
Naruto: The Blue-eyed Saviour

This is a little fic I put together in honour of the Naruto series. A slightly smarter Naruto, not a prodigy or OP. Join him as he finds out what it means to bear the weight of the world on your shoulders, and pull through while being chased by a group of assassin's.

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10 Chs

Chunin Finals

The crowd quieted down after Hiruzen spoke. On the floor of the huge arena where the participants, all except for Sasuke who was most likely still recuperating from his cursed seal.

The new exam proctor, Genma had his head towards the crowd. "Just breathe easy. Those people up are above are your future employers… as long as you do this right." After saying that, he dug his hands into his pocket and looked directly at the Hokage who nodded his head.

"There's gonna be a change in the matchup. Uchiha Sasuke and Aburame Shino's match will be moved till later and that means that the first match of the finals will be between Kankuro and Hyūga Hinata. Every other person should please take to the safety of the bleachers."

The rest of the participants retreated to the bleachers to watch the fight from a clear view.

Genma looked at both participants as they eyed each other. He gave the signal to begin before leaping back to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

"A Hyūga huh," Kankuro said as he loosened the strap on his back causing the huge cloth-covered object to fall.

Hinata was slightly unnerved and wanted to attack, but as a Hyūga she had patience, patience enough to wait for the enemy to move.

For the next five minutes, both Hinata and Kankuro stared at each other, apparently waiting for one to make the first move.

"Guess I'll make the first move," Kankuro said as the straps of cloth begun to unwind slowly.

The cloth landed and it revealed a three-eyed, four-armed humanoid. It wore a brown rag-like cloth and possessed jagged teeth and shaggy brown hair.

Kankuro flexed his hand as he crouched down. "Karasu!" he said and the humanoid figure made a slight response to his voice.

On seeing this, Hinata immediately activated her Byakugan and got into the gentle fist stance.

Karasu lunged at Hinata and she reacted accordingly. She side-stepped the humanoid and slammed her palm into it.

In the Bleachers…

A man with eyes like Hinata was watching the fight with a lax gaze in his eyes. Beside him was another girl with eyes like Hinata.

"Father," the little girl called.

"Hush Hanabi and watch. Learn from this match as this is not how you are to perform."

The girl now called Hanabi, nodded.

On the Field…

Karasu was knocked back by the attack, but it stood up easily.

"A puppet," Hinata said as she scanned it with her Byakugan. "I'll have to take him out first and avoid the attacks of the puppet."

Karasu took off once again after Hinata as it launched several kunai and shuriken at her.

Scanning them with her Byakugan, she was able to easily evade the attacks as she kept at Kankuro, but the boy was smart. He knew his limitations as a puppet user and he knew that the Hyūga were close combat experts. As Hinata neared Kankuro, the boy jumped back and pulled Karasu with him at speeds that almost caught Hinata off-guard. Luckily she was able to dodge the attack and keep a clear distance between herself and Kankuro.

She got into a stance as she widened the vision of her Byakugan. Kankuro flicked his fingers as Karasu's bottom hands disjointed from the body and flew at Hinata. The young Hyūga began to dodge the attacks and was able to notice Karasu's main body approaching her from the back.

Karasu's hand fell downwards to reveal knives that it launched at Hinata. The kunoichi flipped over the attack, directing herself towards Karasu. Kankuro was able to direct the puppet out of harm's way but unbeknownst to him, Karasu was not her target. Hinata darted towards Kankuro with her Byakugan fully active in case of any blind spot attacks.

Kankuro smirked as all of Karasu's limbs separated and directed themselves at Hinata. She took note of all of them flying at her, but she was unable to take not of a good enough opening to exploit. Karasu's main body was hovering above and was preventing her from taking to the sky. Her only option was to be fast enough to hit all her targets.

" Hakke Sanjūni Sho (Eight Trigrams: Thirty Two Palms)"

She stopped suddenly and crouched down into the stance giving her a clear view of all her targets, and soon she began her assault. "Two strikes… four strikes… eight strikes… sixteen strikes…"

Unfortunately for Hinata, her attacking power was insufficient enough to completely destroy the puppet parts and the fact that they were not human, she couldn't shut down the chakra flow… a light turned on in her head. She darted forward and began the final thirty two strikes on the chakra threads that connected Kankuro to the puppet. Each strike caused a ripple of chakra that struck Kankuro continually in the fingers. Kankuro felt his fingers burn and he immediately cut the connection to Karasu.

