
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs


Naruto was in the forest still in his Kcm making amazing time. He could sense the others up ahead and he could feel they were in trouble. He picked up speed and took off in a golden blur. He came upon Choji first and could see he was fighting another fat kid who looked like some damn orc. Choji was about to eat a red pill.

"I don't know what that pill is but whatever it is it can't be good if it's red." He pulled out his sword and coated it in wind chakra so he could make a clean cut.

Choji was about to put the pill in his mouth when it was snached from his hand and his opponent suddenly stopped moving.

"W-what j-just happened?" Choji was confused. One moment he was about to eat the food pil of his clan to defeat his enemy, Next thing he knows the pill was taken right from his hand and Jirobo wasn't moving anymore.

That's when Naruto landed in front of him covered in what looked like golden flames. "Great work Choji, you held him off and gave me time to finish things. To think I thought you were weak and helpless without Shika." He then disappeared again leaving Choji confused and a little ticked off. He then heard a thud and saw the headless body of his enemy.

"Uhh, what am I supposed to do now? Oh well I'll just get some rest and wait for the medics to get here." He then dropped to his back and started to eat.

"Damn where the hell is Choji, You better still be alive." Shikamaru spoke while leading the rest of the team to get the Uchiha.

"Don't worry, I am sure Choji will pull through." KIba said looking back with a smirk.

"We have an enemy up ahead." Neji cut in before they can get out of hand. They all have to dodge when a web is shot towards them, They try to cut it with kunai but they are quickly caught while Neji used his gentle fist to cut the webs.

"Damn it seems it can withstand our kunai." Shikamaru cursed at not having a wind affinity.

"If that is the case, I will stay back and fight the enemy." Neji stepped up and got in his stance. They all stop when they hear something from the forest.

"I'll deal with him!" They all see a golden blur rush past them and before they know it, the spider guy was cut in half and died on the spot. They all see the shining Naruto who has a smirk plastered on his face.

They all let out a sigh of relief at Naruto being there back up. Shikamru can't help but think of Naruto as his knight in shining armor, considering how he is literally shining.

"Man am I glad to see you." Shikamaru said.

"Yes it is good to see you Naruto-san." Neji said.

"What the hell are you doing here man we don't need your help!" He was getting sick of Naruto always coming to save his ass and getting the attention from all the girls.

"Yea yea, come on we have got a traitor to catch. I will go ahead while you guys just clean up whatever I don't finish." Naruto then left in a golden streak.

"Man what a drag."

Sakon and ukon were the only ones left. They were currently separated, allowing one to hold the barrel while the other ran and kept watch.

"Damn, How could things get so out of hand like this." Sakon was not happy at all. He was starting to doubt if they could complete this mission.

"I know, This is quickly turning into a bust." Ukon said carrying the barrel. They stop when they see none other than Kimimaro drop in front of them.

"Give it to me, I will get it to Lord Orochimaru." Ukon gave him the barrel with Sasuke inside. "Make sure you don't let them catch up to me." He quickly left with the two following them. They didn't see the other 2 cloaked figures watching them in the trees. One of them had angry red eyes.

Naruto was making great time but he was confused when he felt the chakra of someone he has faced before. "How the hell did he survive my attack that time? How the hell did he escape the village in that state I left him? I swear our anbu are complete garbage, I will have to go and beat their asses and get them in shape." He smirked at that train of thought.

He made his way into a clearing where he could see the pale bone boy and some guy with two heads. "Man you guys just get more and more freaky." He spoke looking at the guy with two heads.

"Shut up you leaf scum." Ukon yelled.

Naruto only sighed at the basic insult. The leaf has been around for years but yet it seemed as if that was the only insult they were capable of using. "Wow, First time I heard that one." Naruto rolled his eyes. "Just get out the damn way and let me take the spoiled child."

"I can not, Lord Orochimaru must have him." Kimimaro activated his curse mark already knowing how strong this guy was. Naruto sighed in irritation at this.

"Look bone fella, You are really strong and have amazing loyalty. How about you come to the leaf and fight with us." Naruto held a hand out for the young teen.

"I will not betray my lord. He saved me." Kimimaro coughed up blood and dropped to one knee. Naruto, seeing this took the chance to capture him. He dashed off leaving a crater where he used to stand and kicked Kimimaro in the face with so much force, it cracked his hard bones and formed a small crater under the teen. Naruto followed his path and slapped a seal on his head that would knock him out and suppress his chakra.

