
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Komik
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158 Chs


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However, it wasn't time for a celebration just yet. He still had the Nidaime Hokage to deal with, and it would be much more difficult since he hadn't been able to place a seal on the man's body.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Missile)!"

Minato's attention was brought back to his current situation as he was forced to teleport away from the massive water dragon that consumed what was left of the earth wall and devastated the forest that Hashirama had created.

The fact that these reanimations had an unlimited amount of chakra was a real pain. And it didn't help that the entire are was covered in water, he was practically as Tobirama's mercy right now. Had the Nidaime Hokage been alive and in control of his own thoughts and strategy then Minato surely would have been dead right now.

Minato quickly teleported to an area that had no water near it, as to eliminate his opponents advantage. However as soon as he did, Tobirama appeared right before him and slashed him across the chest with a kunai.

Minato recoiled in pain and jumped to another one of his kunai only a a dozen feet away. He had forgotten that Tobirama was the creator of the Hiraishin no Jutsu and was able to link himself to another users markings. Truly impressive.

Tobirama wasn't done yet. The Edo Tensei had originally been designed for the purpose of taking down your targets along with yourself, maximizing the use of suicide techniques. Therefore he had developed a fighting style personally designed for those who had been reincarnated.

"Gojō Kibaku Fuda (Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags)!"

Using his immortal body as a medium, Tobirama created several large special explosive tags, with each bearing five seals on them. He threw these explosive tags into the air as they began to surround both him and Minato, the tags then summoned even more explosive tags as they went off and repeated the process continuously, creating a near infinite number of explosions.

Minato had managed to flash away at the last moment before the explosive tags went off to an area that was out of range of the explosion, just barely though. He eyed the section of the rooftop where the jutsu had gone off and when the smoke cleared, he saw that Tobirama was on the ground and still regenerating from the suicide technique he had just used.

He took this chance and teleported to one of the few kunai that were still intact throughout the area and blurred out of sight once more as he raced towards the downed form of the Nidaime Hokage. Each of the five fingers on Minato's remaining hand ignited with a bright purple flame with a different kanji on each of the fingertips. He reappeared right above the immobile silver-haired man and slammed his fingers into the man's abdomen.

"Gogyō Fūin (Five Elements Seal)!"

A seal became engraved into Tobirama's abdomen as the connection that bound his soul to the host's had been cut. The same white light that had surrounded Hashirama's body surrounded his and his actual soul began its ascent into the sky, leaving behind the fallen debris that had been covering the body of a nameless Otogakure shinobi that hosted his soul.

"Rest in peace, Nidaime-sama."

It seemed that his duty was done here, now it was time for him to deal with Orochimaru and the Kazekage.

Center of the Rooftop

"Well, you two look like you've seen better days." Orochimaru commented, amused at the state of the two Kage in front of him. "Such a pitiful state for two of the strongest shinobi in the world to be in."

Orochimaru and Rasa stood face to face with Yagura and Minato after they had finished their subsequent battles. What he said wasn't too far from the truth as both the Hokage and the Mizukage were heavily injured. In fact, they were so injured and exhausted that one could probably push them over with a single finger.

However, they still stood tall and did not take a single step back from their enemies, truly befitting of their titles of Kage.

"Especially you Hokage. you were suspected to be the strongest of us five kages, yet here you are barely alive right now and missing an arm." Rasa added in. "Though I must commend you for being able to take on the Shodaime and Nidaime Hokages at the same time, it speaks volumes of your abilities though with only one arm now much of that strength is gone.

Yagura and Minato barely had the strength to speak at the moment, so they remained quiet, trying to conserve as much of their energy as possible for another Kage level battle.

"Though it seems as our plans to take you down when you were weakest were for naught as it appears that we have company." Orochimaru commented as he eyed the swirling vortex in the air to their right.

A moment later three people materialized from the vortex and stepped forward to intervene in the upcoming battle. There stood Uchiha Obito, Jiraiya of the sannin, and Uzumaki-Namikaze Kushina. Three S-Ranked shinobi who would throw quite a wrench in the plans that had been in the making for months now.

All three of them were frozen in shock one they arrived at the state that Minato and Yagura were in, Minato more so though.