"Ahh!" he shouted as he looked at his fingers. 'Damn that girl… I won't be able to use Karasu until the injuries subside.'

In the Bleachers…

Hiashi was mildly shocked at the display his eldest daughter had just put on.

"Father, big sister sure is strong," Hanabi said with admiration in her eyes. It was there that Hiashi regained his original composure. Hinata was disowned the position of the heir because of her kindness… losing in battle to her younger sister. She would only bring shame and disgrace to the Hyūga name.

"Pay her no heed Hanabi," he said with indifference in his voice. "She is still lacking… you on the other hand need to get better."

Hiashi still couldn't get over the fact that Hinata had just used a variation of the Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms. He wondered who taught her the technique.

On the Field…

Hinata was panting slightly heavily. She still had not yet ascertained a perfect control over the technique. She lacked enough chakra and will power to fully use it. It was a miracle to her that she was able to even learn the technique in the first place. Truth be told, she had to admit that she had been spying on Naruto or maybe secretly watching Naruto without his consent or without him noticing. Naruto had actually been the motivation she had to actually learn the technique and she could also slightly admit that she kinda liked him.

She blushed red and tried to shake his face from her mind. She tried to move but felt her eyes ache. She had severely strained herself and collapsed to her knees. She remembered what he had told her when she saw him in the morning.

"I believe you'll do great Hinata-chan… You're strong… unlike me."

"Naruto-kun, you're also strong."

The blond laughed. "I won't argue with you there," he said as he walked away. She wanted to call out to him, but she couldn't find herself able to.

It was as though he felt this and stopped. Without turning to look at her, he uttered something that made her face as red as tomato. "You know… I always thought you were somewhat weird… but in a way that it's kinda cute y'know. I kind of like you this way."

She blushed further and further and further until she succumbed to unconsciousness.

Kankuro was flabbergasted at what his eyes just saw.

Genma stepped forward and looked at Hinata whose face was as red as a tomato. "Hyūga Hinata is unable to continue. The winner is Kankuro."

Kankuro just walked off of the field as the medic team came to check on Hinata.

"Disappointing," were the words that escaped Hiashi's mouth.

Some Minutes Later…

Hinata awoke to find out that she was in the hospital. She looked around and blinked slowly, trying to remember why she was in the hospital in the first place. As soon as she remembered, she immediately blushed red.

"Hinata," Kiba said as he held her shoulders. "Your face is all red."

It was at that moment that Hinata knew that she was not alone in the room. Shino, Kiba and Naruto, her major friends were in the room with her.

"We need to talk…" Naruto said as he, Shino and Kiba looked at each other before looking at Hinata.

Almost an Hour Later…

Apparently, in the course of discussion between them in the hospital, Shikamaru had given up in his match against Temari and it was now a battle between Naruto and Neji.

The crowd was ecstatic. Apparently they wanted to see the Hyūga fight and since he was facing "the demon of the village" as they liked to say, it was a win-win. They all assumed that Naruto was a pushover, unfortunately for them, Naruto wasn't about ready to give up in his life.

Both teens walked towards each other, Genma in the middle of them as he signaled the fight to start.

"Heh!" Neji said as he smirked. "I promised myself that I'd deal you a far deadly punch than the one you gave me."

"Neji," Naruto said with grit teeth. "Why did you call Hinata a failure?"

Neji's eyes perked up. He shrugged slightly and spread his hands. "I said the truth to snap her out of that stupor. She has seemingly placed in her head that she can become a kunoichi. I believe that she is not ready to handle such a life. Everyone has his/her own fate. She is not fated to be a ninja… and you are not fated to even be on this field against me."

Naruto was angered as he thought of his next choice of words. "Why did you injure Hinata gravely during training?"

Neji was slightly wide-eyed. "It isn't my fault that she was injured… and by such a small attack at that."

"Is that so," Naruto said as he got into a stance. "Then you'll just have to face me. If you deem it right to hurt my friends, then I will show you no mercy. You shall now face the Demon of Konoha."

"Hahaha. Then I must be a demon slayer then because I am about to slay you. I told you the last time we were face-to-face, even in my weakened state, you won't be able to beat me."

Naruto relaxed. "How about we make a bet? If I win, then you'll have to apologize to Hinata and Lee, but if you win I'll give up on my dream of being Hokage. I never go back on my word."

