
Naruto: The 100 Wives Of Naruto (remake)

Following the war, Naruto is elected to rebuild his clan. Tasked with impregnating as many gals as possible, Tsunade makes an order as Hokage that marriage proposals from the brat are irrefutable. Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review of what you like and any complaints you might have.

Mad_man13 · Komik
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 - Hinata, Ino, Sakura, Shizune, Tenten and Tsunade

4 months had passed since the Uzumaki clan had welcomed its 4th wife, Hinata, into the mansion. Ever since then, hardly one of them had left the house for more than a day at a time. Naruto had been quite intent on breeding them and after just a few weeks, his success had been confirmed. Tsunade, Shizune, Sakura and Hinata were all carrying his offspring...

Of course, they all still had friends and duties outside of restoring the Uzumaki-clan, but they had to prioritize it. Tsunade had abdicated as the Hokage and Kakashi was acting as her temporary replacement until a new Hokage was found. Hinata was quite content, not having to live up to the title of heiress of the Hyuuga clan anymore and turned into quite the lustful creature, craving Narutos attention. Sakura however still maintained contact with her friends and today, she was going to meet up with them.

Walking into the restaurant, she spotted her best friend, Ino, and Tenten right away. Waving over to them, they smiled at her and waved back, but Sakura noticed how their smiles and gazes fell down when they noticed her obvious baby bump. It wasn't huge yet, but definitely noticeable, looking out of place on her slim body.

Sitting down across them at the table, Sakura nevertheless was quite happy to see the two again after quite some time. "Hey Sakura... long time no see. I see Naruto was busy, huh?", Ino greeted her. "Oh yes, he is quite energetic.", Sakura confirmed, eliciting an awkward cough from Tenten. "What brought this about, Sakura? Weren't you always so opposed to the idea of you and Naruto dating? And now you're married to him AND pregnant already?", Tenten questioned.

"Let's say he can be very persuasive. And he does make me rather happy, so I am not regretting this decision one bit.", Sakura defended her marriage. "I guess, but I dunno... giving up your career as a kunoichi like that... I don't know if I could do that.", Ino pondered. "Oh, you wouldn't make a good wife anyways, Ino, don't worry about that.", Sakura teased her friend with a giggle.

All the while, her eyes were wandering over to the door. Without telling her two friends, she had also invited Naruto to join them here, after he had finished some formalities about the clan at the Hokage tower...

Those formalities took the form of many, many fresh wife applications laid out by the new Clan leader! He had not only accepted his new role, he languished in it, determined to spread his seed as far and wide as he possibly could. Naruto had a drive to procreate with women beyond number, all of his energy dedicated solely towards creating countless blonde-haired children, but even knowing this, nothing could have prepared the officials for the scroll he left with them, bearing the names of twenty of the finest kunoichi in the nation, women they would give up everything for a single night for. To think this brat would be fucking his raw cock up into them every night from now on, dominating their pussies and making their wombs swell with child... It was something truly worthy of jealousy. And at the bottom of the list, they would clearly see two names that were women right here in this city: none other than Ino and Tenten.

With business out of the way, he was soon on his way to catching up with Sakura, entering the restaurant and taking a seat at the table with the three young women beside Sakura, planting a kiss on his wife's cheek... Of course, the way they were now, it didn't end there, as the ninja girl turned her head towards him, her eyes lighting up at having her man so close to her. Her wet mouth peeled open in front of the other two, catching even Naruto by surprise as she fastened her lips hungrily to his, pushing her tongue into his mouth needily. It was almost like she'd forgotten Ino and Tenten were even there as she held the perverted kiss, tongue rolling around his lips in a circle, her hand moving to his thigh. For his part, Naruto's hand moved to her round, swollen belly, carressing her bulge as he returned her shameless kiss, a little moan escaping his mouth as he did so, and the other two girls would soon have sat through a full minute of this lovemaking before they finally broke it off, Naruto relaxing into his chair with a pleasured smile, waving to the two of them cheekily. "Hiya!"

It seemed that the stories of marriage ending one's sex life were far from true for these two. Sakura and Naruto were practically on fire, both of them plainly wanting to just rut right here on the table.

Sakura pulled away from the heated kiss with a small mewl of disappointment. Clearly, she had temporarily forgotten their company, but she could not keep herself away from her man and leaned against him as he greeted her friends, who just sat there in shock, gaping and blushing furiously. "Umm... hello, Naruto.", Ino awkwardly greeted Naruto back, both girls clearly flustered by the shameless display of affection of the blonde and the pinkette.

Both girls were completely unaware of the decision by Naruto to marry them, even Sakura had not been privy to Narutos list. He had kept that a secret and so, she would have to wait and see who her new wife-sisters would be.

