
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Komik
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158 Chs

Chapter no.18

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"How did you manage to see through my Izanagi" Danzo asked annoyed.

"Did you really think that any illusion could escape my sharingan?"

The one-eyed man sighed, "I suppose I'll have to approach this differently then."

Danzo signaled for his ROOT to come out of the shadows and appear before him.

Twenty shinobi wearing blank porcelain masks and redular ANBU attire Shunshined onto the battleground. Two more appeared in different clothing though.

Both of them wore short-sleeved black jackets with high collars and red straps. Both of them also had tantos strapped to their backs. The first one had shoulder-length orange hair and wore his black jacket open with a brown kimono-like shirt underneath. The second one had short black hair wore a strange mask covering the top half of his face. He wore clothing similer to an Aburame's under his jacket.

He recognized these two as Yamanaka Fuu and Aburame Torune, both of them were members of his graduating class back at the academy. He had always wondered what happened to them.

Shisui stared at the ROOT assessing them, "A bit excessive if you ask me. I mean I am only one man and yet you send some of your best operatives after me along with yourself? You must be getting old Danzo."

Danzo just stared at him impassively, "It is quite the contrary actually. You are the strongest Uchiha to have been born in generations. But that ends now! I will take your eyes and then retrieve the eyes from the Uchiha corpses that Itachi will leave behind! I shall protect Konoha with my own two hands!

'I can't let him go through with any of that! It will go against everything that we have been working towards! I need to take care of him now!'

Shisui started weaving handseals and finally ended in the tiger seal, "Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu" Shisui breathed out a large fireball that was was aimed strait for Danzo.

As the large fireball mover closer all of the ROOT started weaving hand seals, "Suiton: Mizurappa" large torrents of water escaped from each of their mouths and met the oversized fireball in the middle of the field. Their collision produced a steam that covered the entire field. It was a bad idea to counter on their part when they could have easily dodged.

Shisui could easily sense their chakra signatures while in the steam and proceeded to make his move.

The Uchiha Shunshined across the battlefield, drew his tanto, and proceeded to slit the throats of five ROOT agents before someone realized what he was doing. Two charged him, but were easily disabled by a Sharingan: Genjutsu and their chests slashed open with a tanto enhanced with katon chakra.

"Futon: Daitoppa"Danzo let loose a large gust of wind to blow away the steam, but by then Shisui had already killed three more of his ROOT agents.

Shisui sheathed his tanto and reached behind him into the two weapons pouches on his belt.

A group of 6 ROOT began to charge him with kunai in hand but after they had taken their first few steps, Shisui Shunshined in between the group and let loose a barrage of shuriken, killing them instantly.

'I'm glad that most of Danzo's ROOT are only mid-chunnin to low-jonin level shinobi. Had they been more skilled I may have already been dead by now.'

Shisui jumped back and started to quickly go through his handsigns, hoping to finish all of them off, "Katon: Zukokku" he unleashed a small fieball towards them which erupted into a giant firestorm, causing widespread destruction and incinerating a large part of the forest they were in. Danzo, Fuu, and Torune managed to get out of the blast radius, but they were forced to dodge the flying debris that the jutsu caused. The four remaining ROOT were not as fortunate and were incinerated instantly.

What was the previous battlefield was now nothing more than crater and completely scorched debris. Many of the trees were still on fire, creating even more shadows and the setting son wasn't going it make it easier to find them. Danzo, Fuu, and Torune were nowhere in sight.

The young Uchiha knew that they had escaped his last jutsu and were now waiting for the perfect moment to strike. 'Fuu is a Yamanaka so he will specialize and mind techniques and Torune is an Aburame so he'll be using bug techniques. If I remember correctly he specialized in venomous bugs which is why he always wore so much clothing. they'll probably try to work together to bring me down. It's likely that they are the strongest shinobi that Danzo has in his ROOT, they'll probably be at least mid-jonin level. I'll need to be careful. I need to take care of them first and then I can focus on Danzo.'

He was right.

Out of the corner of his eye, the Sharingan picked up the movement of two people moving out of the forest shadows.

He jumped to the right to dodge a barrage of kunai that would have killed him had he not seen it. They charged him moving in a zig-zag pattern and tried to overwhelm him with taijutsu. Then Fuu unsheathed his tanto while Shisui pulled out his own. They engaged in a fierce kenjutsu match, trading blow for blow, sparks flying everywhere. Shisui slowly overwhelming him but just as he was about to take control he jumped back to avoid a punch from Torune.

Shisui noticed that the ground where the punch connected was being eaten away by a strange purple substance. 'Those must be his nano-sized poisonous insects. It seems that they corrode whatever is touched. Quite the troublesome ability, I can't let him touch me...I need to put some distance between us.'

Shisui Shunshined to the other side of the battle field and unleashed a barrage of shuriken towards them.

They jumped out of the way and prepared for another assault. Torune slowly began to remove his jacket and later his shirt until he was topless. The poisonous insects spread to completely cover his entire body.

'Damn! So now I can't even touch him? I'll have to really on my ninjutsu and genjutsu now.'

Fuu was the first to rush at Shisui. He made a peculiar handsign that was used by all of the Yamanaka, "Shintenshin no Jutsu" Fuu quickly took over Shisui's mind but was quickly forced out with the help of the Sharingan, however it was enough time for Torune to get close and grab his left arm. Shisui quickly pulled away but the damage had already been done.

"Aaargh! Dammit he infected me with those damn insects. hit I have no other choice." Shisui quickly unsheathed his tanto. He concentrated Katon chakra into it and brought it down on his left arm, severing it a just below the elbow.

'I need to finish this quickly. I've already spent enough time with these two.'