
Naruto: the Savior of Kaguya

When a person meets the goddess, he gets powers and is reborn in Naruto but in an alternative universe. The one who will save Kaguya, will he become Kage or will he become an enemy for shinobi BUT he will be stronger than them (I use Google translator)

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After I got home, I was scolded by my mother about "where I was" and said that I was training and lost track of time. She forgave me and said that I should at least tell her in advance.

The next day I go to the Academy, as soon as I came in, I said hi to

Shikamaru: hi

choji: Hey *Munch* Ayato *Munch*

I only talked to them, sometimes ate with choji, and played Shogi with Shikamaru.

As soon as Iruka-Sensei came in, a boring day began, a story lesson.

And after the usual lessons ended, we started practicing, at least something interesting I've only been here for 2 days and I'm already bored with the usual lessons.

As soon as we went outside and stood near the field, Iruka-Sensei started talking

Iruka-Sensei: we're going to be throwing shuriken now.

After that we lined up and started throwing shuriken at the target I was bored and I didn't watch I took the last turn and fell asleep.

(after a while)

Iruka-Sensei: Ayato, you're next

I woke up and already realized that I should already throw shurikens, coming closer to the set of shurikens I took 6.

3 shurikens on each hand and got into position

Iruka-Sensei: Come on

I threw shurikens and only 5 hit the bullseye and one near the bullseye

Iruka-Sensei:9 \ 10 good accuracy.

Ah I have only 2 place in rating so as we and children but us still cannot be sparring and all such although already most in their clans make sparring. 1 place took Satsuki and 3 Naruto. According to the program of academies, we only need to feel the chakra, manage, and also know the history of well, here it is already like in ordinary schools.

(after 8 years)

During these 8 years I have developed my strength very far now I am not afraid of Jounin but even so it will be hard because I have no experience and I am only 12 years old.

I could have left the academies a long time ago and become a Genin, but it's not fun.

The first 4 years at the Academy were just for learning to count, write, remember locations and all that.

Now I know exactly where the other hidden villages are.

There is one problem, Madara was a girl


and Hashirama guy and it turns out when their clans want to make a Union that Madara and Hashirama arranged marriage with the condition that child but Madara couldn't have a baby because of damage to the uterus due to a blow in the war, it began a collapse of everything. Uchiha refused it because they needed an heir and Senju she left there due to the fact that the grandmother of Tobirama


She said that she was not needed because they also needed an heir and Madara could not give birth and in the end she was abandoned in Senju and Hashirama married Mito Uzumaki. Madara was then broken from it all refused and family and husband, she decided to leave and do not interfere with anyone after all, she is a woman and she wanted love and affection but she did not get it and left. She returned because she heard that her little brother had died in the war with Senju

She wanted to see her brother but the Uchiha clan wouldn't let her in and she killed the guards and entered. Later they found the corpses of the guards and the eyeless Izuna, most likely she took his eyes and transplanted them to herself, how? I do not know! and then went to take revenge on Senju, she caused a lot of damage but still she was able to kill Hashirama. Although I'm not sure about this either she may be alive but she is old as in the Canon Madara survived the battle with Hashirama and later became an old man and saved obito. I learned this information from the Senju library.

Later we had already sparring we were 8 years old, everything remained as before but there is an improvement here girls are stronger than their Canon characters. Sakura, Ino, Hinata all of them have changed

Hinata is not the same quiet and sweet, now she is very strong, stronger than Satsuki, because Satsuki has not yet opened Sharingan. And Hinata has the 3rd place in rating. And what changed because Hinata was kidnapped by Kiri ninja and saved by Naruto and was seriously injured, how did I know? Kushina came to us and began to ask to save Naruto, my mother of course saved him and everything went well but from that moment Hinata began to change, she became a bad girl and in the end we can say she is not the same Hinata that I knew from the Canon.

Sakura and Ino are still fans but the difference is that Sakura is for Naruto and Ino is for me. The fact that Naruto is not jinchuriki, but surprisingly so, I don't feel it wild chakra and only his and he is a member of the Uzumaki clan and they are 5 times tougher than regular shinobi and chakra is also several times more shinobi and comes to gonna have Naruto just level chakras Jounin about average if he learns to fully control it would be just awful. And he is the son of 4 Hokage and he also started learning the " flying thunder God technique" but there are no strong improvements but he can already teleport to his mark but not fast as his father also knows Taijutsu and ninjutsu and still

has his place in the ranking 2

And I'm already quite famous both in the village and in the academies as I'm very handsome and strong


in everything except Genjutsu so as this not my style I still can use its Sharingan but only for diverting eyes and all or to learn memory man, but I am sure that me not can take in Genjutsu my brain him prevents I improved its protection or although left loopholes perhaps that on me will affect kotomoatsuki first I nothing not understand but perhaps that my brain will give signals that this not my memory or deception vision and immediately after this I leave with Genjutsu. I have more fans than naruto, I have 1 place in the rating.

And now about our Satsuki girl and indeed as Sasuke with difference in is that she very likes its sister Itachi and wants wins its not killed and still wants to kill murderer which cut out clan Uchiha.


I also learned that although the Uchiha massacre was but it was not Itachi who did it, but her friend, this is a universe so different that I don't even know who ordered the Uchiha massacre and it's not even danzo's fault because he doesn't exist in this world at all. As me told mother as survived Itachi and Satsuki deal in is that Itachi opened Mangekyou Sharingan from for this she could resist enemy namely Shisui Uchiha, unexpected turn if not there is Danzo the Shisui will live, the problem is that someone ordered Shisui do massacre Uchiha instead Itachi. Also learned that Itachi and Satsuki are orphans but they are the daughters of Mikoto Uchiha and the head of the Fukaku Uchiha clans they died due to an ambush on their way back to Konoha.

Well, let's go back to the Academy Satsuki is ranked 4th, although without Sharingan, she is still stronger than other students and she has the "fire style: fireball" famous Uchiha technique.

After another 4 years, we are all 12 years old and soon we should be Genin. But here so much just happened can be said that here drama interestingly watch love triangle can be so say after all Hinata likes Naruto and Naruto likes Satsuki and she likes no one but talks with me from for this Naruto now me simply hates why Satsuki with me talks? I helped her with training and techniques, and after these trainings, she became a little closer to her sister's strength. If so think the Uchiha Madara was a girl and Satsuki she same Sasuke has become a girl means and Indra was a girl after all they must be reincarnation or all same Indra guy but Satsuki and Madara have become a girl, strange situation and the answer me can give only in late namely in great war shinobi 4.

Satsuki could open Sharingan and she sharply jumped up in 2 place and Naruto in 3 place rating until me same they not can get with my "haki observations" I already see all their attacks and with my strength I have enough and a finger to throw them through the circle even Naruto even though he improved the "flying thunder God Technique" but I know where he will be and I'm already waiting for him when he appears next to me and already use my finger to throw through the circle.

Although Iruka-Sensei knows that we are stronger than the usual chunin but the rules are the rule as if Naruto and Satsuki tried to finish the academies early, he and Kushina and Itachi did not allow them and I was happy and so still do not want to run from mission to mission after all, you need to perform missions to rise in rank.

Tomorrow there will be an announcement of the teams and there is a huge difference from the Canon

Just so you all know I'm new to this business and I use Google translate so the meaning may change there.

I will be glad if you say where I have mistakes, and once again I will say this is a different reality there are main characters of the Canon but I add some of my own parts that's why it may not be like in the Anime

Zick_Randercreators' thoughts