"Sakura didn't mention you were going to show up...", Tenten added. The addition of the boy had caught them off guard. They had wanted to question Sakura a bit more on her new, married life, but now that he was there with them, that seemed a little... tactless. Then again, them making out in front of them wasn't exactly polite either.

"So... I heard you were keeping Sakura busy, Naruto?", Ino finally asked him. The fact that he basically seemed to lock his four wives up had spawned quite a few rumors in Konoha, all of them of course heard by the Yamanaka-girl and a few even started by herself. But seeing Sakura so obviously happy dispelled a few of them...

"Not just busy... I've been keeping her stuffed, too~" he teased, giving the girl a long lick on her cheek, eyes clinging to Ino's body the entire time. The way he was looking at the two other girls was like he was inspecting meat... Naruto was truly falling into his new role. "Making a new clan is a lot of hard work, but I think we're all enjoying it, mm!"

"And, I was going to be here, but I had some business at the Hokage tower to take care of..." He planted his elbows on the table, resting his head on them, and gave the two women a goofy grin. "Did you know Tsunade gave me the authority to marry any girl I want? At all? I was just taking in the list of brides I want to add to what I have now... It took a while to process all of them, heheh... But, mm, I should be congratulating you two!" he said, lifting his head up and reaching into his pocket, planting two small cards into Ino's hand and Tenten's hand at the same time. "You're both going to be helping me as my next brides!" Daring to look down into the hands would show the two kunoichi exactly what they'd have suspected: a marriage license for each of them, indicating they were now wed to the Uzumaki brat, entirely without any kind of consent from them whatsoever! This was the world Tsunade had thrust them into by giving Naruto this kind of ridiculous authority...

"We just need to have a formal wedding night, really... I can do you separately, or together, but together is best, of course! And then... consummation! And then... Growing, bulging your bellies... Tummies expanding... Mmhmhm...!" Naruto was drooling as he was lost in thought, already planning to make mothers of these two young women, only just barely entered into the world of adulthood and already having such a burden thrust into them.

Again, Ino and Tenten fell into an awkward silence as Naruto licked Sakura affectionately, right in front of them. That silence however ended as Naruto congratulated them and produced two legal documents for each of them and proclaimed them his new wives. "WHAT?!", Ino shrieked loudly as she stood up, drawing the attention of the other patrons of the restaurant to her. "Naruto, this is a bad joke, even for you...", she growled, looking quite livid, while Tenten looked at the paper in front of her...

"Oh, it's not a joke. It's true, check the papers yourself, Ino.", Sakura explained to her friend. While she was delighted that her friend would join her, she was still not fully convinced Ino would submit herself to Naruto. Then again, she herself had not exactly rolled over easily.

The legal documents identified the two girls now as Uzumaki Ino and Uzumaki Tenten. Just like Sakura, Hinata, Tsunade and Shizune, they were now officially part of the Uzumaki-clan. "But... but...", Ino stuttered and Tenten sighed heavily. "Seems like he's telling the truth. I suppose if it's the Hokages orders, we can't do anything about it...", Tenten muttered, clearly not happy but unwilling to oppose the authority of the Hokage and Naruto.

But that was before Naruto told them of their upcoming wedding night. Both girls lit up scarlet at his obvious lechery at their bodies. "Okay, no! I'll stop you right there, Naruto.", Ino said vehemently. "Fine, I'll be your wife, but I want to continue being a kunoichi. I won't let you knock me up like Sakura, you hear me?", she made it quite clear to him that his ideas of her future were not shared with her. "Yeah, I agree. That's just going too fast, Naruto.", Tenten chimed in.

Naruto looked from one girl to the other, pouting a little, clearly having imagined in his head they'd just blissfully go along with transitioning into thick-curved breeder mamas, but now the truth settled in and he looked to Sakura hopefully, assuming she'd have some sort of easy out. But eventually he realized that they had him trapped: they'd be his sexy, young wives, but it was their decision when they actually would allow him to take things that far, effectively ending their careers as ninja in the way that the others already essentially had. After all, Tsunade, Shizune, Hinata and Sakura could hardly go leaping through the trees in their current state... Mostly they relaxed and let their bodies grow more curvaceous and maternal with each passing day, breasts expanding, butts stretching their once-comfortable pants and bellies weighing down every step.

He hung his head, but eventually nodded agreement. After all, there wasn't anything stopping him from wearing their resistances down... After a few nights of efforts to bareback them, or even months of continued pressure, who was to say he couldn't force them to give in to the pleasure of breeding and carry his progeny? They'd be entering a tooth and nail battle to keep their wombs baby-free from here on. "Alright...! But if you think I'm going to let you do whatever you want, it's not going to be that easy! I've taken an interest in you two for siring heirs to the Uzumaki Household, so it's going to happen sooner or later... Don't blame me if there's any... accidents..." He was grinning as he teased them, rubbing Sakura's thigh warmly, staring down at the two women. Their livelihoods would never have felt so endangered as they had now, as this brat calmly talked about tricking them into pregnancy with the flimsiest of excuses. It would take everything they had to stop them from becoming mothers.

