
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs





The war was slowly calming down. The intensity before affected the war after some time

For the first ever shinobi world war. This war will surely go down in the books as the worst war that the shinobi world has ever experienced

The damage and casualties far exceeded the expected amount

Death and destruction could be seen everywhere. Each village was filled with war refugees, which shows how much the people has to suffer

The countries started to slow down their pace after seeing these effects

It's said that it wouldn't take long before the war ends. Multiple countries are seeking to sign a treaty at an early stage to get more benefits


In the land of Frost

20 figures flash by through an icy forest

They were all wearing white coats to blend in with the surroundings. It was now late in the year in the Land of Frost. The snowy climate was worse than usual

"Danzo tell me your thoughts on the information we got"

Hiruzen and Danzo were at the back of the group so the others couldn't hear what they were talking about

"Hmm, I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit suspicious. We have been tracking them for 2 months now and we didn't find a single lead and all of a sudden we got some intel without a source"

Danzo who had a hot-blooded personality around this time wore a rare serious expression

Hiruzen also thought the same

It's been 2 months since he got the task from his teacher. During these 2 months, he was getting depressed

They didn't find anything on this special force created by Kumo

They found people who had information about them but before they could get to them, they all died by 'accident'

He was very confident that he could bring back satisfactory results but now he was getting worried. His teacher has been asking about how far the mission has progressed, sadly he couldn't give him a proper answer

Strangely 3 days ago they got intel that this special force would meet in the land of frost. Although he was suspicious, he felt that they could at least take the risk

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. It's risky but we are now in a desperate situation. We have to take our chances"

Danzo looked at him with a bit of ridicule

No ninja would take this risk. The information cannot be trusted and they are going in blind

They are now sitting ducks in the land of frost

But Hirzuen lead them here anyway because he was getting anxious. His teacher has a lot of faith in him and he doesn't want to let him down

They were here because of Hiruzen's selfishness

But he didn't say anything, Hiruzen was always better than him no matter what they did, maybe it was because of the growing inferiority complex that he always choose to keep his opinion and not say anything

Seeing Danzo not talking Hiruzen also stopped

They need to be on guard at all times


In the same forest in the land of frost

10 black clothed figures sat in a circle around a bonfire

"Why do we have to meet those Konoha scum"

One of the black-clothed figures stood up and complained

"I agree brother, we didn't sign up for this"

The person who was his brother also agree

"Calm down, this is an order from the raikage himself. Sit down at wait"

The one in the center spoke in a calm voice while looking at them indifferently

"Price you can't tell me what to do. Don't think because you are captain you can order us around"

Kinkaku looked at Price angrily

Price was the captain of the group but Kinkaku and his brother Ginkaku refuse to listen to him

Price looked at Kinkaku who had a hostile aura around him and ignored him. He was not interested in arguing with the brothers

Seeing that Price ignored him Kikanu tsk and talk to his brother

They were a part of the second raikage faction and lead the Kinkaku force. But they got dissatisfied with the second raikage pacifist behavior, so they decided to join A

After retiring with the Chinoike clan, A's power in the village rose. The second raikage was about to retire so most of the people that sided with him decided to join A, especially when he has the chinoike clan on his side

Even if special force 141 was A's personal force, the second raikage was still the second raikage and he had to listen to his orders

Price looked at the two brothers and shook his head. The reason why they were even here was because of them

A month and a half ago they found out that Konoha was on their tail. The brothers were a reckless and shameless bunch and on a mission, they left back some trace that they didn't notice

Konoha couldn't find another trace of them, because of their intervention but the second raikage had an idea

He was planning to sign a treaty with Konoha and order A to use his force to contact the Konoha ninjas that were investigating them

There wasn't anything wrong with this, but the brothers were angry because of this. The thought of stopping the war and being friendly with Konoha angered them and their dissatisfaction with the village grew larger

Although A was better than the second raikage in their opinion. The second raikage was still the second raikage

One of the black-clothed men looked at the brothers closely

'Kazuto was on to something'

Z looked at them with suspicion

Although he was a part of 141, he didn't participate in most of the mission. A requested that he went on this mission and he agree since the danger was low

But kazuto said something to him yesterday that made him wonder





Kazuto and Z were having a casual spar at one of the training grounds

Z started to use this time to bond with his son since he didn't have a lot of time being the Narukami clan patriarch

"Dad what's your opinion on the Gold and Silver brothers"

Kazuto started a conversation while they took a small rest

"Why do you ask"

Z looked at kazuto strangle, it was a weird topic to bring up. Seeing that his son was eager for an answer he didn't see a reason not to

"Well although they aren't the best people and their actions made others question their affiliation, they were still respected in the village for their strength and they are a symbol of Kumo's strength"

Kazuto looked at his father and figured out he didn't have a great opinion on them. What his father just said, he heard the same others

"They seem a bit suspicious to me. I met them 2 months ago and they were very aggressive"

"Well that's how they usually act so I don't see why your suspicious"

Z didn't understand why kazuto was suspicious of them when they just acted normal

"I thought the same maybe I was because of my intuition I decided to keep tabs on them and I found that they were acting weird"

"Their actions always look like they were trying to defy the raikage"

"Don't worry son you're over thinking things"

Z rubbed kazuto's head and reassured him. Its true that the Brothers were showing their dissatisfaction towards the raikage, Z didn't think they would do anything serious

Kazuto saw that his plan wasn't working and got a little anxious

"You guys are a part of the same team and will be close to each other. I know I don't really have any evidence but they are up to something"

Kazuto looked his father in the eyes seriously, since he could do anything he would have to be direct

"Kazuto I-"

"Trust me, dad, you always say trust your gut and my gut is telling me something is going to happen"

"I just don't want to see you get hurt"

Z saw his son's worried look and kept it in mind. He didn't knows why his son was acting like this but since it was his gut then he will trust kazuto's gut


Z thought about what his son said and put up his guard

The brothers look like they were planning something. No one else thought much of them but since the start of this mission he was keeping tabs on them

A few minutes later. They all got up and get rid of the evidence

They had a mission to complete


Gonna finish this arc real soon. This was mostly a experimentation run since it was the first time I'm writing

I'm now ready to progress with the story

The story about a ninja


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