Sakon was flabbergasted at what just happened in less than 3 seconds. He didn't even see the golden boy move and yet he was standing over a passed out Kimimaro.

Wh-what the hell! How is he s-so fast." He quickly turned to Naruto and saw him sealing away the body of Kimimaro. "This is my chance, his back is turned." He quickly separated from his brother and they went into there curse mark 2 states and went through hand signs for a fire ball jutsu. They let lose a massive fireball that burned the ground it traveled over and they could still feel the heat. "You are dead!" They watched the fireball make contact with the space he was and it burned the tree and exploded.


They were not expecting to see Naruto just walk out of the flames as if nothing happened. There wasn't a single burn on his golden body. Naruto had used a new wind jutsu to make all the oxygen in his area to disappear. He figured if there was no fuel for the fire, it would just put itself out. All he had to do was hold his breath and he would be just fine.

"How are you alive! Just die!" Ukon and his brother were about to go through more hand signs until they stopped when Naruto just appeared in front of them and their world turned upside down. He had cut their heads off with his wonderful blade that was bloodthirsty. During their small fight it seemed Sasuke was able to get out of the barrel and run off.

He was about to run off until the sand siblings landed in front of him. "Hello Naruto-kun." Temari gave the blond a wave with a smile. While the two brothers gave him a nod.

"Hey Temari-chan, makeup boy, And Gaara aka sandman." Naruto gave them all a smile and wave.

"How many times do I have to tell you ITS WAR PAINT!" Kankuro yelled using the big head jutsu but nobody paid him any attention.

"What are you guys doing out here anyways?" Naruto said letting his Kcm drop to give it a rest.

"Well we were called for backup, But it seems you have everything under control." Gaara looked at the dead body and all of the destruction. That is when the leaf's retrieval team landed and was surprised to see the sand ninja's.

"Woah Naruto, you did all of this." Shikamaru spoke first out of the group.

"Yea we did lazy boy." Temari smirked hotly at the Nara. Shikamaru only groaned at the troublesome blonde.

"Naruto, why is…she here."

"Oh lighten up, she was sent as backup. This will give you a chance to spit some game." Naruto pushed him towards the girl who was still smirking at him. Shikamaru rubbed the back of his head and had a little blush on his face.

"W-well I-I was wondering if you wanted to g-go out sometime after this." Shikamaru couldn't believe he was looking like a wimp in front of the guys and it didn't help with the way Gaara was giving him that stare with his sand out.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Shikamaru only nodded not trusting his voice. "Well make sure you come prepared, a date with me can be a real drag." This made everyone laugh even Neji let out a slight chuckle.

They then saw a green blur land in a fighting stance. "The green beast of the leaf is here." Rock lee proclaimed until he saw everyone standing around looking at him. "W-where is the enemy?" He asked confused and then everyone remembered they had a mission to complete.

"Oh right we are supposed to get the Uchiha." Naruto said and everyone also remembered. "He went this way, let's go and get him." They all followed after Naruto to complete the mission.

They all made it to the valley of the end and could see Sasuke standing on the head of Madara Uchiha waiting for them.

"Well I didn't think there would be so many of you guys sent to get little old me, but even then with this power I have now, It won't matter." He activated the first level and the black marking ran across his face. It is all stopped when Naruto appears over him and slams a giant rasengan into his back and sent him crashing into the feet of Hashirama.

"Well that deals with that. I hope he isn't dead, that looked like it hurt." Everyone who was watching this couldn't believe what just happened. Naruto just disappeared too fast for anyone to see him. That move was really brutal, but they all know Naruto doesn't show mercy nor does he waste good openings.

RIght when Naruto was about to pick him up, he can see 2 giant water shark bombs coming towards him along with a massive fire dragon. He smirked to himself at the attacks coming towards him.

"Well it looks like shark boy and emo finally come back for round 2." Naruto activates his Kcm but he takes it a step further by going into Kcm 2. His once blue armor is replaced by what looks like a black undershirt and golden pants, he gains a cloak made of golden chakra with 9 magatama marks on his collar. On his Stomach the seal turns into a circle and what is black lines seem to run out of it and make it's way over his whole body.

He smacks all of the attacks away with a tail of chakra making the attacks crash into the cliff side and blow up causing a large explosion to go off and rock the ground and cause a landslide. Everyone looks down to see Naruto facing Itachi and Kisame.

"What the hell are those 2 doing down there!" Shikamaru yelled, losing his composure.

"We need to go and call for backup fast!" Lee yelled and ran back to the leaf as fast as he could.