Their protests seemed to have worked, but Naruto was still promising them a baby sooner or later. "Don't you get any smart ideas with me here, Naruto...", Ino warned him icily, her stare almost rivalling that of Sakura when she was mad at somebody, which used to be Naruto most of the times. But with that said, Ino got up and started walking out, followed closely by Tenten.

"Don't forget to come to the mansion later tonight, Ino. You too, Tenten. You're now part of our clan, so we'll be expecting you.", Sakura called after them. With her back turned, her face was unseen, but Ino froze in her step before she continued to flee the building. When the two had left, Sakura chuckled and turned to her husband. "Hmm, I can't wait to see them join our family.", she whispered to Naruto before she moaned lightly as even the slight touch of his hand on her thigh turned her on. "Let's sneak into the bathroom for a bit of fun, huh?", she suggested wantonly...


Later that day, Ino and Tenten did arrive at the mansion, as they had been told to. Each carried a suitcase with clothes. They had basically said goodbye to their families, knowing they would be kept busy from now on, just like Sakura had been. Ino had tried, unsuccessfully, to get her father to repeal the marriage, but the Hokages order was absolute... she was Uzumaki Ino now, whether she liked it or not.

Greeted by a maid, they were shown to their new rooms and then told to wear what was laid out for them on their beds and then report to the Master bedroom. To their consternation, what was waiting for them was revealing underwear. Purple lace for Ino and black silk for Tenten, long, over-thigh high stockings, tiny thongs and bras that were so tight, they just seemed to be waiting to burst.

Clad this way, they were greeted by Sakura who picked them up and lead them to Narutos room. As she opened the door, the strong smell of sex entered their noses as Naruto was sitting on his bed, Tsunade and Shizune at his sides and Hinata between his legs. They could only see the back of her head, but it was clear what the once shy girl was doing to her lover. All three of them, like Sakura, sported baby bumps, telling of their pregnancies and changing bodies...

Ino and Tenten were clearly awestruck as Sakura pushed them inside and closed the door behind them. There was no escape for them now anymore...

When they entered the room, there was a wet pop as Naruto's fat, breeding dick slipped free of Hinata's lips, standing up stiff as a board as he looked over at Ino and Tenten. "Good work~" he cooed to Hinata, kissing her on the mouth, before slipping from between Shizune and Tsunade, sliding down the bed to come to Sakura's side. "Could you girls make soom room?" he asked, and the three girls who'd been hard at work pleasuring him slipped off of the bed, supporting their bellies as they moved to couches around the room, relaxing. Ino and Tenten would be able to see their bellies in perfect detail: at three months pregnant, the other girls weren't huge yet, but the bumps were easily to tell as babies growing in their bodies, either from the swell, their belly-buttons popped out or, most impactful of all, the maternal way they cradled their mounds, blissful in pregnancy.

He slipped an arm around both their waists, squeezing Ino and Tenten's narrow lower bodies. They hadn't begun to develop like the others, and still sported the curves of teenage girls, while even skinny little Sakura had had her ass and hips expand dramatically following the pregnancy. Was that going to be their fate? Naruto leaned towards them, planting a kiss on each of their cheeks. "Mm, you two look so great! I can't wait to get started!" Despite being totally naked, he showed no embarassment or shame... After all, why would he? He was totally in control of the situation: at a word from him, his wives (his other wives) would pin both of them down while he inseminated them, and they'd be powerless to fight off four such strong ninja. "Should we get right into it?" he said, before giving one of those childish grins. He was having the time of his life.

Both girls were clearly not used with the nudity all around them, yet what captivated their gazes was clearly Narutos erection. But when he asked them to get started, one of them yelped a bit. "Errr... one moment, please...", Tenten excused herself and pulled Ino over to a corner of the room that was farthest away from Naruto and his other wives. "Ino, what're we going to do?", the brunette weapons master asked in a hush. She wasn't afraid of any enemy, man, woman, she'd fight them all. But now, she found herself facing an opponent she wasn't quite used to. And she knew the consequences of losing. The price would be her womb...

"Relax. He's just a guy. We make him cum once or twice and he'll be napping like a baby, you'll see. Just follow my lead.", Ino confidently whispered back as she turned around. Their figures, while obviously not as developed as either Tsunade or Shizune, busty like Hinata or grown rounder like Sakura, they were definitely delectable. All four of the other wives watched, seated around the room as the two newest additions approached Naruto. "Alright Naruto, just sit down.", Ino ordered, intent to take charge. After all, she reasoned, if she was in control, he had no chance to impregnate her.

