
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
86 Chs

Chapter 29 : Men

{ sorry for the late chapter release, i was busy with... Life i guess . and i wrote it in a rush, if there's any spelling mistake or anything else, please comment on it because i didn't revise it }

[1400 word count ]


" so you still remember that time huh ? " i ask rhetorically as i continue to eat .

She looked at me for a moment " you know, since that day, i have been training with my grandma to get stronger and better so that i could surpass my grandpa hashirama and protect the village in his stead " she said with gentle smile on her face .

"Hmm, then good luck with that i guess " i said  absentmindedly while looking up at the clear blue sky not really focusing on her .

I could feel her staring at me but i just ignored her .

" is that all you have to say ? " she asked with a tick mark on her head .

I raised my eyebrow in confusion, what else does she want me to say ?

I turn to look at her to see her clearly disappointed " Hmph! " she humphed and crossed her arms while pouting .

I stare at her intensely at her pouting face for some moments, to the point, it slowly start scare with sweat running down her forhead a little...

" cute " i suddenly said with a small smile trying my best to not look creepy.

" eh ?! " she muttered and slowly her face became as red as a tomatoe and smoke slowly came out of her head .

I look at her blushing mad while asking myself, how weird it is to see girls blush with some simple compliment, but it sure make them more beautiful than usual .

" w...wh...wha " she was stuttering hard while shaking, not knowing what to say .

I just look at her amused, waiting to see if she will faint like hinata or not .

She slowly stood up shakily with her hair covering her eyes creating a shadow .

" Garou ! " she muttered .

" hmm ? " i look at her interested in what she will do .

* swoosh *

" I HATE YOUUUU !!!! " she suddenly shouted after running away real fast using chakra while i just watch her back disappear from my sight little by little, still sitting on my place with an empty takoyaki box .

I just smile at her antics for a while before removing my smile, replacing it with a stoic emotionless look...

" the seed is planted "  i uttered while looking at the clear blue sky .

Tsunade POV /

I run away from the park really embarrassed while thinking  ' What is wrong with him ?! Why is he like that ?! Why is he so straight forward ?! can't he just act normally like any other boy ?! '

I think about this complicated thoughts until i reach the Senju compound which had a huge gate opened and two ninjas who wore a jonin vest guarding it, The houses blended with nature, and it smelled like flowers.

People came and went through the big gate, like always. Inside, there was a bustling street filled with kids playing, sellers and stalls .

" ohh, princess-chan, you are back ! " one of the ninjas guarding the gate who was a middle aged man with a beard said .

I get out of my stupor and look at the ninja who talked to me " ahh yes uncle kanaka i am back, is my grandma in her place ? " i ask .

" yes she's resting in her chambers princess-chan " he replied with a smile and i thanked him before leaving or my grandma mito's mansion which was my home too .

I look around with a smile on my face as i see the kids playing and parents working with smiles on their face, providing for their respective families .

i continued to walk like this, enjoying the compound until the mansion slowly came into view .

The mansion was a majestic building that sat high on a hill . It was made of stone and wood, covered in vines .

As i entered, i was greeted by a grand hall with high ceilings, fancy chandeliers lightening the hall .

" ohh you are back little tsunade, how was your day outside ? " i suddenly hear an elderly voice from beside me that came out of nowhere but i knew who it was .

" amm, it was fine toka obaasan, nothing new happened outside, just me hanging out with jiraiya and orochimaru " i lied to her with a blush embarrassed to say the truth that i was with a boy ... alone .

" oh my, you naughty girl, do you think i don't recognize that face you are trying hide from me hmhmhm, it sure is fun to be young " toka said while hiding her mouth and laughed gently while making me feel hot in my head, probably blushing .

" Toooka obaasan, why you always have to tease me like that hmph! " i pout and start to run to my grandma mito's room .

I slowly reach her room's door and...

* knock knock *

" you can come in my child " i hear a soothing voice giving permission to go in .

I slide the room's door and go inside to see my grandma mito had long, bright-red hair and large, black pupilless eyes. She wore an elaborate, high-collared kimono with the Uzushiogakure symbol on the back of the obi which was tied around her waist. Her hair was arranged in buns with hair pins in them and three clips in the front. She also wore a dark shade of red lipstick and had a rhombus marking, She also wore tags with kanji written on them in her hair decals.

She spread her arms at me and smiled gently, i immediately approach her and yive her a tight hug .

" my little child, did you have fun outside ? " she asked gently while stroking my hair .

" yes grandma, i went to the park and ate some takoyaki " i replied back while burying my head further inside her embrace to hide my blush that i surely got because of a certain someone .

" hmmm, so who is the boy that took my child's heart hehe ? " my grandma suddenly asked playfully much to my embarrassment . It seems i can't really hide anything from her .

" no...no one took my heart grandma, don't accuse me of something i didn't do " i replied with a red face not knowing what to say, although garou is handsome and has some nice six p... WHAT am i thinking, get away pervert thoughts, shu shu ... i am not jiraiya .

" haha i am not accusing, i just want to know who is this boy that it seems you met today who made you like this ? " my grandma asked with an interested tone .

" amm, well, do you remember in my first birthday a rude boy from the hatake clan came to congratulate me ? " i ask while looking at her face which turned serious for a second but her usual smile came back after .

"Hmm, yes i remember, he is the child of those two naughty hatake's, hiroshi and ayaka " she said .

" well... " then i told her everything about him from this past few days and she nodded to everything while turning slightly serious when i talked about his fight with the shimura .

" so what do you think ? " i ask her when i finish .

"Hmm ... " she hummed gently and closed her eyes to think about it .

" Can you bring him to me my child, i want have a talk with him, and if he didn't come, then tell him that i will spread his secret to the monkey, alright ? " she said and asked much to my confusion .

" what secret grandma ? " i ask, now really interested .

" it's not for you to know child, just tell him to come, ok ? " she said .

I really wanted her to tell me but a stare from her shut my mouth and finally, i nod at her .

Garou's POV /

I walk through a shortcut to my clan's compound which was filled with trees and plant life .

* broom brr boom brr huuff *

I suddenly hear some familiar sounds near my place, and me being interested in what it was, i approach the place where i hear the sounds until the point where i was able to see...

a MAN training .

The End