"What should we do?" Neji asked looking a Shikamaru.

"There is really nothing we can do, We all could just leave but then if things go bad nobody would be here to get him out of danger. Damn, what a drag."

"Naruto will be fine." Gaara said with crossed arms and a straight face.

Naruto however was looking at the two with his slitted golden eyes, he had a grin on his face at getting able to test out this form on someone worthy enough to fight him.

"Before we get started, let me take these seals off." He crossed his arms below his waist and pointed out his pointer and index finger and yelled. "RELEASE!" His body glowed for a second and all of the resistance seals he had on his body were now released. He let out a laugh at being able to move at his full speed. "Now let's see if you can keep up." He disappeared in a golden flash, next thing they knew Kisame was kicked away into the wall. Itachi turned his wide eyes to Naruto and was punched in the face and sent flying.

Kisame was against the wall coughing up blood on the ground. Itachi had a hand on his jaw trying to pop it in place. He activated his mangekyo sharingan all disregard for his health out the window, He knew if he didn't fight with the intent to seriously hurt Naruto he would die too soon.

"Come on and dance with me, will you." Naruto taunted them with a smirk still plastered on his face. Kisame got up with a bloodthirsty grin on his face. He was going to love this fight even if it was his last. He tightened the grip on his sword and ran towards Naruto who was also grinning with his own bloodlust showing clearly. They clashed causing the water under them to ripple and shockwaves to go all throughout the valley. Naruto throws quick punches towards Kisame who get hit by all of them, He tried to cut Naruto with his blade and hopely take some chakra from the brat.

Itachi, seeing Naruto was occupied, made his way at high speeds to Naruto and tried to hit him in the back of the head. He is caught by a chakra tail and thrown into the statue of Madara. He punches Kisame in the gut, making him fold over his hand. Naruto delivers a hammer fist to the back of his head and throws him towards Itachi making cracks go up the legs of Madara. "Itachi, that kid hits hard." Kisame said to his friend.

"Yea, I know. He broke my jaw." Itachi responded by rubbing his jaw. They looked at Naruto who was standing there grinning.

"Come on, I want to try out some of my new powers." He then formed a rasenshuriken and threw it at the two, Kisame held up his sword to eat the chakra. Itachi watched the attack being eaten by Kisame's sword, he didn't know if it could handle something like that but it did.

Naruto was surprised that his attack was absorbed. He thought it would just blow up right in their faces. He threw down a smoke bomb blinding their vision of what he was abou to do.

"Here he comes." Itachi said getting ready for anything. They see the same attack making its way towards them again. Kisame puts up his sword again in order to be absorbed. He is surprised when the attack puffs in smoke and it reveals a clone who is smirking.

"Art is... " The clone began to glow white and grin wider. "An explosion!" It explodes in there face causing a smoke cloud to appear and the valley rumbled from the explosion again. The genin who were watching from a safe place were amazed at how strong Naruto was. To be pushing back 2 S-ranks ninjas back by himself really went to show his strength.

Somewhere in the sky Deidara looks to the valley of the end with a proud smile on his face. "It seems someone has discovered what true art is" He saluted to the direction causing Sasori to sweat drop.

"Nobody cares about your stupid art. True art is everlasting." The next thing he knew was that he was kicked off the flying bird and was now plummeting to the ground and he let out a girlish scream. "Sorry my man, but don't talk about my art."

Back with Naruto and his foes. He was currently watching Itachi clear the smoke with his ultimate defense. A Orange susanoo with a huge shield and a gourd bottle. He had Kisame inside the structure with him, but he was looking pretty bad. Naruto was actually impressed by what he was looking at.

"Naruto, I will give you props for pushing me this far. However it ends with this, you can not break this shield." Itachi spoke calmly. He knew nothing could break this shield; it would change its chakra nature to counter attack any attack he could launch at him. Kisame climbed out of his susano and went through hand signs and shot out a huge portion of water that filled up almost all of the valley. Itachi dropped his susanoo and walked back to catch his breath. That technique really took a lot out of him, he didn't think he would be able to hold it up long enough to fight Naruto.

Kisame then formed all of the water into a giant dome, trapping Naruto inside of it. Kisame smirked, "What's the matter, little fox can't swim." Kisame got in the dome and acted like nothing was wrong. Naruto only smirked at the talking shark.

"Bitch what, I'll bust ya ass up." Naruto then took out a paper tag and threw it towards Kisame who looked at it with confusion. Naruto however put his hands in a sign and activated the tag. "Tandom paper bomb!" Naruto quickly flashed outside before he could be caught up in the explosion. What followed was a massive explosion that shook the very ground and caused everyone watching to fall and hold onto something.