Pushing Naruto towards the bed, Ino made him sit on the edge and then kneeled between his legs, motioning Tenten to join her. Both girls were flushed as the huge cock stood proudly before them, before Ino extended her hand and began jerking it a bit and took the head of Narutos manhood into her mouth, her tongue swirling over it. She did not even try to get it in deeper, she knew there'd be no way she could swallow this monster. Following the blondes lead, Tenten too leaned in and began licking the length of Narutos cock, one of her hands cupping his testicles and experimentally rolling them around gently...

Naruto arched his back when her lips first came into contact with that strong, dominant pole, a little hiss escaping his mouth. "Ahh... G-Good..." he gasped, squirming on the bed, huffing and puffing. The other four would move closer, eager to see Ino's technique. He felt so good from having Ino's mouth around his cock, his fat penis was soon oozing precum for her, drizzling down the tip to spatter on her tongue, making her head swim with his awesome taste. Naruto's semen was just... better than other guy's, there was no other way to describe it, and the way she could already taste Tsunade, Shizune and Hinata on it, and yes, even Sakura, seemed to only improve that flavour. It was the taste of a dominant, strong man's cock, that had been cultivated for impregnation.

He continued squirming on the bed in front of them, as Tenten watched, but it didn't take Ino long to achieve her goal... Soon, Naruto gave a long moan, gripping onto Ino's head intently, and then he rose from the bed, making her realize just what sort of position she was in. With his hands on either side of her there was nowhere to escape to as he thrust forwards, and that cock she'd assumed would be too large was proven to be exactly that, as he shoveled it down her throat, stretching her out with its sheer size and weight. He was cumming into her, that cock thickening up with his release, pumping semen into her face and throat... He tumbled back onto the bed, panting, but his dick wasn't an inch softer... If anything, it had gotten larger, his ballsack expanding... This was the power of the Kitsune. His eyes turned to Tenten expectantly, and she'd realize everyone was staring at her now.

Inos eyes widened as she realized too late that her efforts had paid off. Planting her hands on his hips, she tried to push herself away from him, to no avail. Her head was mercilessly pushed into his crotch as his cock was thrust into her throat, bulging visibly with its sheer girth. Ino was gurgling desperately as Naruto unloaded himself inside her, almost turning blue until Naruto released her, the last few spurts of his seed hitting her face as she fell back, hacking and gasping for air.

Her nose was filled with the smell of his semen on her face and she couldn't help but get wet. It was smelly, but at the same time, intoxicating... but her rational mind still told her to resist the urge, to ignore the growing wet stain in her panties. Still dizzied, Ino slowly began to wipe away the large globs of white cum on her face, while all attention was centered on Tenten.

The brunette had watched the orgasm and subsequent fallout with awe and a bit of terror and was now flinching nervously as Naruto looked at her. In fact, looking around, everyone was looking at her, well, except Ino, who was still cleaning herself up with shaky hands. She gulped as she saw Naruto did not seem very tired unlike Ino had predicted and his cock did not appear to grow any softer either...

Contrary to Ino, Tenten had not occupied herself as much with boys, so now that she was temporarily left alone with Naruto, she felt woefully out of her element. But offense was the best defense, she told herself. If she let Naruto do as he pleased, she might as well have been begging him to impregnate her. And that was completely out of the question. Her ambition was to become the best kunoichi of all times, not a mother. If that was what she had to do to avoid that fate, then she would do it...

Taking a breath and steeling herself, Tenten climbed onto the bed next to Naruto and carefully wrapped her fingers around his cock, using both hands and finding that not even that way, she fully covered his entire manhood. The weaponsmistress at least seemed to have a good idea on how to handle things however as she vigorously began to stroke Narutos cock with her hands, hoping that would be enough to satisfy him until Ino could jump back into things in a bit...

Sadly for her, however, Naruto had other ideas... "Mm, enough of that, Tenten!" he said, gripping her shoulder firmly, pushing her down onto the bed. "I want to move on to the good stuff! You can do that stuff with your hands whenever, but for now...!"

Naruto moved slowly, taking a moment to admire Tenten's body as she lay back on the bed, drawing fingers over her bare, flat belly... She looked amazing, of course, all of the women he'd chosen did, but her petite body was the smallest of all his brides. The way with her was to be gentle at first, leading her slowly into the true pleasure of lying with a man. She was the opposite of Ino like that... As he glanced at Ino, he knew it would take a man's firm hand to lead the blonde into submission as his wife, he could seduce Tenten, but he would have to break Ino forcefully. What better way to start than by taking her friend's support away from? He lowered his face to Tenten's, kissing her hungrily on the lips. He kissed her again and again, finally deciding to take charge of the situation that had been dancing out of his control since he'd first met the two of them in the restaurant this morning. His tongue swirled in her mouth, licking over her lips and tongue alternatingly, before pressing into her. His firm hand gripped her shoulder, keeping her pinned, as he enjoyed her luscious body.

