
Naruto: The Gravitational Sword

Born during the time when the first hokage had just left the world and the first ninja world war was about to commence, Inosuke just granted the title of genin jumps into the war, armed with the memories of a swordsmen from another world, the power of the gravity fruit and the vitality of gleaming gold

Navy_King · Komik
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 Danger

Land of Fire.

The forest that stretched hundreds of miles under the dark sky was even more gloomy, the den of dangerous and bloodthirsty animals.

"He should have long returned by now. What do we do now?" Asked Choko with a tense look on her face, some fear clearly evident in her voice.

"Wait and hope for his return because If someone strong like him can run into danger then the three of us have no hope at all."

Said Shikato his thoughts out loud as the idea of going to look for Kagami was absolutely ridiculous, hundreds of them could not compare to a single kagami who had most likely run into danger.

"Yes, moreover we are on a mission and the duty of escorting the caravan safely is still on our shoulders. We can't just leave them alone and head to search for Lord Kagami."

Inosuke agreed with Shikato's words as despite with all of his perks as a transmigrator he knew the current him was from the level of Kagami. If something is dangerous to Kagami then it is super dangerous to him.

Reaching a mutual decision, the three of them didn't head out to search for Kagami and watched over the sleeping caravan but

their faces tense and eyes containing

uncertainty and some fear especially both Shikato and Choko.

Inosuke could see Shikato trying his best to maintain his cool but his hands that trembled from time to time showed his true state, Choko seemed to have actually lost her appetite and with a pale face was

watching her surroundings.

The night was long and tough for the freshly graduated genin but it still passed, the rays of the rising sun pouring over the caravan as they all started to wake up. The caravan members before resuming their journey

washed themselves at a nearby stream and

had something to fill their stomach.

"I don't see that blonde kid anymore? Where did he go?"

The caravan leader walked up to Kagami who stood next to Shikato and Choko and asked,quite curious about th disappearance of Inosuke.

"Don't worry, I sent him to scout the way ahead" Assured Kagami with the signature smile on his face, Shikato and Choko next to him also giving an assuring look.


Nodded the caravan leader and didn't ask any further question as to him Kagami's presence was the most important and the

other three hardly mattered.

"I hope this trick lasts long enough for us to make it to the capital." Said Shikato in a tired tone, his hopeful eyes on Kagami next to him.

The disappearance of Kagami would have surely caused the caravan to feel unsafe and that would have resulted in unnecessary trouble so overnight the three agreed on the plan to transform into kagami and continue with the mission.

As they had expected the disappearance of a genin hardly bothered the caravan leader, their plan working perfectly.

The caravan resumed its journey towards the capital and nearly the whole day passed safely, the sky with an orange glow all around it due to the setting sun but on the faces of most caravan members happy look as at some distance they could see the end of the forest they were walking through, meaning the capital wasn't far.


"Kagami", Shikato and Choko also had relieved faces but misfortune often came at unexpected moments, from the trees around shooting out numerous kunai's with paper bombs attached to them.


It happened all too suddenly and anyone hardly seemed to have time to react. The caravan members watching the kunai's raining down on them showed utter looks of despair, their unwilling howls ringing in the forest.

For freshly graduated genin like Shikato and

Choko such a large scale sudden attack was

too much as well, wry smiles appearing on their faces as helplessly they closed their eyes, their current skills not enough to save them from a barrage of kunai's with paper bombs attached to them.


The forest shook for a moment as fire soared towards the sky, birds scared away by the blast and burnt shards of wood flying everywhere.

An area of two hundred meters within the forest was completely engulfed in the explosion, trees burnt down and soil charred.

But miraculously the center of the explosion was not that much affected, a huge earth ball with a width of at least 50 meters present there.

But this ball seemed to have taken most of the damage from the explosion as it began to crumble and soon tumbled down, appearing under the sky unharmed caravan members, Shikato and Choko.

Their emotional eyes on "Kagami" who was on his one knee with sweat running down his brows, his hands placed on the ground with a purple light flickering in his eyes.