Neji laughed. "It is impossible to become Hokage if the person is a nobody like you. Those who become Hokage are born into it. It has been determined by fate that they will become great. You have no such makings in you… a nobody from an unknown clan. The village will never acknowledge you."

Naruto wore a grin on his face. "That's why I'll make the village acknowledge me, and I'll become the Hokage. You just so happen to be my first stepping stone to that dream."

Neji smirked as he got into his usual stance. The veins around his temple bulged as he activated his Byakugan.

In the Stands…

"Watch closely Hanabi," Hiashi said. "Amongst the Hyūga, none have received such a thick bloodline."

"Yes father," Hanabi said.

On the Field…

Naruto made a seal. Immediately four clones of Naruto appeared on the field, each holding a kunai.

"Futile attempt," Neji said as he looked at them. 'So this technique hides the original one even from the Byakugan.' "However," he muttered as he charged the clones, confident that he could take them on.

Naruto responded by launching the kunai at Neji, but the Hyūga was able to evade them with ease and continued forward, successfully taking out three of the clones, leaving only one and the original.

Naruto did not expect for Neji to close the distance between them in mere moments as he struck the clone. Naruto jumped back. 'Guess he must have improved a lot during the past month.'

Neji stopped as he looked at Naruto with a sad look in his eyes. "You can't become Hokage; it is not your destiny. We all share one destiny… and that's death."

Naruto however ignored Neji and summoned multiple clones.

"Looks like he plans on exhausting his chakra," Sakura said as she saw Naruto summon his clones.

Each clone plus the original took to the air, all holding three shuriken in their hands.

"Shuriken storm!" Each Naruto yelled as they tossed their shuriken at the wide-eyed Hyūga.

"Hakkesho Kaiten!" Neji shouted as he began to rotate at an unbelievable rate. Heck even Hiashi was shocked at his growth. That Kaiten was far stronger than the ones that most Hyūga chūnin could create. All the shuriken were easily repelled and some flew at the civilians. The ninja present were able to easily deflect the shuriken and save the lives of the civilians.

As Neji's rotation stopped, some of the clones of Naruto launched the others at Neji. In some cases, the aim was spot on, while in some, the clones ended up slamming into the ground. Neji was able to avoid each of the clones but was blind sighted when too clones that were launched at him detonated before they reached him, causing him to momentarily lose focus for Naruto land a punch to the nose.

The impact launched Neji backwards, but the Hyūga was able to redirect himself and regain bearing.

"This is the first time I am seeing this," Hiashi said to Hanabi. "Hinata revealed it to me, but I didn't believe until now. That is a Main Family only technique and this Branch Hyūga has mastered it… if only he was my son, he would have been a great successor."

Naruto ran towards Neji but the genin entered a stance that only Hyūgas understood.

He breathed slowly as he muttered under his breath. " Hakke Rokujūyon Shō (Eight Trigrams: Sixty-four Palms)."

He launched himself at Naruto's incoming form without breaking a sweat and attacked the blond. "Two strikes… Four strikes… Eight strikes… Sixteen strikes… Thirty-two strikes… Sixty-four strikes!"

The strikes were dealt with far accuracy than that of Hinata's. It packed a serious punch as the chakra travelled through Naruto's tenketsu. The Uzumaki held his shirt as he coughed up blood.

Neji smirked. "It's over."

Naruto struggled to grin through the pain. 'How do I get rid of this? I can't feel my chakra anymore.'

"Naruto you've done well," The Kyūbi praised.

At that moment, the blond fell to the ground. Neji turned his back as he walked away. "Pitiful… and you want to be the Hokage," he slowly turned around. "I told you…" the Hyūga saw Naruto staring into his eyes with his hand held back.

"I told you to stop making half-assed assumptions," Naruto said as he punched the Hyūga square in the face at such a punch that he was sent into the wall.

The crowd was in shock, the demon was beating the Hyūga. Heck even Hiashi was surprised at the sight of the punch. Neji was a genius and he was just punched into a wall by Naruto of all people. On sensing their emotions, the Kyūbi smirked. They had no idea what was in store for them.

Naruto smirked as Neji pulled himself from the slight crack in the wall. "How did you do that?" He asked with grit teeth.

"By the way, why do you hate the Hyūga so much seeing as they are your clan."

Neji spat. "I have no reason to tell you," he said as he became even more serious.

