
Naruto: The Hidden Protector

A soul was employed by a higher being to help him manage his world. How will our protagonist live her life to the fullest while also fulfilling her new duties? I don't own Naruto. I adjusted the story to my liking. English is not my main language so don't bother about grammar mistakes too much. If you guys want to read advanced chapters go to my Patreon account. patreon.com/Nauty_Manu

Nauty_Manu · Komik
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71 Chs

Chapter 67

~ A few minutes earlier~

"It is done matriarch, we have already spread the details of Danzo's crimes to the whole Konoha. The way he did it, why he did it and how he got away with it everything was recorded in those fliers. " Nanami said as she adjusted her glasses. She had a cold smile as she said those words.

Nanami always had a grudge against Danzo. Her best friend Kagami was killed by him. That is why she was the one who collected all the dirt Dazo had. From wanting to kill a clan or steal a child's toy she wrote everything.

"So did the daimyo learn of this yet " Izanami asked as she ignored Nanami's darkness that was leaking out. She always knew that her children had a dark side. But each time she pointed out that they would say that compared to her they were angels.

Preposterous how could that be true? She is the nicest and kindest person you could find in this world. How dare they say that she is evil. She has never done anything evil at all.

" ehem yes, he is actually learning about this at this very moment. " Nanami said as she coughed a bit to her dark thoughts.

"I see, so do we need someone to call him in case he runs away in fear? " Izanami asked as she sipped her tea,

"Hmm, that would be for the best as it seems he is too scared to come near our house. He is just taking one step and retracting it the next second. If this continued I'm afraid this would take a while. " Nanami said as she used her observation haki to see the situation outside the house.

When the Daimyo found out how corrupt and cruel Danzo was, he had no face to talk to Izanami and ask for this matter to settle down peacefully. Previously he wanted to find if there is a way to avoid war as this may affect the Land of Fire's security.

No matter what Konoha is still the force that is protecting the other countries from invading the Fire country. If Konoha is weakened too badly the other countries may have ideas of expanding their territory.

For this, the Fire Daimyo wanted to negotiate with Izanami. If he couldn't avoid war he at the very least wanted to protect the Fire country from being affected by this war.

But after learning this, how could he ask for anything? Anyone could tell that Hriuzen had turned a blind eye to Danzo's crimes which made him too arrogant. This may be one of the reasons why he dared to attack Izanami when he was still in the presence of Hiruzen.

It may also be that Danzo is acting on Hiruzen's orders. And no matter what, all these reasons show that Izanami is a victim and has a legitimate reason to wage war. How could a direct descendant of the CEO of the World Bank be threatened when she was here to do her job?

So the Daimyo was hesitating to go meet with Izanami. He didn't doubt that Izanami wouldn't know what was happening in Konoha. For god's sake even he learned of this matter when he was in this neighbourhood.

The Daimyo was pretty sure Izanami has lost all hope in the Land of Fire. If a criminal like Danzo could become the Hokage assistant then what about others who are in high positions? Like they say alike people tend to stick together.

Just as he was thinking about what to do the front door to the mansion opened. From it came Tengen. With calm steps, Tengen walked towards the Fire Daimyo.

Seeing Tengen the fire daimyo's mind began to buzz with the intelligence he collected while coming here, ' Tengen Uzui a prodigy who was born in the Land of Iron. He is the youngest Hashira who was assigned to protect Lady Izanami under the orders of the Daimyo of the Land of Iron. '

"Greeting Daimyo of the Land of Fire. " Tengen said as he bowed with proper etiquette. Since he had been serving Iron Daimyo for a while he knew the proper manners when dealing with nobles.

"Oh If I am not wrong your name should be Tengen Uzi right? I have heard of you a couple of times "The fire Daimyo said as he used his fan to cover half of his face. He has a calculating gaze as he looked at Tengen.

" I am honoured to be remembered by your Highness. But do pardon my rude behaviour, Your Majesty but lady Izanami said that she would like to meet you. " Tengen said with a fake smile.

He felt disgusted when the Daimyo's gaze washed over him. Although he is no mind reader he could see that this man didn't take him as a human being. His gaze was like he was evaluating an object. So that is why he quickly got to the point.

"I see then we better not keep Lady Izanami waiting "Hearing Izanami wanted to meet him the Fire Daimyo didn't dare to wait a second.

So under Tengen's guidance, he was escorted inside to a room where Izanami was. Izanami at this moment is sipping her tea at a leisurely pace. She only glanced at the Fire Daimyo once before ignoring him.

The Daimyo didn't take offence at her behaviour. How could he when he is here to beg for her forgiveness?

"Take a seat, we have some things to talk about, "Izanami said with an indifferent tone.

"Yes of course "The Daimyo said as he took a seat opposite Izanami.

Izanami put away her teacup and said, "I take it you are already informed of the recent happenings in Konoha. Especially about the crimes the Hokage assistant did"

"Yes, I have heard lady Izanami. I too was shocked when I heard about it at first, never have I realised how cruel a person could be " The Fire Daimyo said while trying to act all surprised. Well, he honestly didn't know Danzo did all these so it wasn't that hard to act the part.

" I don't care whether you knew about it beforehand or not. What I see is a criminal who dared to threaten me is still on the loose. And it so happened that he had a whole list of crimes before this. " Izanami said with a cold tone.

" I see, worry not lady Izanami. I have already ordered Hiruzen to capture that criminal. In just two days he would be at Lady Izanami's feet begging for forgiveness. " the Fire Daimyo said with a bit of panic.

" He better be, " Izanami spat as she glared at the Daimyo.

" So what are you going to do about Hiruzen? In those fliers, it is said that he knew about everything his dear old friend did. " Izanami asked as gave the fire Daimyo a look.

As though he was understanding what to do he said, " Of course he needs to be punished. Hiruzen is no longer fit to be Hokage. Lady Izanami would happen to have any suitable candidates. "

"How about Tsunade? I don't think she is half bad. "Izanami said as she looked at the peeking head of Tsunade a little wink while telepathically saying, ' Tsunade get ready, it's time for you to take that mantle and protect your grandfather's legacy. '

'Can I not be the Hokage and try to save my grandfather's legacy? ' Tsunade asked with a bit of depression.

Izanami smiled sweetly and said, ' No. '







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