"Tenten... You're so cute..." he cooed in her ear, before leaning down to chew her neck, leaving her with his mark. Next he tasted her breasts, her belly, before his head was between her legs, removing her thong and baring her tight, hot little pussy to the entire room, smiling up at her as he exposed her. "Such a pretty body... You should be at home with me from now on, Tenten..." Naruto leaned in, fingers playing with her pussy, and then his tongue joining them as he satisfied her aroused body. Over the last 3 months, Shizune and Tsunade had been his mentors in the art of the female body, teaching him every aspect of pleasuring a woman, and now he put that to work with his honed tongue-technique, one that would leave the cutie dazed and brainless... Lick after lick assaulted her lower body, drawing pleasure forcefully from her poor, confused little horny mind, till, against her will, Tenten was forced into a perverse orgasm from this man who had obtained her as his wife. He admired his handiwork, then, with no need to take any longer with it, he mounted her.

His large, strong body descended on Tenten, that powerful cock stroking over her labia, and then sinking between them, inch after inch easing into her tight pussy. Ino was too late: he was inside of her friend, just as he intended to be inside of her next... All she could hope now was to convince him to pull out before he inseminated Tenten, and then her. But he was already stretching the cutie to his cock's size, leading her accommodate him in the same way all the other women had: Tenten's pussy was now a tight fit around Naruto's cock, feeling like a sheath around him. He stroked deeper into her, grinding on her hot spots and her cervix, panting heavily. All eyes were on his rising and falling hips as he ground his cock up into the Ninja's pussy, dearly hoping that even a single drop of semen would let loose inside of her, be taken up by her womb and get her with child. Naruto wished over and over again in his mind for this to be the end of her career, for the cutie ninja Tenten to be taken in as a broodmare for the Uzumaki Clan and it reflected in his thrusts: he drove into her again and again with brutish, single-minded determination.

"W-What're you...?", Tenten gasped breathlessly after Naruto asked her to stay home with him from now on, the kiss already having dazzled her quite a bit. She was hopelessly defenseless as his fingers and tongue began playing with her pussy and soon enough, her body was squirming on the bed in orgasm. Panting still, she could only hope for Ino to jump in soon and save her...

But Ino had only recovered in time to see Narutos fat cock sink into Tenten, parting her folds forcefully and making the brunette girl cry out as she realized what was happening. "N-No! Stop, please stop...", she begged him to stop and as Ino climbed on the bed, the blonde try to pull Naruto off Tenten, who also tried to push him away, although her efforts were dwindling quickly as his large cock could not help but hit every spot inside her pussy to have her panting soon. But Tenten wasn't completely defeated yet, she still had one last ace up her sleeve that she hoped would work in her favor...

"My ass! Please, you can have my ass, alright?", she offered, obviously desperate to entice him with this substitute. In secret, Tenten owned a large collection of dildos of all shapes and sizes and had developed quite a taste for anally stimulating herself. Although even her largest dildo paled in comparison to Naruto, she was willing to let him have her anal virginity if it meant keeping her babyless for tonight...

Even Ino was surprised by this offer, as she momentarily let go of Naruto...

But Naruto had felt a fire rising deep within him, as he plunged into Tenten's hot pussy again and again... He'd been burning up, his whole body feeling hot and excited at the thought of inseminating this cute ninja, thrusting his cock deep into her pussy and letting off a ridiculous amount of babymaking spunk into her! He almost didn't hear her when she first spoke, but when she said it again, he froze in place, cock up in her to the hilt, crammed up against her cervix with all its full force, just waiting for it to open up and accept him. He glared down at her with the fury of a true household ruler, eyes tearing into her as he didn't pull back an inch.

"I am the leader of the Uzumaki Clan! I have been tasked with bringing forth an entirely new household from my own body, using the bodies of the finest women of our land! You... You, Tenten, are a stepping stone along the way, just another womb to be filled! And you dare to speak to the ruler of this house that you are wed into, like this?" He savagely attacked her pussy, thrusting with all his strength into her, locking eyes with Tenten as he did it. He smacked Ino's hand away and continued, "We will become the strongest household this country has ever seen, and your womb will be offered up to our cause! Your offer is an insult to that, Tenten! Take this!"