"Then I'll enjoy beating you even more."

In the stands, Hiashi flinched slightly when Naruto asked the reason to Neji's hatred.

"I have no grudge against you," Neji said as he stared down at the blond.

"Neither do I," Naruto replied with a grin. "But as future Hokage, it is my duty to ensure that my family isn't in peril. I can't stand to have that kind of hatred between the members of Konoha."

'I see Naruto has inherited the will of fire well enough.' Sarutobi smiled as he watched the blond.

Neji smiled as he looked at Naruto. "I can see it clearly now… your destiny will be to lose to me."

"Then I guess you and I must be seeing destiny a little bit differently," Naruto said as he charged in, trading blows with the Hyūga. He had no fear of his tenketsu blocking since Kyūbi was with him. Neji in turn wondered how Naruto was mildly shrugging off his tenketsu attacks. Neji poured chakra into his middle and index fingers as he struck Naruto in the chest causing the boy to tumble back.

"It's over," he said once again.

Naruto was unable to get up immediately. The Kyūbi was rather intrigued as he watched the fight. He wanted to see if Naruto had what it took to pull through. The blond mentally cursed the Kyūbi but a part of him agreed with his actions. He needed to rely on his own individual power and only rely on the Kyūbi once the opponent becomes too tough to handle.

The blond willed himself to stand and look Neji in the eyes. "You are strong," Naruto said. "But you're nothing special."

Neji grit his teeth. "You yourself aren't special either. I on the other hand, I am the genius of the Hyūga clan. I am a branch member but I am strong enough to defeat the heir of the clan and arguably take on other members of the Main Family. I have suffered and endured hardship ever since that day. Do you even know what it's like to be like that?" Naruto didn't respond but grinned savagely as he coughed up blood.

He brought his hands together and made a seal.

"Impossible," Neji said as he saw the blond. "I forced chakra into your coils. You shouldn't be able to mould chakra." He looked at Naruto and noticed chakra swarming inside the boy. A fiery red chakra that had a very sinister nature coupled with a killing intent to boot. Neji stepped back indecisively.

Apparently, Gaara had also sensed it and he was not at ease.

"Kage Bunshin no jutsu."

Immediately, a swarm of Naruto appeared on the field and they surrounded Neji and went on the offensive.

Neji took on the gentle fist stance as his Byakugan became fully activated. " Hakke: Kaiten Kūsho (Eight Trigrams: Rotating Vacuum Palm)."

Hiashi looked at Neji, all the more wishing that he was his heir. The kid had apparently mastered the vacuum palm all by himself.

Neji extended his hands as he began to spin, all the while thrusting his palm into the air and striking the clones that dared to get close with pinpoint accuracy. Within moments, each clone had been decimated.

Neji stopped his rotation in time to see Naruto take out two shuriken. He held each in one hand and tossed them at Neji who used vacuum palm to repel them. Naruto ran and caught the shuriken with speed that Neji couldn't follow properly. He tossed them back at the Hyūga who repelled them again. Naruto ran and caught them and tossed them back again and Neji repelled them again. This continued until Neji delayed a slight second and the shuriken neared him. The shuriken disappeared in a puff of smoke to reveal a clone. Neji was able to react and punch the clone, but this allowed Naruto to close in and strike Neji in the face.

The punch he gave Neji sent the Hyūga sailing through the air before creating a crater in the wall far bigger than the previous one.

The crowd was silent for a moment as they processed what had just happened. Suddenly, there was an uproar as they cheered on Naruto with the blond even hearing words of praises escape their lips.

Hiruzen smiled as he looked at his grandson of some sorts. Naruto wore a bright grin on his face as he received the praises.

"Looks like I won the bet," Naruto said as he reached Neji.

The Hyūga's eyes were opened but unmoving. 'What is fate?' he asked himself. 'How can destiny be beaten? How can fate be stopped? How can a genius like me lose to some nobody from a nameless clan? I lost and I must accept the fact. Naruto… you have taught me something valuable. Fate should only be accepted if it bends to my will…' the Hyūga was silent in thought when he realized that he couldn't even move.

Moments Later…

The next match was Gaara's and he had utterly destroyed Dosu. The Oto-nin could only watch as Gaara brutalized him. He was unable to even land a single attack on the Suna-nin. Gaara had crushed Dosu's spine and rendered him unable to battle before going back to his place in the arena.

