
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Komik
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77 Chs

Chapter 21 - Biotechnology Online

Within the walls of Konohagakure in the outer forest near a large single warehouse. An army of workers were hard at work revamping the warehouse. The only strangeness was that the army of workers all looked like the same boy and girl.

"Screwdriver." a boy asked the girl next to him.

Unlike the many others these two were not working on the warehouse itself but appeared to be building something. It appeared to be a box of some sort as he screwed something into place and a screen nearby lit up. Surprising the girl as she sipped on water as she looked on curiously.

"What is this supposed to do?"

"This is the control panel for the project in my mind. Here they can be built, repaired, upgraded and download the information they gather."

The two here naturally were Kagami and Mira. It's been a little over a week since Kagami bought the warehouse for a bargain as the previous owner just wanted it gone. So the two were using clones to fix and remodel the warehouse into the laboratory. While Kagami built the machines and equipment he needs.

"Really?" Mira just looked at the device confused.

Besides the screen being fairly big, the actual device wasn't that big. The entire box could sit in her two palms. So she had a bit of a hard time imagining this small box is capable of all that. Not to mention, it is nearly all mechanical with the only fuinjutsu being on the screen to make it touch screen.

"It needs to be charged and needs about a day to build the first set. Otherwise, it is ready for testing." Kagami smiled up at her. "The world's first nanobots, which will be immensely helpful in future research."

"Nanobots? What are those?" Mira asked curiously.

"Hmm, didn't I tell you?" Kagami blinked.

"Err, maybe." Mira's eyes drifted away for a moment.

Kagami smiled as he figured she probably just tuned out when he spoke about them if he did. It tends to happen quite a bit since Mira, while curious about his ideas, tends to zone out on the details. So he just smiled as he began to explain them and his idea to them.

"They are nano size bots that can be so small that even the naked eye can't see. I plan to use these things in my research of chakra, kekkei genkais and healing." Kagami said. "Cells can only divide so many times, so I plan to use these nano bots to replace cell division to heal wounds or even repair cells."

Mira just stared at him in surprise and shock. "How did you think of this and do you know what this means? Will it mimic the effect of the First Hokage? It said he could regenerate basically from any wound if it didn't instantly kill him."

Kagami crossed his arms but couldn't help but shake his head. Hashirama could heal most wounds within seconds, while his nanobots would require time. So it is probably comparable to Tsunade Creation Rebirth once his nanobots are optimized.

'If we want to compare, it is probably comparable to Tsunade Creation Rebirth. Though, these nanobots are weak to lightning, and I don't really plan on using this in combat.' Kagami thought to himself.

"No, nothing so great."

"Oh, shame." Mira sighed. "So can I try these things out?"

Kagami blinked in surprise but while thinking about it he didn't see the problem. He originally was going to test it out on himself and his grandfather first. However, since Mira wanted to help him test it, he didn't see the problem.

"Ok, come to my house tomorrow in the afternoon. The time should be the end and we can try it out." Kagami smiled at her.

"Great." Mira cheered.


The next day came in a blink with Maru and Taiyō headed out to shop. While they were slightly interested in what they were doing. Neither would understand it even if they stayed so they decided to grab ingredients for dinner.

"What do I need to do?" Mira asked in the Kagami room.

She watched as he pulled on some gloves and pulled out a few strange devices. A few looked like what she saw in the hospital to monitor a patient's vitals.

"Alright strip." Kagami smiled brightly.

"Eh?!" Was all Mira said as she looked at him stunned.


"Pervert." Mira hugged herself.

"Hardly." Kagami sighed. "You just need to remove your shirt and shorts. There is nothing to worry about but I would rather be safe than sorry."

Mira just clenched the edges of her shirt and knew she was the one to ask for this. So much to her red cheeks, she raised her shirt and removed it alongside her shorts. Leaving her embarrassed only being in her panties in front of her best friend.

Kagami didn't waste time and hook up probably way more wires then he needed. A bunch positioned all across her body which made her blush more when he touched around her chest and lower stomach areas as he positioned the wires.

"Already, while it's clear you're a bit nervous, no need to be embarrassed." Kagami smiled at her.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one practically naked." she mumbled.

"Now, let's begin. Open wide." Kagami said as he held a pellet.

Swallowing the small pellet, Mira felt a slight metallic taste to it as she went to swallow it. Then she began to cough, as she felt resistant to swallowing it.

"I know it probably tastes bad but I think you would prefer this over the other way." Kagami smiled.

"Ok," Mira said as she swallowed it this time and it stayed down.

Kagami continued to smile as he watched the monitors for a few minutes. Once there was no change or issue appearing, he lifted the control panel. Then unleashed the nanobots which instantly began to disperse throughout her body. Each gathering data as it traveled as well began to heal the small scars she gained.

"How long is this going to last?" Mira asked.

Kagami thought for a moment, "a few hours probably. "

Mira sighed as she just laid on his bed and closed her eyes. At least in this way time will pass and she will be able to get dressed. Hopefully before their grandfathers return or it really will be embarrassing.


Outside as they peeked in through the cracks of the window. Maru and Taiyō just looked at each other as Taiyō scratched the back of his head. They could sort of see what was going on in the room, but not to a large degree.

"It looks like we have to kill time for a few hours. Who knew shopping would be done so fast." Taiyō laughed nervously.

"Sigh, if they were older I might be seeing my great great grandchild." Maru sighed.

Taiyō just waved his hands. "No, no. Unless Mira pounces on him, it wouldn't cross Kagami's mind to do such a thing."

Maru just nodded in agreement. "Still, why can't he show some reaction? Is my granddaughter not cute enough?"

Taiyō wisely chose not to comment.

Thanks for Reading.

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