dangerously close to our Dimension. It was only because he assumed I was weaker than him that he chose to engage, with me then using Mental Magic to discover the location of his origin. They call themselves the Otsutsuki Clan, and from the memories that I could perceive, they are a threat that should not be taken lightly." Jörmungandr said, his face showing just how dangerous he perceived them to be.

Yet instead of surprise or shock, Irene and Oogway's faces turned grim, signaling that they already had knowledge of the Alien Enemy.

"We learned of them not long ago, with them attempting to invade Jashin's Dimension for unknown reasons. While I don't understand why they would choose to attack him, especially since his power exceeds the members we fought, the fact is that we eliminated two of their members. I have no idea how many of them there may be, but Mother has convened a Convergence to prepare against any sudden attacks from the Otsutsuki." Irene informed Jörmungandr and Fenrir, with both of their eyes widening due to that information.

The last Convergence was only held due to a Dimensional Demon breaking through the small cracks in the protective barrier that surrounds the world to steal Souls from the Pure Lands, with Yao eventually going to war against the entity in his own realm and sending him into the hands of Lady Death.

"Then that means that they have begun to mobilize towards our part of the Universe. Who knows how many worlds have fallen by their hand." Oogways said.

"Well, here is the issue with taking them down. Apparently, they have a Main Branch and a Side Branch, with them being spread out across different Dimensions rather than being in a singular one. The one I captured led me to find the homeplace of his kin, with that being my purpose in gathering us together. I wish to raid them and deal a major blow to them before they can do the same to us. We know that they are hostile and likely are planning an assault on us. So, are you guys ready?" Jörmungandr asked as he looked at his siblings.

"Should we inform Mother first?" Oogway asked, with him not knowing if they should have her participate as well.

"We should, so that she can be alerted in case any unforeseen complications arise. That should be more than enough." Irene said.l

Oogway nodded as he walked over to his two new students, with the calm smile on his face reminding Madara and Hashirama that their slave driver pretended to be a peaceful man.

"You two are going to train with an old Red Panda. Respect him as if you do for me. He will continue your training while I am gone before we can continue to the next level." Oogway said, with the two boys being engulfed in a massive pillar of light before they could even move.

Oogway then turned back to the group, now ready to go into battle once again.

"Well then, let's go!!" Fenrir said as Jörmungandr opened the portal, with the children of Yao charging forward to begin their assault.