He had never felt this strong, or dominant before, and even Ino would surely be able to witness the strength behind his thrusts. Naruto was singularly focussed on one thing and one thing only: inseminating the cute girl underneath him. "Get pregnant! Surrender your body and give me your eggs, Tenten!" He drove right up into her cervix, cock pushing up into her womb, grinding deep inside her, before he, panting, came a second time, that fat, strong cock, the true strength of the Uzumaki household, just as important as the bloated balls swinging below it, unloaded into her, great, wet helpings of his fertilizing semen, his woman-taming, bitch-making seed that flowed so freely and deeply into his breeder pigs. From where Ino was sitting, she'd see he filled her friend so thoroughly that his seed was squirting out around his cock, splattering onto the bedsheets. Naruto panted deeply, but then he drew himself free of Tenten's pussy and sat back on the bedsheets, resting his back against Tsunade's enormous chest as he grinned at Ino.

"Ready for your turn, Ino?"

When he stopped his thrusts briefly, a glimmer of hope appeared for Tenten that he might just spare her tonight. That he would fuck her ass and leave it at that. But that glimmer was snuffed out quickly as Naruto roared at her, angered at her offer. With that, all her chances of escaping his cock unloading in her pussy were dashed and Tenten screamed in a mix of terror and pleasure as he began truly pounding into her. "Ahhh... nnooooooo, please...", she tried to beg, but it was already too late and with a last, desperate scream of "NooooOOO!", Tenten climaxed as Narutos seed filled her up completely... all she could hope now was that her womb was more resilient than she had been...

As the other girls drew closer, towards the bed, surrounding Ino, Tenten just laid there on the bed, having been fucked into submission, twitching occasionally from the aftershocks of her orgasm. Whether that submission would stick however remained to be seen...

With his attention now turned back to her, dread filled Ino. His cock still showed no signs of slowing down. Was this really the power of the Kyuubi inside him? Regardless, she knew she had to do something. "Ummm... h-how about I suck you off again, Naruto.", she offered. Naruto had enjoyed it, of that she was sure. Although she had had trouble breathing afterwards...

But it wasn't just Naruto she had to worry about. "Like I said, you don't have what it takes to be a good wife, Ino.", Sakura commented with a laugh from the side. "To be bred by Master Naruto is an honor, you should be grateful he chose you, Ino-san.", Hinata added, both her and Sakura behind Ino, cutting off her way in case she tried to escape, which, judging by how she had been inching away from Naruto, seemed likely...

Naruto just grinned at Ino, resting his hands behind his back, spreading his legs and letting his mammoth dick, still soaked in Tenten's pussy juices, rise up between them. "Sure thing, Ino... Let's see how long you can last, sucking it off!" He had decided to make a challenge of it, seeing who would tire first.

Soon, she was sucking obediently between his thighs, head bobbing, and she found herself rewarded with a third shot. Was that enough to tire him out? No! Once again, she renewed her efforts, drawing a fourth shot from him... Naruto's cock still trembled impossibly hard before her. Even after the fifth shot, his dick showed no signs of going down: at this point, there was only one thing that could make it deflate. He laid a hand on her shoulder, grinning at her, "It knows how fertile you are, Ino... This is a dangerously unsafe day for you, so that's why it's still hard..."

"You can keep sucking," he cooed in her ear, "Or you can help me get this over with... And then we'll stop." His stamina and strength were endless. If any man could raise the Uzumaki household to be the world's strongest Clan, it was... him...

Ino breathed a sigh of relief as Naruto agreed to her offer and began to work on his member. She was sucking like her life depended on it and in a way, it did. Her life as she knew and liked it was on the line, the life of marriage and a never-ending cycle of pregnancy, birth and impregnation would be her punishment for failure.

Yet, after almost an hour of her best efforts, there was no end in sight. Her jaw was hurting... he was impossibly big. The mere thought of that beast going inside of her... it made her shudder. By now, her thong was drenched and her nipples were clearly poking through her bra, but still Ino denied herself pleasure if it meant becoming Narutos bitch. She shook her head no as he tempted her to just give in, weakly, but it was still clear she was not broken yet...

But just then, a moan came from Narutos side. It was Tenten, who had stirred back to life somewhat. The semen still oozing from her pussy was only beginning to dry as she looked up at Naruto tiredly, but... there was something else there, something that had not been there before. Something however that Naruto was very familiar with, as he had seen it in the eyes of each and every single one of his wives: Desire. Hunger for more. "Please...", she said, her voice cracking a bit. "Please, fuck me more... breed me, Master Naruto, I beg you...", she called out to him, desperate for more...

At the same time, Sakura and Hinata, fed up with Inos constant refusal to just give in, had grabbed her arms and had begun playing with her body, carefully groping her breasts and rubbing her pussy through her panties. But they were careful not to get the blonde girl off just yet... no, she would need to learn her lesson. "Stupid pig, you'll regret saying no to Master Naruto...", Sakura scolded her friend. "He offered you pleasure and happiness, and you would throw it away, Ino-san. Unacceptable!", Hinata said. "What? Sakura, Hinata, let me go!", Ino shrieked, struggling weakly against them while they continued to molest her.

