
Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

As a family that built a country, with huge chakra and vitality, but was actually destroyed by others, Uzumaki Ryuto had something in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not. Therefore, Uzumaki Ryuto decided to vigorously develop national power. "Ninjutsu is the source of progress." The future development trend is one superpower with multiple powers. Only under the leadership of the Kingdom of Whirlpool can the ninja world achieve true peace.

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52 Chs

The system finally activated

"Captain, there are ninjas from the Whirlpool Village over there." Suddenly, a Hidden Mist ninja at the front of the ship said.

Although curious about the huge noise that came from the forest earlier, the Hidden Mist ninjas still believed in their Mizukage. Against these small fries from the Land of Whirlpools, how could they stand up to the might of the Hidden Mist Village?

No one of importance, no Kage, no Tailed Beasts - what did they have going for them? Did they expect to win just through sheer guts, by blindly charging ahead recklessly? Don't be ridiculous, you're not the Child of Destiny, even though the Child of Destiny is also from the Uzumaki clan, but he's a blond!

The breeds are clearly different, alright?!

Whirlpool Village??

All the Hidden Mist ninjas turned their heads in bewilderment upon hearing this. Although they found the strange objects drifting in the sky odd, they didn't think those slow-moving things would pose a danger to the Hidden Mist ninjas. Even if they did, at such a high altitude, the ninjas had no way to shoot them down. Only Tailed Beast Bombs or kunai could potentially reach that height, but kunai might not even pose a threat from that distance.

You think there's no gravity in the ninja world? Only an extremely small number can actually fly.

They were completely helpless right now!

"Whirlpool ninjas?!" The Hidden Mist ninjas stared at the two Whirlpool ninjas approaching. Huh? One of them seemed quite old! The fact that Whirlpool ninjas appeared here, did it mean the Mizukage and others had met with some accident? Impossible, that puny Whirlpool Village didn't even have a Kage or Tailed Beasts, how could they possibly pose a threat to the Mizukage?

These two were probably here for a sneak attack. But...their numbers seemed a bit too few!

Could they have been betrayed by their own village? Coming to offer their heads?

This was practically handing them a battle achievement! Otherwise...

Did they look down on this rear guard squad? Just these two...? Huh, they were at least Jonin-level. Just a bit too old in age, how much real power could they muster? They really did come to offer their heads!

But the Hidden Mist ninjas didn't care, the captain just waved his hand and said, "Capture those two, see if we can extract any information from them." Just two Jonin, they couldn't possibly pose any real threat. What's more, one was an elderly man and the other was quite old too, did they really think they could recklessly charge in with such a formation? Were they trying to promote respecting the elderly in the ninja world?

"Elder, shall we make a move now?" Seeing the Hidden Mist ninjas take action, the clan leader softly asked the elder beside him. It was because of their wrong decisions that the Land of Whirlpools ended up in this current situation. If the Land of Whirlpools managed to overcome these difficulties, he would have to go to Konoha and ask the Hokage whether the decision made by the First Hokage Hashirama to have the Uzumaki clan and Konoha watch over each other was still being honored. If not, then they could deal with the Nine-Tails themselves, they had no obligation to provide housing for the Nine-Tails anymore, especially without being paid rent, and with such high demands - not only requiring a secure place, but also demanding the lives of the Uzumaki clan members? Don't be ridiculous, although the Uzumaki were simple, they weren't stupid!

And if the mutual assistance pact was still being honored...

Who would believe that?! 

They only wanted to be friendly and help when they saw the Uzumaki succeeding, what a load of nonsense!

To hell with that!!

"Take action!" The elder said sternly, "Remember Ryuto's words, the main objective is to use the explosive tags to draw in the Hidden Mist Village's forces." As long as they could destroy the fleet, they would succeed. Afterwards, it would be a guerrilla war. He was becoming more and more convinced of Prince Ryuto's words.

Perhaps the Land of Whirlpools really did have hope. The only question was...

Was the Hidden Mist Village the only ninja village they faced?

"Conserve your strength, focus on using the explosive tags."



[Ding, reputation has reached minimum requirement, system officially activated.]

"Huh?" Ryuto Uzumaki was stunned. Was he hallucinating or did that system finally activate? Impossible, right?

Was this some kind of war system that only activated during large-scale battles? Was it trying to force him down the path of smashing all the ninja villages and unifying the ninja world?

He just wanted to live a peaceful life.

While he was thinking all of this he called for system panel

[Host: Ryuto Uzumaki

Age: 7 

Rank: Chunin

Gender: Male 

Skills: Rasengan, Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags...

Reputation: 30,000]

Ryuto Uzumaki was dumbfounded upon hearing the electronic voice in his mind.

'This looks very simple, what use is it, is there any AI?' Ryuto thought exasperatedly. 

While asking the question the basic information about the system appeared in his mind.

The name of this system is "Harmonious society assistance system!"

It's purpose is guiding society towards prosperity and leading the people to prosperity.

and you can buy various items from the store.

'This is good that there is no System AI as that would be annoying.'

'And i can exchange things from the world where i have been to'

'And it is good too as i can buy Nuclear bombs from earth and create deterence! hehe'


If nuclear weapons could be redeemed, he planned to get on a ship and show off to the Hidden Mist Village, to see who could withstand it compared to Hōzuki Gengetsu. Now that they both had nuclear weapons, it was fair. Though his nuclear weapons couldn't move, they had nuclear radiation!

In the system store he was searching for nuclear bombs but he couldnt find it at all.

'system! where is the nuclear bomb, i think there is a error'

When saying this he got more information about the system as Earth's firearms and weapons violate the harmonious society rules, so they're not available.

'This is useless, building a harmonious society also needs powerful weapons as the backbone!'

Look at which country's harmonious society doesn't have strong military might supporting it? None? 

Heh, isn't that just being a fool for others?

But he didn't care about it even if the system didn't give him weapons, he will create it himself.

As thinking about this he began looking more into the store, atleast , You can redeem ninja techniques, bloodlines.


Was this going with the rhythm of using Earth Style to pave roads and Water Style to irrigate fields.


Forget thinking about all of this, let's just get through this crisis first.

This system that hadn't activated for so many years suddenly opened today - it was because of this Prestige, he looked more into the information of this prestige/worship.

Each person can only provide Prestige three times. The first is Beginner Worship worth one point. The second is Intermediate Worship worth a hundred points. The third is Absolute Worship worth a thousand points.

He was just a child back then! 

No matter how well he performed, others would only see him as smart, promising, a talent, the future of the Uzumaki clan - but they wouldn't worship him. 

But now, due to special circumstances where he saved the Land of Whirlpools from crisis, others ignored his actual age. Even if they knew he was only seven years old, who wouldn't worship a child that young for saving the country and its people?!

This was the reason they worshipped him, allowing his system to awaken

'OK! open the newbie gift package'

(End of chapter)