The screams of Kisame were mute compared to the loud constant explosion going on inside of the water dome he created. Itachi watched in utter surprise, that was the technique of the second hokage. During all of this, no one noticed Kabouto quickly come in and grab Sasuke. When the 2 minutes of high powered explosions ended the all saw a bloody Kisame who was laying on the ground barely alive, but the slight groans indicated he was. He reached out with all his strength and grabbed his sword and used all the chakra stored up to heal him from all the damage he received. He got up to his feet Shakley and spit out some more blood, shocking Naruto that he was still getting up.

"So the problem is the sword, He really can't do anything without it." Naruto thought to himself and got an idea. An idea that Kasumi whole heartily agreed with. He made a clone and it went to the genin who was watching with wide eyes. The clone appeared by all of them, shocking them.

"Hey guys, I will send you all back to the village now, things are about to get hot and heavy." He grabbed all of them and left in a blue flash to the leaf. Appearing in the office of Tsunade making her and all her anbu get ready, only to relax when they saw who it was.

"Naruto, what did I tell you about doing that!" Tsunade went to hit him on the head but he caught it.

"Hold on, I am fighting Itachi and Kisame right now and I just wanted to move them out of the way. So when you hear and see all the explosions just know it's the ass kicking storm of the leaf." He pointed a thumb at himself.

"You are fighting who! I will send a squad of anbu to come and back you up." Tsunade said not wanting her son in all but blood to die.

"Don't worry about it, I am actually doing a good job at fighting them, They came at me with the intent to actually put me down but they just can't dance with me."

"He is right hokage-sama, He is doing a good job at keeping the fight in his hands." Shikamaru spoke up.

"Yea so don't worry about it, Just make sure you have you old ass down there to greet me when I come back." Everyone stepped away from Tsunade seeing the anger on her face. She punched the clones through the roof making him fly towards the sky with a twinkle.

Back with Naruto he was now on the defensive from Itachi who was launching fire balls at him, while Kisame would get up close with his sword and attempt to shave his skin right off. However, Naruto was too fast and agile for them to land a good hit. "Enough of this." Itachi closed his left eye and charged up chakra, He shot black flames right on Naruto who screamed out in pain. Only to puff in smoke making a cloud of smoke to appear, indicating a shadow clone. Naruto dropped down on Kisame and slammed a rasengan into his back. Naruto took this chance to grab the sword. Spikes came and stabbed Naruto's hands but he ignored them and tossed it away.

Naruto jumps away dodging shrunken coated in fire from Itachi. Naruto then charged towards Itachi but Kisame jumped in the way and got involved in a taijustu battle with Naruto. Kisame took a punch to the face, stomach, left lung, kidney. Each punch making him flinch from the power behind the attack. He was bleeding a whole river, cloak long gone only in his navy blue pants and ninja sandals. Naruto gives him a roundhouse kick sending him flying back towards Itachi who caught him.

"Fuck, feel free to help me Itachi." Kisame said sending a glare towards his partner.


"Don't you start with me." Kisame said with a tick mark on his head.

"You dance well, but let's see if you still have strength left in your steps." Naruto exploded in golden chakra that began to grow larger and reach towards the sky. They all heard a massive primal roar that made all the animals run away. Naruto was now in a tailed beast transformation, he was gazing down at the two ninjas. He put his hands out and chakra started to form at the mouth of the 9 tails. Itachi seeing this quickly made his susanoo appear and Kisame went through hand signs as well.




The following attack created a massive explosion that blew away the clouds and rumbled the ground causing massive shockwaves and earthquakes. The ground under them cracked until it blew away, the statues of Madara and Hashirama began to crack and fall, only making it much worse. The attack could be seen and felt all the way in the leaf village and those who were close enough to feel the attack. Everyone in the leaf saw the massive explosion and felt the shockwaves causing some of their buildings to shake.

Once the explosion settled down you could still see the golden form of the giant 9 tailed fox and a slight orange glow in the smoke. Naruto was starting to pant a bit from the intense battle he was having. He blew the smoke away with a swing of Kasumi's tails. He saw Itachi hiding behind his susanoo that was barely hanging on at this point. Once he shot his attack, he quickly moved his shield in order to defend himself. Kisame was unfortunately not lucky enough to make it behind the shield in time and suffered the full brunt of the attack leaving him on the ground bloody and dead. Itachi seeing this cursed and his susanoo gave out on him causing him to collapse. Naruto seeing this made his avatar fade away and he quickly dashed towards the injured man and punched him away.

