
chapter 1: meeting the kyuubi kitsune.

naruto was being chased through the village for something he has no idea about. everyone believes that the kyuubi is naruto because of his whisker like birth marks. naruto was wearing a watch around his left wrist that he had been given by his parents. naruto was cornered when suddenly he called out for someone to save him. the watch on his wrist began to glow and a medal appeared with the image of The nine tails and naruto said.

"well I guess I have nothing to lose so let's see what happens when I try this."

naruto then picked up the medal and put it in the watch and said.

"come on out my friend!!!. calling kyuubi kitsune!!!."

a purple and yellow fox then appeared in front of naruto red flames in hand and razor sharp claws prepared to kill her master's attackers to shreds. naruto then said.

"are you....my youkai partner???. you look different from The kyuubi I've heard stories about. please protect me from them!!!."

and the yellow kyuubi said.

"I'll always be here for you naruto Sama.

you need only call for me with that youkai watch on your wrist and I shall come to your aid immediately. now then. what is your wish my master???."

and naruto said.

"stop them from hurting me but don't kill them.

just knock them out cold. "

the yellow and purple kitsune did as told and one by one the civilians and shinobi were knocked out cold with a swift karate chop to the back of the neck. seeing his attackers defeated the kitsune asked.

"is there anything else that my master wishes to be done before I leave???."

and naruto asked.

"I just have one question for you???. are there other kitsune like you around or are you the only one???. and what's your name???."

now normally The kitsune youkai never trust humans with their names. but seeing that naruto was different decided to take a leap of faith and trust in him and said.

"my name is inari kitsune. and you are the first human to become a youkai tamer who's gotten the queen of the kitsune as your partner. only you can see us with that watch of yours and the watch will only work for you.

there's other youkai like myself but they're not so easy to pursuade into joining you without fighting them first. be warned as some of the youkai are deities. and aren't meant to be taken lightly. you must earn their trust to gain their medals. Good luck master."

naruto couldn't believe it!!!. he has the queen of the kitsune as his youkai partner!!!. he would have to keep this a secret from the hokage. but one thing was certain.

if naruto had to find other youkai like inari and Gain their trust by fighting them. then that's what he would do. he would become stronger than ever before and with his youkai friends there was nothing he couldn't accomplish.