
Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

As a family that built a country, with huge chakra and vitality, but was actually destroyed by others, Uzumaki Ryuto had something in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not. Therefore, Uzumaki Ryuto decided to vigorously develop national power. "Ninjutsu is the source of progress." The future development trend is one superpower with multiple powers. Only under the leadership of the Kingdom of Whirlpool can the ninja world achieve true peace.

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52 Chs

The Whirlpool Country's After-Sales Service

"Is this the place?" A Whirlpool ninja asked, looking at the large waterfall in front of them, turning to his teammate.

"It should be, I guess!" Yūshin rolled his eyes and said, "I've never been to the Waterfall Country before."

"Located between the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth, surrounded by four countries, and formed by many waterfalls," Kōta frowned and said, "It looks like this is the place. Hey, how did Lord Ryuto know about the Waterfall Country if he's never been outside the Whirlpool Country?"

"Of course, that's Lord Ryuto we're talking about," Ryō proudly raised his head and said, "The future Whirlpool Shadow of the Whirlpool Village."

It's worth noting that although the Whirlpool Country had a ninja village, no one had claimed the title of Whirlpool Shadow due to their lack of strength. Now that the Uzumaki clan had finally produced a Kage-level prodigy, the Whirlpool Village was bound to become the sixth great ninja village in the future.

They might even surpass the five great villages, considering that Lord Ryuto was only seven years old!

"Let's focus on completing the mission now!" Ryōta frowned and said, "This is a mission assigned by Lord Ryuto himself."

"Yes!" The three of them answered in unison.

"Why don't we ask someone for directions?" Yūshin suggested.

"This is a time of war!" Ryōta rolled his eyes and said, "If four Jonin-level ninja suddenly appear in another country, can you imagine how the Waterfall ninja would react?"

That's a terrible idea. They might be attacked before they even open their mouths.

"But we're here to deliver a sealing technique!" Ryō said, "We just need to explain ourselves clearly. And we'll need to meet with the Waterfall ninja eventually, so we might as well show ourselves now."

"That's true," Kōta nodded in agreement. "As long as we reveal ourselves openly and don't cause any trouble, it should be fine."

That made sense, but as ninja, how could they put themselves in danger? Lord Ryuto had already warned them that every village with a Tailed Beast might be an enemy of the Whirlpool Village.

As the team leader, he didn't want to put his squad in danger. The Whirlpool Country was still too weak. If they found out about the sealing technique they carried, they might just attack and steal it outright. Although the sealing technique they had was an incomplete version, who would believe them?

It would be better for the enemy to capture them first and interrogate them, rather than trusting their words.

"Why don't we disguise ourselves as Konoha ninja?" Yūshin thought for a moment, then smiled mysteriously, winking as he said, "After all, the Uzumaki clan has a long-standing friendship with Konoha!"


This method...!

Ryōta narrowed his eyes, "It might just work!"

They could approach the Waterfall Village leader while disguised. Then, they could reveal their true identities later.


Ryuto guessed that the squads he had sent out were probably already approaching their respective target villages, recklessly rushing on their journeys. He had even delivered a sealing technique to the Waterfall Village!

After all, they had accepted the Seven-Tails, Chōmei.

As the self-proclaimed successor of Hashirama's "Will of Fire" and the pursuit of peace, how could he allow other villages to possess Tailed Beasts while leaving the Waterfall Village without one? The Waterfall Village might be a smaller village, but it was still a pillar of the ninja world. Without proper strength, how could it stand?

At the same time, he had also assigned a task to the ninja he sent to the Waterfall Village - to recruit Kakuzu.

Kakuzu claimed to have fought the Ninja God himself! Although it might have just been a passing encounter from a distance, Uzumaki Ryuto didn't need Kakuzu's abilities. He valued Kakuzu's financial skills.

No matter what, as the financial manager of the Akatsuki, Kakuzu had to possess some competence. Otherwise, where would Konan's explosive tags have come from? Six hundred billion of them!

Those had to be from the money Kakuzu had diligently earned for the organization.


The future financial manager of the Whirlpool Country would be Kakuzu. Otherwise, with the current person managing the national treasury, it was... Sigh!

Even Uzumaki Ryuto, a seven-year-old child, could misappropriate funds from the treasury. What use was that person? He might as well go work in the fields!


"Elders, Clan Head," Uzumaki Ryuto smiled at the elders chatting happily with the Senju clan members in front of him.

"Oh, it's little Ryuto!" The eldest elder said happily, "Do you have any tasks for us old folks? Just say the word!" Then, he winked suggestively at Uzumaki Ryuto, implying that he would take care of Ryuto's request.

"In two days, we'll need to have post-war negotiations with the Hidden Mist Village," Uzumaki Ryuto said after thinking for a moment, "You might need to accompany me at that time."

Without some strong figures by his side, his presence would be weakened by half! How could he intimidate them during the negotiations? Moreover, Uzumaki Ryuto planned to have the Uzumaki clan members use the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu to surround the area and chant "666."

The Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu had the ability to lower intelligence, after all! By then, Gengetsu Hōzuki's mind would be clouded, and he might just agree to Ryuto's demands.

It was good to have dreams, just in case they came true, right?

So Uzumaki Ryuto had already made arrangements for these negotiations. They would take place outdoors, no need for tents. Just a few chairs set up, with a few pots of water boiling, and everyone could talk while drinking tea. As for alcohol...

This wasn't about conducting business, so why bother with alcohol?

"I see!" The eldest elder said cheerfully, "Just let me know when the time comes. Do we need to do anything special?"

Do something special?

Change their mental attitude, perhaps?

Uzumaki Ryuto thought to himself. As long as they remained focused, it would be fine.

Moreover, Gengetsu Hōzuki probably wouldn't dare to act rashly either.

After all, Uzumaki Ryuto knew the Space-Time Ninjutsu. If Hōzuki attacked, Ryuto could use his Space-Time Ninjutsu to take down the Mist Jonin one by one. That would be an even greater loss for them.


Unless Gengetsu Hōzuki was an idiot, he wouldn't dare to make a move.

"Dress sharply?" Uzumaki Ryuto said after thinking for a moment.


The scene fell silent.

"Hahaha!" The eldest elder could only laugh awkwardly at this, "We old folks shouldn't bother you any longer."

Then, he led the elders and the clan head away. They were happy to see Uzumaki Ryuto trying to recruit the Senju clan. The Whirlpool Country was still too weak. If more clans joined, the Whirlpool Country might truly become the sixth great nation.

Moreover, the Senju clan wasn't bad. They had defied the Hokage's orders and come to their aid during such a perilous time.

Ryuto watched the elders leave, then turned and smiled at the somewhat awkward Senju clan members. It seemed they felt uneasy after seeing him take down a Tailed Beast!

This wouldn't do. He was here to recruit them, not threaten them.

"Lord Ryuto!" Senju Hidezumi spoke up respectfully first, "This is the one who took down a Tailed Beast at such a young age!" He didn't know why he had led the Senju clan to assist. Did they really need a few dozen people to chant "666"?

They weren't needed at all, were they?

Ryuto noticed the hesitation in their eyes and pondered for a moment before dropping his smile and saying sternly, "What do you think of the current Konoha...?"

(end of chapter)