He looked at the dead fish man and checked his pulse to see if he was down for the count this time. No heartbeat. Dead and gone. He had killed one of them. He grabbed the ring that was on his hand and put it in a seal. Itachi got to his feet heavily beaten, His cloak was blasted off leaving him in his navy blue shirt and pants. He had blood coming from his mouth and eyes.

"You look like shit dude." Naruto had to comment.

"Y-you a-are right, It seems you have won again." He stopped to spit out some blood. Naruto was about to finish him off but for some reason he didn't. He normally would just kill them in their weakened state but he didn't move.

"Just get out of here, my mission is over. You should really do something about your brother before he gets himself killed." Naruto turned to the dead Kisame and sealed the body in a scroll. "Whatever your plan is for your brother, you should just stop it and tell him straight up. I don't know why you killed your clan but I know it wasn't to test your power." He then deactivated his Kcm 2 allowing his blue armor to show once again. He summoned a thunderbird and climbed on it's back.

"Take me to the leaf Kuro." Naruto said to the all black thunderbird.

"You got it Naruto-sama." With that he took to the sky and made his way towards the leaf. While he waited to get there he decided to get some rest and took a little nap on kuro's back.

Kuro brought Naruto to the front of the gates and dropped him off. Letting Tsunade take care of him. "He is only sleeping, from what I saw he had a huge battle." Kuro puffed in smoke leaving Tsunade with Naruto who was over her shoulder.

"Naruto my son. I am so proud, but I am still going to punish you for doing something so foolish." Tsunade thought with a smile on her face at the sleeping Naruto. She walked to the hospital listening to the sound of Naruto's armor clank with each step. The villagers waved and asked her questions about their Naruto-sama. She made it to the hospital and got him a room. She took his clothes off and put him in hospital clothes. She laid him down in a bed.

He woke up as soon as she sat him down. "Thanks for the lift mom, you are too kind." He gave her a bright smile making her gain a tick mark.

"You were up this whole time!" Tsunade hit him on top of the head.

"I just needed some rest and you just so happened to be willing." The door was slammed open and in came Haku with a worried look on her face. "Hey Haku-chan." Naruto held out his arms for the girl and she ran in and gave him a big hug and passion filled kiss. He returned it with just as much passion as Haku did.

"Naruto-kun we were all so worried about you." Haku said, still staying in his arms.

"Sorry to worry you, but I am all good now." He kissed the top of her head making her smile. "Now tomorrow I will be leaving on that training trip so tonight you make sure to come home so we can have some goodbye sex." He said the last part in her ear making the girl blush and shiver.

"Okay Naruto-kun, I will be there." She then left to go home and tell everyone.

"Okay just stay here and rest for a while and then you can go." Tsunade ruffled his hair and walked out.

Uzumaki compound

Naruto was released from the hospital and made his way home so he can have a good time. He opened the gate and walked in locking it back, He walked to the front door and opened it. He saw Anko, Tsunami, Kasumi, Kurenai, Guren, haku, Tayuya, Ino, Shizune, and Kin in sexy lingerie waiting for him. They all had blushes and smirks on their faces.

"What a way to welcome me home." They then made his way to his room and put up silencing seals blocking out all of the groans and moans of the occupants in the room. They had fun all night long.

Next day

It was early morning and Naruto, Karin,Tsunade, and Jiraiya along with Rukia were at the gates.

"Goodbye papa, I will miss you, but when you come back I will be super strong." Rukia said with some tears in her eyes, giving Naruto a tight hug.

"I will miss you too baby, And I can't wait to see how strong you get. Just make sure you are good for Granny Tsunade." Tsunade got a tick mark but let it slide this time. She smiled and walked towards Naruto.

"Goodbye son, Make sure you are okay." She gave him a kiss on the forehead and brought him into another motherly hug.

Naruto returned the hug as well. He gave her a kiss on the cheek like he always did. "I will mom, don't worry about me." He then walked back to Karin who was standing next to Jiraiya who decided to stick with them for a little bit.

"Alright let's get going." Jiraiya spoke walking out the gates.

"So did you tell your boyfriend goodbye. I didn't see you at home yesterday." Naruto smirked to the redhead girl. "Do I need to speak with Neji about something?"


Naruto laughed it off and only smiled at the blushing girl. The next 3 years would be something to remember.


So you made it. This is the last chapter right before the time skip are you ready.