
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
158 Chs

Chapter no.81

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The female Uchiha nodded and headed towards the kitchen to help her Kaa-chan. Something had seemed different about her lately, her mother had seemed much happier. Happier than she had ever seen the woman before. She even started training again, it still amazed her how strong her Kaa-chan was after all this time. Still...something was going on and she would figure it out. Satsuki already knew that the woman had feelings for her Nii-san and honestly she was a bit jealous of how beautiful her mother was. She wouldn't let her get too far ahead.

"Okay were all alone Haku...I have an idea of why you came here, but why don't you tell me anyway." Naruto asked as he sat down across from the pale-skinned beauty on the couch.

Haku looked a bit nervous as she began to speak, "U-Um I watched you preliminary match and...I was wondering if you were a Yuki just like me? They are the only ones I know of that posses the Hyoton bloodline."

Naruto chuckled a little to himself causing Haku to gaze at him curiously.

"Sorry about that. I had just finished having the same conversation with the Hokage. Now I don't want this conversation to drag on as long as that one did, so I'll get straight to the point. Have you ever heard of Yukigakure?"

"Hm...I've heard that was a village in what used to be Yuki no Kuni, but it still hasn't been renamed after all of the snow was melted. I don't know much about them other than that." Haku stated.

Naruto nodded, getting the answer he expected. "That's understandable, they are a minor village who haven't been on the radar much over the years. They are well known for ice manipulation jutsu, and that is exactly what I did. I learned quite a bit from the time I spent there over the course of a mission."

Haku was visibly downcast at his answer. She had really hoped that he was a Yuki. The clan was slowly starting to die out, as of now there were only a little over twenty members left. Still...he used such powerful Hyoton jutsu, stronger than most of the ones that she knew. Maybe he could give her some help? She still had trouble fully controlling her bloodline, that's why she usually ended up killing her opponents and why her body was always at such a cold temperature.

However right now she didn't feel cold. In fact, she could feel quite a lot of heat emanating from the man in front her. It was strange, she found the warmth comforting and inviting it was as if she was drawn to him. What could possibly be happening to her?

"Um would you mind helping me out with training this month Portgas-san? I still don't have much control over it...that's why my body is always so cold...but for some reason...right now I even feel warm." Haku said, as much to herself as she did to Naruto.

Naruto concentrated and could feel the cold temperatures that were spread throughout her body. He would have to fix that. Naruto got up from his seat on the couch and walked over until he was standing in front of Haku, earning a curious look from her. Soon enough, that look of confusion morphed into one of shock as he cupped her cheek and steam was produced from his mere touch.

"Naruto, just call me Naruto."

She couldn't believe what she was feeling. Warmth, true warmth. Not just less cold, but she could actually feel heat. Haku felt as if she were in heaven right now, she melted into his touch and nuzzled even closer into his arm. She never wanted to leave his side. "Naruto-sama..." Haku whispered softly as she began to wonder if this was only a dream.

Naruto smiled at the girl's actions. He could easily tell that she longed for the one thing that she could never have, warmth. For normal people such feelings couldn't be understood, it was a good thing that Naruto wasn't normal in any sense of the word. She longed for the heat just as Naruto longed for the cold. The fire and ice melding with each other produced a plethora of steam that filled the room in a manner of seconds.

Naruto thought about Haku's request. He had no reason not to help her, and with the newly formed alliance between Konoha and Kiri it would eventually benefit them in the end. Especially with the invasion that Suna and Oto were planning...but he just didn't have the time.

"I'm sorry Haku...but I have my own training to do over the month..." This earned a disappointed whimper from the girl in his arms. "Though I can at least give you the information I have on Hyoton and perhaps some of the techniques I've learned...A better understanding of Hyoton should help you with controlling your ice better, which would help you in regaining control of your body."

Haku looked up and smiled softly at the older teen holding her in his arms. She had never felt so complete before in all her life.