"You wanna cum, huh? Ino-pig... you're really a sow, you need to be bred.", Sakura whispered into her ear before licking it. "But we'll only let you cum if you beg Naruto to impregnate you too.", Hinata explained to Ino as the two wives were working perfectly together to bring another one into the fold...

Naruto couldn't help but smile as he looked on... Ino was sweltering under the weight of her desire... She didn't seem to be fully grounded in reality right now, her eyes darting nervously, her legs crossing and uncrossing timidly, while her pussy oozed wetly... She was slick as heck down there, her whole body screaming to be fed dick, but her ailing mind and mouth still seemed to want to betray it, not giving her curves the treatment they craved. In a way, she would be one of his best and most capable wives, and they both seemed to know it! A female that squirmed and resisted this thoroughly was, on a biological level, testing the male who wanted to call her his mate, whether she knew it or not. Wriggling out of his grasp, pushing his advances away... Only the most determined and capable male would get through such defences. In this way, it was a direct challenge issued to his gender: only the strongest and most ruthless male gets between these thighs. When Ino realized for good that that male was none other than Naruto, and when her resistances crumbled with this revelation, it would be like a floodgate opening. The stark truth that she had been conquered by the prime alpha male, who pushed inside of her despite all her resistances and pleading, would be imprinted on her mind and her worldview would never recover.

The pleasure of being inseminated by a man who disregarded your begging to leave your pussy alone and to please pull out, please don't come inside over and over and over... It was one that the other girls like Hinata and Tsunade would never get to experience, although they might not realize how jealous they should be. Right now, Ino and Hinata were like animals in the wild, a male focussing all his energy on selfishly propogating his bloodline and a female exerting herself to the full amount in her efforts to deny him~

Naruto's cock was straining with the weight of his biological urges as he looked down at this pretty girl below him. His eyes lingered over her pussy, the lips quivering, gently opening and closing as she breathed, and he leaned down into it, inhaling her scent... When she tried to close her legs, he grunted from the momentary distraction and pinned them down without another thought, before leaning back in to her snatch. His ears were deaf to her pleading as he leaned into her body, tongue pressing up against her slutty clit. He lashed at it, taunting her body with his mouth, daring her to lose control of herself for even just a split second. That was all it would take for him to descend like a predator and flood her womb with his babymaking load. She knew it, too, and the situation had them both completely on edge. It would feel so very, very nice to give in and become a breeding pig for Naruto. There might not be a nicer sensation in the world. "Ino's belly is going to be so big and round," he cooed as he continued licking at her... "It's only a matter of time now, until you break down and beg for it... And then I'll stick this rock hard dick inside of you and I won't pull out until you're creaming over and over again."

Tenten, her pleas for more going ignored for now by Naruto, realized she had to be patient. Right now, Ino was the bigger priority, after she had seen the light like she had, she could look forward to more dickings. As she found her hands nestling between her legs, fingers scooping up the thick sperm of the Uzumaki clan leader, she wondered why she had been so resistant to this? This was wonderful and she could hardly wait for more...

Ino meanwhile did not share the same enthusiasm as Tenten. Yet. But she was screaming loudly when Narutos tongue made contact with her sensitive slit. Again and again, her youthful body was wrecked with climax after climax, the blonde was unable to stop Naruto, Sakura, Hinata or even herself as her hips bucked against Narutos mouth, he was rewarded with torrents of her love juice as Ino writhed and spasmed helplessly...

Finally, when Naruto pulled back a bit, she got to rest for just the briefest of moments. Her body was shining now, wet with perspiration, her chest was heaving, trying to draw the air her lungs had missed back in desperately and she was now hanging limply in the arms of Hinata and Sakura. The pink-haired kunoichi looked at her friend and figured she was ready, so she leaned in and whispered in her ear, though loud enough for everybody on the bed to overhear what she was saying. "Come on, Ino... stop fighting. Give in, allow Naruto to breed you... don't deny it, your body wants to be knocked up.", she tempted her...

Ino looked up to Sakura as her friend asked her this life-changing question. Although even in her hazy state, Ino realized that an answer in the negative would only prolong this most pleasurable torture, it would doom her to a life of child-rearing and raising, for better or for worse. She had had so many ambitions and she was talented. She would've become head of the Yamanaka clan for sure one day, perhaps even the Hokage? But these potential futures were now fading rapidly. Her eyes, unfocused but still showing some sense of self-awareness, wandered from Sakura to Naruto and finally... she gave in. A weak nod was the best she could manage as her body surrendered itself to Narutos cock, her womb opening up in expectation of the semen to fill it very soon...

