
Hana's Last Stand

As soon as they spotted her, the jonin and the Sannin charged at her.

"Senpō: RASENGAN (Sage Art: Spiralling Sphere)," Jiraiya shouted

"RAIKIRI (Lightning Blade)," Kakashi yelled.

None could see what happened next, but everyone could hear the gut-wrenching cry of Hana's agony as the two techniques of sage and lightning chakra clashed with her transformed body unleashing another wave of eruptions that quaked everyone's footing. A stunning color of blue thunder squalled from the wall into the sky.

Jiraiya and Kakashi jumped back and watched the smoke begin to dispel. Once the smoke cleared, they and the other Konoha shinobi watched in stricken disbelief as Hana stood before them. She growled at them all, but the pain in her body was too much. Every twitch was enough to send jolt after jolt of agony through her.

Why? Why did they all have to get in her way? Why...wasn't she strong enough? This stupid Sannin, these stupid jonin, these stupid chunin, were enough to drive her to insanity. Between her and her target laid a nigh impenetrable wall of weapons, chakra, and techniques.

"You. I'll never forgive you, mother. You...you will pay! You will suffer for this life you have stolen from me!" Hana thought to herself. Her eyes struggled to stay open. How many chakra restriction sealing tags had she overcome? How many assaults from Aburame insects and Hyuuga clan members had she endured? How much of her chakra had been robbed?

It didn't matter. The former Inuzuka sucked in her legs. It hurt just to do even this but through her own will, she dashed at Jiraiya and Kakashi.

"Stubbornness has its place, Hana-san. Now isn't it for you," Jiraiya said as he charged at her. Hana roared as she swung at him, but the Sannin's movements were too fast. He dodged to the side and swung a heavy right fist into her face. He then followed with three more strikes to her midsection. Blood glomped from her mouth, but before she could offer a counter strike, Jiraiya swung on his hands and kicked her in her side.

With the power of sage chakra, Hana was propelled across the park rupturing the grass, trees and play area until it looked no more than like a torn battlefield.

"Here we go, Ma, Pa!"

"No need to tell us twice, Jiraiya-chan!" the green toad said as chakra exploded from the Toad Sannin's body. He charged at Hana and the only thing she could manage was a block, but not even that was enough to stop the blowback from the strike from sending her flying.

A backflip through the air, Hana landed back on the ground and charged for the white-haired sage. A deep roar that flew through the night air, she swung her claws at him. At the same time, Jiraiya threw out a punch. Both collided in a grand display of white lights as the ground beneath their feet caved in and blasted away as if it was naught but mere crumpled up dust.

The recoil from their exchange forced Hana back if only for a moment. She then spotted her mother and dashed for her location. "Third Lesson, it's not nice to leave your partner high and dry, Hana-san," Jiraiya called.

Hana's ears perked up and she narrowly dodged another lightning strike from Kakashi. However, any joy that she might have felt from her evasion was destroyed when Jiraiya appeared behind her. Pain rocked through her body when he kicked her with even greater strength that a dog like him should have been capable of delivering.

As Hana sailed through the air, she began to notice that seals began to light up around every corner of her body. Her sense of danger flared exponentially but there was no hope to be found for her when Jiraiya flew through a myriad of handsigns.

"Senpō: Kekkai Hōjin - Sanrenshiki: Goyōso Fūin (Sage Art: Barrier Method - Triple Formula: Five Elements Seal)," Jiraiya called as he slapped his hands together.

Suddenly, Hana screamed as each seal released a grand display of each of the five great elements of earth, water, wind, fire, and lightning. The explosion was so great that those shinobi forces who watched the scene were forced to cover their eyes since the light assaulted the nerves in their eyes too heavily. All they could hear was explosion after explosion.

Once the light faded, all that reminded in front of Tsume was Hana lying on the ground. The latter panted heavily from the sheer pain that flowed through her body. The Inuzuka matriarch could only stare while in a silent purgatory of emotions. Hana's transformation had ended. There was no fur, no overwhelming chakra, no tail, and no canine-like snout and mouth lined with rows of sharp teeth. There was only...a naked experiment on the ground...or at least there should have been.

Hana squirmed and stood to her feet. Her chest felt heavy and her breasts felt tight. The cold air struck against her flesh. She cared not that so many could see her. Embarrassment and her modesty were the furthest things from her mind. All she could see was her mother. The former Inuzuka heiress walked until she was a mere two feet from Tsume. So...close. So close to peace. So close...to true freedom. So close...to her own sanity being restored.

The naked chunin raised a fist and, with as much strength as she could forge, swung at her mother. Unfortunately, the fist collided with a visible barrier of chakra instead of the woman who had deemed her life as nothing more than a set of numbers, facts, and sheets of data. Soon, the person responsible for this interference came.

"Hana-san, that is enough…," came the voice of the Sandaime Hokage. Hana stared at the elderly Hokage in a rather sporting suit of shinobi armor and guards. She watched the chakra barrier rise higher and higher until it encased the entire park she stood in. Jiraiya and Kakashi had already retreated to a safe distance.

Tears of anger and helplessness fell down Hana's face. "Hokage-sama, what a pleasure to see you. I take it it's back to more tests, lies, and experiments for me?" Hana asked. Unparalleled shock and horror appeared on Tsume and Hiruzen's faces. If nothing else, that made Hana happy.

"How did you…,"

"Oh, I know so much more, Kaa-san. I guess a lot of those 'bad dreams' started making sense. You'd better hope I don't wake up to meet my...partner, or I'll rip its cock off and shove it down one of your doctor's throat!" Hana said. Fear flew through Tsume's face.

"No, Hana. Hana please, let me explain! It's not what you think,"

"You sure, mother? I think I'm about to see where the 'middle ground' is between myself and a fuckin' dog! Do whatever you want, but let me warn you both. You'd better kill me when you're finished. I'll tear you both apart! I'll raze your clan to the ground. I'll throw your carcasses to the wild beasts and birds of the air! I'll make you watch as I take everything away you love just...as you did for me! HeheheheehheheHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL AND DANCE ON YOUR ASHES! IF YOU DON'T KILL ME, I'LL SLAUGHTER EVERY. LAST. RESIDENT IN THIS VILLAGE! I'LL DRUG THE INUZUKA CLAN DOGS AND MAKE THEM FUCK YOUR HEADLESS BODIES! THAT IS WHERE YOU CAN STICK YOUR 'MIDDLE GROUND'! I WILL MAKE YOU ALL SUFFER!" Hana bellowed as loud as her madness could go.

No one was incapable of hearing her threat. For some, though she was but a captured animal, her violence made their blood run cold.

Hiruzen looked at Tsume. The Inuzuka matriarch slowly nodded. In order to even salvage some of this situation, these memories would have to be studied, examined, and...eliminated.

Sarutobi slammed his hands together. "Fūinjutsu: Sanpō Jūfūin (Sealing Jutsu: Three Directions Beast Seal)," The Sandaime Hokage called.

Soon the light inside became so bright that it began to cover the entire barrier with energy that caused Hana more pain than she remembered taking the past hour or two ago. She stared back at her former mother and Hokage. Then, she smiled evilly as she raised her middle finger to them both. As the light overcame her and the barrier, the consciousness of Inuzuka Hana...slipped away.


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