Temari had forfeited the match as she determined that her winning was a blow to her pride as a Suna-nin. Now it was finally between Shino and Sasuke.

Shino was stood on the battlefield as he awaited Sasuke's arrival. The Uchiha had yet to arrive.

Mutterings began to go back and forth between the poor and the rich who came to watch the match. Truth be told, many had been ecstatic when they heard that the last known Uchiha would be fighting in this year's Chūnin exams, and they had come to watch him fight.

They were beginning to get angry that the Uchiha was a no show.

"I know that there's no way that Sasuke would miss a fight and that means…"

"Took you long enough," Sakura said to Naruto. "That sensei of ours is going to rub some bad habits on Sasuke."

"Yo!" they heard a voice say behind their back. They turned around to see their sensei.

"Where were you?" Sakura asked.

"I just got here you see," Kakashi said as he opened his book to read. "I believe Sasuke-kun is about to fight."

This diverted their attention to the field where Sasuke was stood facing against Shino.

Naruto smiled.

Moments Later…

Sasuke stood as he stared at Shino. The bug user had forfeited the match on the account that his bugs were getting burnt by Sasuke's fire and he didn't want to lose more.

Genma smiled as he ran the next pairings in his head. Sasuke will be facing Kankuro and Naruto will be facing Gaara. There was no time to rest as Genma shooed Shino off of the arena. He motioned for Kankuro to come and without wasting much time, he began the match.

Kankuro unveiled Karasu as he looked at Sasuke. He had a slight advantage as he knew that Sasuke was absent when he fought with Hinata and he knew how well that would play to his favour.

Sasuke smirked as he looked at Kankuro. He proceeded to disappear from sight as he appeared behind Kankuro before the Suna-nin could think. Sasuke got into the standard Uchiha stance as he swept Kankuro off of his feet before attacking with a backwards kick.

Thanks to experience, Kankuro was quick to respond with Karasu as he went on the offensive, shooting kunai and shuriken at Sasuke who expertly dodged them before unsealing the Kubikiribōchō. The young Uchiha had gotten even more skilled with the sword under Kakashi. He swung the sword at Karasu but the puppet ducked under the sword.

Kankuro pulled Karasu back as he contemplated his next move. Sasuke didn't give any chance to it as he sealed his sword. "Katon: Goukakyu no jutsu."

A large (by Sasuke's standard) fireball weaved through the air at Kankuro. The Suna-nin didn't waste any time in thinking. He motioned for Karasu to pick him up and hurl him while he pulled Karasu backwards.

Sasuke smirked as he activated his sharingan and flipped backwards before tossing a shuriken at Karasu. Kankuro smirked as Karasu tossed a shuriken to deflect Sasuke's, but he failed to notice the shuriken hiding in the shadow. The attack wasn't meant for Karasu but Kankuro. The Suna-nin evaded the attack as he jumped out of the way. Unfortunately for him, he was heading in the direction of another of Sasuke's shuriken.

His eyes widened before he quickly traded places with Karasu, letting the puppet to be hit by the shuriken.

Sasuke smirked as he shot off once more, with a speed that was second only to Lee amongst the Konoha 15 members. The neck cleaver sparked with lightning as he channeled his chakra through the blade. Kankuro noticed this and sent Karasu to block the attack, but Sasuke's reflexes were far more faster. He paused before spinning in front of Karasu to change his direction and appearing behind Kankuro, the Executioner's blade pointing at a sweating Kankuro's neck.

"I forfeit."

Sasuke smirked.

"Winner of the match, Uchiha Sasuke. Uzumaki Naruto and Gaara of the Sand, please make your way to the arena for your match."

Gaara looked at Naruto with a sinister smile as though he was interested in their matchup.

"Naruto… be careful. That boy, it appears that he is a jinchūriki just like you."

"What? How's that?"

"The dark rings around his eyes are proof enough for me. The One Tailed beast is a tailed beast that holds a grudge against me. His jinchūriki are oddly insomniacs as they risk him rampaging should they go to sleep."

"I'd better be ready for anything." 'When he fought Haku, his sand moved on his own. It was only through speed that Haku was able to land blows on him. In terms of speed in the Konoha 15 I am…

Konoha 15 Speed Chart







Ten Ten









'At least I am not that far behind but… I don't think that will do.'

Naruto found himself face-to-face with Gaara on the arena floors.

