
Naruto: The Prince of Lust

There are times when all it takes is the right voice to help you realize the greatness within to conquer the painful evil without. Uzumaki Naruto's voice of promise turns out to be his... from the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: lemons, moral ambiguity, slow development, and harem.

William777 · Komik
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191 Chs

Chapter 155

On autopilot, Sakura's sandaled feet shuffle to the field of flowers near the Academy. The walk felt like the longest and shortest trip she's ever made, and before she knows it, she's standing in front of a quiet and sympathetic Ino.

"…What did he say," Ino softly asks.

Sakura's wide eyes finally focus on Ino, and though she feels like she should be angry at the platinum blond, or raging in defense of her love for Sasuke… she, in fact, feels nothing.

Sakura is in such a state of limbo, she has to question something she never thought would be an issue. To her horror, Sakura actually contemplates if she's more shocked about the fact he threatened her parent's lives, or how he claims she could never understand him while her parents still live… and that made her sick to her stomach… that she would weigh the possibility of her own parent's deaths— their murder—simply to better understand this boy. At the smiling faces of the mother that birthed her and the father that loves her unconditionally, under the full bloom of Sakura trees Naruto had reminded her of, Sakura felt sick.

For the first time in her life, Sakura was scared of this dominating feeling she has for Sasuke. Thinking evil, morbid thoughts against her own family in order to understand the boy in her heart is 'wrong… It's wrong! Something about this is wrong! My love is…'

Sakura's tears are flowing before she's even aware of them. The moment her confused mind feels the fat globs of salty liquid racing down her pink cheeks, Sakura begins to wail in agonizing sadness. Both kunoichi end up on the grass with Sakura wrapped in the Yamanaka's arms. Ino doesn't simply hug the wailing girl for comfort, she holds Sakura together, to keep her once best friend from breaking, periodically whispering, "it'll be okay," and, "I have you, Sakura. I have you."

Sakura wanted to respond, 'it'll never be okay,' and, 'I hate you,' but she couldn't stop crying and Ino was the only life-sustaining warmth in that very cold day. They stay in the field of flowers, where a crying Sakura and an understanding Ino first became friends until late into the night.


If it wasn't for Naru-nii, Haku, and Kurenai's unyielding support, Naruto couldn't imagine walking beside a morose Sakura and a rigid Sasuke up to the exam room a mere five days since his night with his pink-haired teammate. Though Kurenai refused to have sex, advocating an emotional imbalance could ruin what they have, she at least slept with him every night until the early morning, before leaving for team duties. Naru-nii would talk to him about good times with many new friends Naruto is still looking forward to making, and after convincing Haku not to murder Sakura, his brunette friend would simply be there for him. No matter the time of day, Haku would simply be there.

After a wave to Tenten and a fist bump to a confused Rock Lee, Naruto waits beside the entrance doors of room 301 for Sasuke to lose to Guy-sensei's smaller younger doppelgänger. During Naru-nii's story times, he'd already heard how strong Rock Lee is and the amazing grit the shinobi possesses to overcome his shortcomings. 'He's the epitome of hard work defeating geniuses who don't work hard,' Naru-nii had said, which Naruto immediately liked.

"Shouldn't you be with your teammates," Naruto hears Kakashi ask from behind him. In the hallway, Kakashi is by the doors of the exam room while Naruto leans against the wall.

"They'll be here soon," Naruto dully states, not bothering to turn to the legendary Copy-Ninja.

"You've certainly grown, Naruto-kun," Kakashi slowly voices over his little orange book. "Far more than I ever anticipated."

Despite everyone from Ji-chan to Naru-nii endorsing Kakashi as one of the strongest shinobi in their village, an aggrieved and miffed Naruto responds, "yeah, well, Kurenai-sensei is pretty great." It didn't take him more than a second to realize that response came from a bad emotional place and he regretted saying it. "Sorry, Kakashi-sensei. I shouldn't have said that. It just sucks sometimes; you spending so much more time with Sasuke than me or Sakura. I mean, don't we matter too?"

"It's fine, and though it may not seem like it, yes, you do. You both do," Kakashi calmly states, unoffended. "It's true, I haven't been fair with my time to you and Sakura-chan. As Jōnin-sensei for all three of you, that isn't how it should be, but life is rarely fair. It's better to learn that bitter lesson early."

"I'm pretty sure I learn that lesson every time I go outside," Naruto huffs, though thinking of Kurenai-chan and Ino-chan, he lazily wonders if there is some form of cosmic balance.

"I suppose you do," Kakashi sheepishly admits, mono-eying the less jovial Naruto. "And here you stand, one of the strongest genin to come out of the Academy. Despite all your opposition and hardships, you overcome. I'm not excusing them, but isn't that a valuable trait to learn about yourself? It means you're a survivor."

Snorting, a glum Naruto simply asks, "you think it'd be asking too much to be a survivor with friends, family, and or a sensei who doesn't favor one student?"

"…No," Kakashi admits, considering his own history a moment. Realizing that Naruto is heartbroken on top of consistently brushed aside, Kakashi tries to balance the other end of this state of rejection. "Listen, it's not like Sasuke-kun and I are eating ice-cream or going to the hot springs to relax. Whether you believe me or not, Sasuke-kun needs more help, and I just so happen to be in the best position to do that."

'No, you're not,' Naruto thinks, wondering if he can run into Itachi sooner than Naru-nii had. "I get it. He can be an obnoxious ass, but I want to help him too."

"Focus on your training," Kakashi tells him. "You're already cutting the leaf with your Fūton chakra. Training in the waterfall is going to be even harder."

"Yeah, well, it's not enough," Naruto despondently states, not bothering to correct his sensei on the progress he's recently made as thoughts of Naru-nii's warnings and aches of a broken heart cloud his mind horribly.

Kakashi states, "you don't have the frame of reference, but trust me, the way you're going is an amazing achievement."





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