
Naruto: Suna's Shinigami

A kid wakes up in an alleyway in Suna and upon waking up, meets two other boys who are running from a baker... Follow the story of these three kids as they become shinobi of Sunagakure and go into the Second Shinobi War. To all thinking of reading this, I have already loosely planned the whole story until Boruto already. Its going to be an OP MC story. Hope you enjoy! Please vote and review to keep me going!

Yrmynoodlescold · Komik
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25 Chs

The Night Trumpet Concert

And just like that, the next morning came.

Haru slowly opened his groggy eyes as he slowly came to consciousness and let out that blissful morning stretch that gets your whole body shaking.


But as he did so, he found that there was nothing stopping him from fully outstretching his leg. He opened his eyes to find that there was not a single sign of anyone having slept next to him at all.

"Where in the world are they?" he mumbled in his morning voice as he got up, letting out an earth-shaking yawn.

He slowly got up and walked out of the shack and he was immediately left confused. Both Kiyoshi and Ryuuya were sleeping on the floor, a pleasant expression on their faces as they seemed to be having the best sleep of their life.

"Oi oi"


"OIII!" Haru shouted as he tried to get his mates all.

Yeah, from that morning, Haru realised that his snoring was becoming a huge problem. He decided to try to tackle it.

In the first week, he tried tying his mouth closed so that he would not snore anymore, but much to people's surprise, that did not work. He just ended up snoring from his nose.

And so he tried another method, stuffing something in his nose to prevent his snoring. But turns out, it did not work again. He just ended up snoring from his mouth.

He ended up considering if he should block up both his nose and mouth but that was quickly shut down by the other two.

But it was after three weeks of experimenting that he finally found the answer, his ears!

Haru strangely found that when he shut off his sense of sound when sleeping, he suddenly stopped snoring. This revelation was seen as an absolute act of God by both Kiyo and Ryuuya as they were finally able to sleep properly. Alongside this, the neighbourhood was also saved from the sound of the midnight trumpet concerts.

Life continued like this for the next few months. The bond between the three of them continued to grow.

Sunagakure, otherwise known as the village hidden in the sand was located in the Land of Wind. It was a member of the five great villages, renowned throughout the whole world as one of the strongest villages.

But in its current state, it was nothing but short of its glory days. Corruption and poverty had razed through the whole village like wildfire following the few decades after its creation.

On the Eastern side of the village, was the location of the slums. Outside the old-creaky shack that the trio called home. And right outside the house, Haru and Kiyoshi could be seen throwing rocks.

Haru stepped up, holding a small stone in his hand as he took aim. His target?

A wall that had been built from mud that had a target drawn on it.

Haru took a deep breath as he stared at the Kiyoshi, "Don't you dare speak now."

To his side, Kiyoshi was staring at him with a goofy expression as he saw the seriousness in Haru's eyes. He had been messing with Haru the whole time.

Every instant that Haru stopped and prepared to throw the rock, Kiyoshi would say something that would completely throw him off course, causing him to horrendously miss the target.

Kiyoshi smiled as he brought his hand to his lip, making the motion of zipping his mouth shut.

Haru had taken a bunch of attempts already but had never hit the bullseye ever from the dozen amount of times that Kiyoshi had seen him play this alone.

'Even if I don't make a sound, there's no way that he's going to even get anywhere near the target,' he thought as he inwardly laughed at Haru.

Haru then faced the target as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A face of total concentration emerged as his eyes burst open, his hazel eyes sparkling with confidence.

He slowly pulled his arm back, collecting momentum to fire that exact rock straight at the target. Reaching a maximum stretch backwards, Haru's arm immediately began flying forwards, ready to fling the rock at an incredible speed towards the target.

"YO!" a voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

In that instant, Haru's concentration completely broke as his posture and form completely broke down. He was not able to control the stone in his hand and it was sent flying off in a direction that he had not wanted to throw it in.

"KIYO!!!" he shouted angrily as he immediately turned back, expecting Kiyoshi to be the one who shouted to distract him.

However, instead of seeing Kiyo, he was instead greeted with the biggest smile from Ryuuya.

"RYUUYA! WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU HAVE TO SPEAK!!" Haru shouted in frustration as he fell to his knees.

"I'VE GOT GOOD NEWS!" Ryuuya blurted out as he made his way towards them.

"What good news?" Kiyo asked as he enjoyed the look of defeat on Haru's face. He could tell how much intent Haru had put on that throw. Seeing his focus and momentum get interrupted anyway, he found it utterly hilarious.

"I heard from one of the kids in the neighbouring area that there is going to be a recruitment test for Suna's shinobi force tomorrow," Ryuuya answered, immediately getting Kiyo's attention.

"Recruitment test?"

"Yup," Ryuuya replied, "Even better is th-"


At this, both Kiyo and Ryuuya both stared at him in confusion and Haru did not stop.

"DON'T YOU KNO-ack!" Haru was interrupted mid-way by a nice smack to the head, "WHAT THE HELL'S YOUR PROBLEM?"

Haru turned to Kiyoshi with an extremely furious look on his face but he was almost instantly stopped in his tracks as Kiyoshi immediately pointed towards the wall, "I don't know how in the hell you did it... but you did."

Haru's gaze slowly turned towards the wall and the instant he saw what had happened, his eyes opened as wide as saucers as he saw it.

The wall that had the perfect circle... actually had a crack with a small stone firmly embedded in it. But it was not the fact that the stone had embedded itself in the wall that had shocked Haru but where the stone had been embedded.

It had firmly stuck itself right in the middle of the target. A perfect bullseye!

Seeing this, Haru stared at it in both shock and disbelief.

"HAHAHAHA!" he broke out in a horrendous fit of laughter, "I ACTUALLY HIT THE TARGET! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Meanwhile, Ryuuya and Kiyo were staring at him in confusion.

"Did I just make a mistake that I'm going to regret..." Ryuuya mumbled out shakily as fear filled his eyes.

"The biggest of mistakes..." Kiyo commented back to him, his voice also quiet and fearful, "We are never going to hear the end of that. That's his first and probably his only bullseye ever."

"HAHAHAHA! Ryuuya, you said that there going to be some kind of recruitment. HAHAHAHAHA! There's no way that we're not going. Don't worry, boys. You have me, Haru Kega, the world's greatest sharpshooter!"


Hello, people. Thanks for reading this chapter. I needed something to add some context to the event that happens next so this chapter came out.

I am still undecided on how early to reveal electromagnetism release so please comment. Would you like slow growth or quick reveal?