
Chapter 12: Uzushiogakure

~Three Weeks Later~

Inside of the Land of Waves, Hayato flew in the skies as he headed towards his destination of Uzushiogakure. 

"You know, most Airbenders would have needed a glider or a bison to remain in the air this long. Back in my day, such control over the Air was only seen in the most skilled of monks, yet that didn't mean that they were the most powerful. And it looks like you just have the natural ability of flight. I don't think I ever got to see that." Kuruk said as he floated alongside Hayato.

"I usually went for Firebending when attempting to fly. And I knew an asshole that could fly the same way he does. The bastard always was talking about Guru Lahima and other stupid crap like that. He nearly killed me too." Korra added as she floated on the opposite side of Hayato.

"Ohh! That reminds me of this one time..." Kuruk began telling the tale of how he once fought against a powerful Airbender in a duel.

"Do you two have any stories that don't include you nearly dying?" Hayato asked.

The two stopped talking and looked at Hayato, with Kuruk being the first to speak.

"I have one where I did die. Does that count?" Kuruk asked.

"I do too." Korra added.

Hayato simply paid the two no attention, though he did think back about how Korra lost her life.

According to her, in her world, she died during her battle with Kuvira, with the Spirit Cannon killing both her and Kuvira at the same time.

Her death was one that couldn't be prevented, as the entirety of Republic City would have been destroyed if she had not tanked the blast with her body.

Hayato then turned his attention back toward the sea, with him finally seeing Uzushiogakure appear on the horizon.

"Alright! Looks like we are finally here." Hayato said as he sped up his flight, with him arriving at the island."

Hayato landed on the island, with the Shinobi at the gate immediately locking their eyes upon him, making Hayato think they had some form of detection barrier or technique to immediately discover any invaders.

Pulling out his paperwork, Hayato calmly walked towards the guards, with them both still being slightly stunned by the fact that Hayato flew in and landed.

"Here you are." Hayato said, with both Shinobi immediately putting away any hostility once they saw his status of being a Noble. 

Even in a foreign Nation, the title of being a Noble carried great weight unless you were the representative of a fallen nation. 

Plus, with the added fact that he served as the heir to a noble in an Allied Nation, it meant that as long as he committed no serious or deadly acts to the Village or Nation that he was in, then he would face little to no challenges while residing in Uzushiogakure.

Entering into the Village, Hayato was stunned by just how beautiful the architecture and buildings were, as they exceeded anything that he had seen on his journey to the nation.

They seemed to be a mixture of Ancient Japan with a slight mix of outside elements, yet the merger of the two worlds seemed to create an intricate and stunning layout of the Village just by entering alone.

"I believe this sight could rival the Northern Water Tribe." Kuruk said as he looked at it, with Korra nodding in agreement.

Hayato stood there slightly in awe, yet he moved over when he saw a group of Shinobi approaching as they walked while surrounding a young girl.

And while Hayato would usually not pay too much attention, once he gained a solid look at her, it was hard for him to not recognize her as Kushina Uzumaki, the mother of Naruto and the future Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails.

'That means that Minato is likely still a child as well. I'm hoping to avoid visiting Konoha while Hiruzen is still in power. The less I have to worry about people like Danzo, Madara, and Black Zetsu, the better.' Hayato thought to himself.

He then continued his journey into the Village, as while seeing Kushina was a decent experience, he had no reason to simply stare at the girl or fangirl over her at just a mere sight.

He possessed the power of a world that had Lion Turtles in a new world that had planet-eating aliens. His life could not get more outlandish just by seeing a few characters in person. But, if he were to be able to recruit them, then perhaps that would be different.

Hayato traveled and basked in the sights of the Village alongside Kuruk and Korra, with him eventually finding a nice hotel room to rest, with he and Kuruk planning to begin their first trial of Waterbending the following day.


'That boy, his Chakra was... weird?' Kushina thought to herself as she walked past the boy.

She had detected his Chakra through her Sensing range, yet the way his Chakra felt was as if it was fully alive, not just a bundle of energy that everyone else possessed.

And the sheer amount he had rivaled her, something she thought was exclusive to only her Clan.

But, she then turned her attention back to her mission, as the Uzushikage, her father, sent her to Konoha to learn under a great Sealing Mistress of their Clan.

Maybe she would know why the boy's Chakra was like that.

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