Genma gave the signal. "Uzumaki Naruto vs. Gaara of the Sand. Begin."

Naruto leapt back to create a good enough distance between himself and Gaara. He watched the boy as the boy refused to move. It was at that moment that Naruto realized that even in Haku's match, Gaara wasn't the one to make the first move.

'Maybe I can blindside the sand,' Naruto thought as he dug his hands into his pouch and took out shuriken.

"What is that dunce thinking?" Sasuke asked Kakashi who couldn't pay him any attention as he read a certain book.

Naruto tossed the shuriken into the air and made a seal. "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu."

Immediately the shuriken multiplied as they weaved through the air towards Gaara. Gaara did not move an inch as the sand quickly formed a protective dome above him, shielding him from the attack that came.

Naruto wasn't all that surprised at the move, but the way it moved had Naruto's senses on the edge.

"Naruto… stay focused."

The dome broke apart to reveal a smiling Gaara. "Uzumaki… Naruto. Whenever I look at you I get excited. Your fight… with the Hyūga proved it even more and I must satiate myself with your blood."

Naruto looked at Gaara oddly. "If I am not mistaken this is the first time we are speaking. Why do I get you excited?"

"The whole point of life is to satiate oneself. To prove one's existence… how can I go about that? I must be the strongest in Suna, enough to scare even Jōnin and yet a genin was able to injure me… does that mean the Shinobi of Konoha are exceptional?"

"It looked so, and hence in that battle with the ice user it was proven to me. Since then I had made it my goal to defeat and perhaps kill Konoha ninjas to prove myself."

"Is that so?" Naruto asked. "Well I'm not about to let you satiate yourself with my blood." As he said this, he got into a fighting stance.

Gaara cackled slightly. "I sure am going to enjoy this."

Naruto responded by dashing off in a burst of speed. He was fast but he could still be followed. He closed in on Gaara and dove at him, but the sand blocked him before he even neared him. Naruto jumped back as he tossed two separate shuriken at Gaara, but the sand intercepted them.

Naruto shot off once again in a sideways direction. He leapt off of the ground and used the wall as a ramp to propel himself towards Gaara. The sand intercepted him once again, but he used it as a hold to launch himself again, only to be hit by the sand again.

He righted himself midair before he struck the ground.

"Disappointing," Gaara said as he sent a wave of sand at Naruto. The blond easily avoided the assault and proceeded to continue the next waves of sand.

"Fighting you in person just serves to prove how disappointing you really are." As Gaara said this, another wave of sand slammed into the blond shinobi.

"What is Naruto doing?" Sasuke asked as he looked at Kakashi.

"Hmm," Kakashi said as he looked up from his book. "Don't ever ask that question because that kid is as unpredictable as they come."

Sasuke just turned his head as he watched the battle. But not before failing to notice a man with an ANBU mask and a cloak standing at the far back.


Baki was feeling restless. The Sound planned to attack the Leaf village and they had asked the Sand for help using trade relations in an attempt to betray the Leaf. The Sand had accepted but after sometime, the Kazekage opposed the idea in order to get on Konoha's good side. During the meeting that was held, Kabuto… that was his name, had informed them that the invasion would begin during one of Gaara's match as he was the key in bringing down the Leaf. Slowly and surely, Baki was noticing the presence of Sound ninjas in the form of ANBU.

He wanted to make his move and warn the Hokage, but without arousing suspicion… if he remembered correctly, they had said that they would move once Gaara loses control of himself. He still had time to carry on his plan.

On the Field…

Naruto felt his back impact the arena field after suffering another blow from Gaara's sand. The Suna-nin had not even moved an inch and Naruto was getting bashed left and right.

"Damn you," Naruto said as he got up. Another wave of sand was sent at him, but he moved out of the sand's reach and launched himself unto the walls of the arena. Gaara could notice a smirk on his face as the blond jinchūriki stared back defiantly.

He made a single hand seal. "Kage Bunshin no jutsu."

"Yes! Show me the power I felt earlier."

Hinata's battle with Kankuro was a fun one for me to write. I liked it and really I want you all to understand that the Hinata in this one is a little different than the one in canon, in that she is more actively participating in battles and is more confident in herself.

Honestly, I don't think I have seen Shino face off against someone who uses fire. If you have please tell me cause I don't think I have. So I decided to use this to my advantage and that's basically it. Sorry the fight wasn't written for specific reasons. Hope you can forgive me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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