
Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

As a family that built a country, with huge chakra and vitality, but was actually destroyed by others, Uzumaki Ryuto had something in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not. Therefore, Uzumaki Ryuto decided to vigorously develop national power. "Ninjutsu is the source of progress." The future development trend is one superpower with multiple powers. Only under the leadership of the Kingdom of Whirlpool can the ninja world achieve true peace.

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52 Chs

The Power of Money, Beyond Your Imagination

A deafening explosion rang out, kicking up a massive cloud of dust that obscured an entire stretch of forest.

Gengetsu Hōzuki couldn't fathom why the Land of Whirlpools had prepared so many explosive tags. It was just an invasion war, and they had experienced wars before. Why did they deviate from the usual tactics this time, not only mobilizing the entire nation's strength but also depleting its financial resources?

After spending all the money, how would they soothe the people's hearts and rebuild the country once the war ended? Would the whole nation have to live off the land?

If wars were fought like this, the nation would collapse early on. 

Don't they know that ninjas carry out missions for money? If you had so much money, why didn't they show it earlier?If he had known this he had to make a whole different arrangement for this war

Now they are in disadvantage because of lack of prior information

Gengetsu Hōzuki's face turned pale as he watched the dust clear, revealing the devastated scene around him. If he proposed collecting money and negotiating a truce now, not only would the high-ranking officials and elders of the village berate him, but the villagers would also condemn him!

Although most of the casualties were low-ranking cannon fodder, even cannon fodder couldn't withstand such heavy losses!

Keep in mind that every low-ranking ninja had a family, and once their families took to the streets in protest, his position as the Mizukage would be over.

To start a war only to be beaten and call for help – what kind of situation was this?

If you couldn't win, you could have run away!

Was this scorched earth approach devised by you dimwits? The Hidden Mist Village only wanted this territory and to keep the Land of Fire in check. Now, Gengetsu Hōzuki seriously suspected that the old fox Hiruzen Sarutobi might have tricked him! The plan was probably to let the Land of Whirlpools inflict severe damage on the Hidden Mist Village. Otherwise, how could these dimwits who only knew how to charge recklessly and howl suddenly start using strategies?

This didn't make sense! How did they change?

Everyone in the ninja world knew that the Uzumaki clan was a group that didn't put any points into intelligence, instead allocating all their stats to chakra!

Gengetsu Hōzuki looked around at the devastated scene that stretched for several kilometers, now a massive crater. "Treat the injured personnel, the rest of you ninjas follow me and continue the advance."

Damn it!

Now he really had to wipe out the Uzumaki clan, or how could he face the villagers and elders when he returned?

The Uzumaki clan had put him on a hot plate!

Gengetsu Hōzuki's expression hardened as he waved his hand and roared, "Kill! Don't leave a single one alive, kill them all!"

Seeing the Hidden Mist Village start howling, Uzumaki Kai nodded in satisfaction. It seemed Lord Ryuto's strategy was indeed effective!

It was a bit costly, but since the Hidden Mist Village had invaded the Land of Whirlpools, they needed to be taught a harsh lesson, or they would think the Uzumaki clan was easy to bully.

Money was just money, and Lord Ryuto had plenty of it. Moreover, this feeling was truly exhilarating!

The Land of Whirlpools would achieve victory even without relying on that superficial brother. Especially considering the severe damage the Hidden Mist Village had suffered right from the start – the real casualties were devastating! With so many explosive tags surrounding them, how could the damage not be severe? Didn't you see the Uzumaki clan howling in pain? Although they were just shadow clones, the pain was still transmitted!

If the Mizukage failed in this invasion and returned to the Hidden Mist Village, the village leader and high-ranking officials would probably lose their positions.

So, the Mizukage had to go all out this time.

Uzumaki Kai squinted his eyes as the dust cleared, gradually revealing the scene before him. He couldn't help but smack his lips and gasp in shock. No wonder ninjas loved money so much! This feeling was truly exhilarating!

He waved his hand towards the Uzumaki clan members behind him and shouted, "Next step!"

Uzumaki Kai sneered at the Mist ninjas in front of him. They thought the Uzumaki clan only had so few explosive tags and rushed in, intending to howl and charge them head-on. Uzumaki Kai could only say one thing – sorry, you had no idea how much money Lord Ryuto had.

Now, Uzumaki Kai felt some admiration for Lord Ryuto. He had been prepared early on, and had even warned the clan elders and leaders not to trust the Konoha people's sincerity and their intention to harm the Land of Whirlpools, but no one had believed him.

"Lord Ryuto is truly far-sighted!"

Seeing the Mist ninjas regain their senses and prepare for an all-out attack after the explosive tags were used up, he said, "Get ready!"

The Uzumaki clan members neatly raised their bows and arrows, taking aim at the advancing Mist ninjas.

Gengetsu Hōzuki saw this and quickly raised his hand to stop the Mist ninjas, especially after noticing the explosive tags attached to the arrowheads. He cried out, "Explosive tags, take cover!"

But it was too late.

"Fire!" Uzumaki Kai sneered as he waved his hand.


"It seems we have reached the second step." Uzumaki Ryuto glanced at the distant forest, looking at the second elder beside him. They were in a team of two, one person carrying gasoline cans and the other providing defense. If it weren't for hot air balloons being too difficult to make in this era, he would have established an air force squadron.

"We have reached the Mist ninjas' fleet," the second elder said. "The people down there have probably sensed something is amiss."

Uzumaki Ryuto scoffed. So what if they sensed it?

After all, the Mist ninjas weren't sky ninjas. He didn't believe they had any high-altitude defenses or the ability to fly. At this height, what could they do apart from throwing kunai or ninjutsu? Even if they did, the Uzumaki clan wasn't afraid. The Uzumaki clan might not have much, but they had plenty of chakra. From such a height, how much power could any thrown kunai or ninjutsu have?

"Hahaha!" The second elder laughed heartily. "It seems the Mist ninjas have really suffered severe losses this time!"

We have also suffered severe losses!

Uzumaki Ryuto looked down helplessly. He had wasted a tremendous amount of money, and even if they managed to defend the Land of Whirlpools this time, they would not be able to demand war reparations from the Hidden Mist Village. After all...

The Land of Whirlpools was still too weak. The Hidden Mist Village not attacking them was already a favor, let alone paying reparations.

Of course, if they could capture the Mizukage or one of the Tailed Beasts, they might have a chance to negotiate with the Hidden Mist Village. After all, if a village couldn't even ransom its own Kage, it would eventually become irrelevant, and the Mizukage, along with the Mist ninjas, would be mocked by other ninja villages.

If they had the ability, they could really make a move, but they lacked the power!

The Hidden Mist Village had two Tailed Beasts!

As long as they didn't release them, Uzumaki Ryuto would be grateful. Did they really think they could capture Tailed Beasts? If they had that ability, would others so easily invade?

"Big brother and the clan leader have started," the second elder suddenly said.

They've started, huh? Uzumaki Ryuto narrowed his eyes.

(End of chapter)