His body felt so strong and insistent, against her soft, fleshy curves... Naruto's body had been honed by breeding many pussies, more sinuous and energetic, and she could feel it in him that he had breeding intent. His lips found hers, tongue pushing into her mouth as he grabbed a ripe breast, squeezing it firmly, kneeding her skin. "These are going to get so big... They'll be full of milk, Ino... You'll make an amazing mother soon..."

He glanced around the room at the other women he'd gathered... Tenten, Sakura, Tsunade, Shizuka and Hinata... All five of them were enjoying what was about to be the best porno in the world, content to sit back and watch their fellow Kunoichi get her pussy slammed full of their master's penis and filled with his fertile semen... It was just so hot! There wasn't a dry pussy in the room, or a girl who didn't feel jealous of Ino, right now. He let the tip of his huge fucking cock linger over the entrance to her pussy as he smiled at them. "You watching, girls? I'm sticking it in nooow!" Ino's pussy tensed up intensely, one last effort to force that thick invader out, his size seemingly far too much for her... But the longer he pressed against her, the more of his cock sank inside of her body, the more her belly distended with just how much she was taking inside of her. The sight was breathtaking. She'd never felt so full before in her life. In this warm, communal breeding environment, Naruto drove inch after inch into his sixth bride, then simply paused and smiled at her, letting her revel in the sensation of being completely full of his cock. "It's... all in the way in Ino's unprotected pussy..." he cooed, kissing her again. "How does it feel?" he asked her, grinning as it pulsed rhythmically inside her. He was going to start moving it soon, but in this peaceful moment, he let her savour the sensation of finally accepting a man totally and utterly. "How is it, Ino?" he asked again.

The sensation of her pussy being stretched to the very limit had left Ino speechless, gasping for air as she laid back on the bed, Naruto above her and all the other girls around them. His cock entering her had stirred some life back into the blonde kunoichi. Ino was not a virgin, but her experience was limited and by no means had she ever had a cock so big that it visibly bulged her lower abdomen.

Her mouth responded to Narutos kiss almost automatically now, her tongue dancing with his in a loving fashion, just another sign of her faltering resistance. A low moan escaped her mouth as she felt the tip of Narutos dick prod against her cervix, knocking on the door to her womb just begging to be let in. And she had no strength left anymore... she was conquered. Ino surrendered, her mind and body unable to take much more. She would be Uzumaki Ino from now on, she would bear his children, her body growing in places that would make her wholly unsuitable for the physically demanding life of a kunoichi. But that was a small prize to pay...

"So big... soo goood....", was all Ino could moan out as her arms reached out and clung to Narutos shoulders as a clear signal to him that he had won. He had defeated her, her womanly pride and independence shattered. Now, he could claim his reward and plant his seed inside her, creating a new life inside her and a new life for her... that of a mother...

They'd been fucking for so long now, so many hours of panting, frenzied lovemaking, but when Naruto felt Ino's arms wrapping around his shoulders, dragging him in, his self-control seemed to totally vanish! He'd worked his ass off until now keeping his dick hard and his balls fall, resisting the many, many temptations of Ino's body, but when she so eagerly accepted him... He snorted out a big gasp of air through his nose as his cock gave a virile twitch... And then his hips began to move hard and fast, giving this uptight bitch the unwinding fuck they both knew she needed~ Long, firm strokes of his pole dug into her pussy, stroking off her best spots and finally coming to rest at the tight, hot, entrance to her womb, her clutching cervix...

Naruto couldn't press up against it hard and fast enough, as he felt her legs joining her hands in locking tightly around his body, dragging him in. "Ahh.... L-Look at this bitch, girls... She's finally admitted how badly she wants to be impregnated by Naruto Uzumaki..." He kissed her again, pistoning his hips, grinding more and more on her cervix, before he hunched himself up inside of her, wrenching her hot hole open and diving right into the ninja cutie's womb~

The tip of Naruto's penis violated her most sacred place, trembling as her body convulsed around his entire pole, and he knew he couldn't wait another second! He let loose immediately, cock firing off like a cannon, flooding her hot, warm insides with his jizz, determined to inseminate any woman who stood against him! He drove up into her, toes curling, and let his dick become married to her pussy~

Ino and Tenten had been added to his harem, and he passionately made love to both of them, and his other wives, for the remainder of the night and until morning... Every woman Naruto got close to since he'd taken this household had become pregnant, giving up their lives to be nothing more than this man's perverted breeding livestock, slaves to his juicy fat cock. It might seem to be as degrading and humiliating and anything could possibly be, but the air around the bed was one of total pleasure and satisfaction: Naruto made love to his wives over and over again and his passion of increasing the size of his harem, and swelling their bellies, soon became their passion, among the sheets of his enormous bed.