
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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31 Chs

Ch: 16

Council room

"Hokage-sama I have finished the report on all the damage and how much money will be needed to repair everything." A civilian member said handing over a paper to the hokage.

"Thank you, Do we have a list of all the ninjas we lost in the battle?"

"I have it, Took me some time but I got it." Shibi spoke passing a sheet of paper to the hokage.

"We only lost 50 of our ninja and no civilians lost. That is good but I would prefer it if nobody died at all." Hiruzen said puffing on his pipe.

"This is something that is unavoidable in war." Shikaku said leaning his head on a hand.

"What about the promotions, are we still going to hand those out?" Tsume spoke up.

"Yes, It would be a good way to lift the spirits of the people up." The old hokage said with a little chuckle.

"Or Naruto-sama could just wake up." A civilian woman spoke with a blush on her face. This makes everyone in the room laugh except for Danzo and those who still hold a grudge on him.

"Yes he should be promoted." Inoichi said.

"I agree but to what rank?" Choza asked

"Why not make him the hokage." Hiruzen said with his head leaned back in his chair.

This caused everyone in the room to gasp and widen their eyes even Hiashi and Danzo. Danzo couldn't believe what he was hearing, No way would he let that weapon become the hokage over him. The true Hokage.

"Hokage-sama you can't be serious?" Tsume inuzuka said standing from her seat.

"I am. The village needs a new hokage. Someone younger than me. If the invasion has taught me anything it's that I can't lead the village anymore." Hiruzen could only sigh at getting that off his chest. He felt the responsibilities waying down on his old bones. He wanted to spend time with his grandson and clan members.

"But he is only 13!" A civilian said.

"13 with full control over the 9 tails chakra, beat the 4 tails biju, and destroyed most of the Iwa and sound army at the gates. Need I say more?"

"He is too inexperienced to have such a task." Danzo spoke not wanting this chance to slip by.

"You are right about that. The other villages won't take us seriously if we made a 13 year old our hokage. I have no doubt when he is older he shall be leading the village into greatness even if he doesn't want to." Hiruzen said with a grandfatherly smile.

"It sounds like you have already made up your mind for a replacement." Shikaku spoke with interest.

"Yes I have, But Naruto will have to wait until he is older. For now we will get Tsunade Senju." Hiruzen said sitting back up.

"She has not been seen in the village for years, she might be working with the enemy." Danzo spoke slightly angry.

"Oh my god, Danzo give it a rest would you. I am never going to make you the damn hokage. You are just as old as me, Not to mention you only have 1 eye along with 1 arm or did you forget that because of old age." Hiruzen smirked at the last part making Danzo grit his teeth.

"What shall we do with the 4 tails jinchuuriki?" Questioned Hiashi

"I don't really know." Hiruzen spoke back with a confused face. "What did he tell you Inoichi?"

"Well he told me that he was ambushed and they placed a seal on him and forced him to transform." Inoichi said handing over a report. Hiruzen read through the report looking for anything that could help him with this.

"We could just offer him a chance to stay. It would be logical if we tried to get him on our side." Shibi spoke from behind his clothes.

"He says that he doesn't want to be a ninja anymore. All he wanted was to just travel the world." Hiruzen spoke while reading off the report. Danzo, hearing this, got an idea.

"We should unseal the biju and place it in a loyal ninja. I know the perfect ninja." Everyone just looked at Danzo with blank faces even the civilians looked at him.

"Danzo. Just stop, we all know you still have ROOT activated. I am this close to killing you on the spot so don't push your luck." Hirzuen said giving his former teammate a glare.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about." Danzo spoke.

"That is not a bad idea actually." Hiashi said. "Why don't we ask Uzumaki to unseal the beast and place it into someone else." Hiashi spoke up.

"He makes a good point, hokage-sama." Shikaku said

"I see, But Naruto-kun is really close with the 9 tails so I don't know if he would just extract the biju and give it to someone else like a toy. Knowing how he was treated, I don't think he would do that to someone willingly."

"I see. Why don't we ask him when he wakes up, It should be soon. It has already been 2 and a half days." Tsume spoke up.

"Oh are you waiting for your future 'mate' to wake up?" Inoichi teased the Inuzuka head.

Tsume for her part fought back the blush at remembering the last time she interacted with him. "Shut up you blonde idiot!" Tsume said and jumped at the said blonde who went to hide behind Choza. Tsume was stopped by Shikaku who had her in his shadow.

"Now Tsume it was just a joke, so calm down you troublesome woman."

"Let me go or I will tell your wife about that box in your closet." Tsume said with a fanged smirk.

"I am sorry my friend but you are going to have to take one for the team." Shikaku said dropping the shadow possession.

"What don't, help me!" Inochi said running out of the council chambers from an angry woman.

"Well anyways back to our point earlier. I will assign Jiraiya a mission to locate Tsunade and bring her back so she can take my place." Hiruzen said in a tone that left no room for argument.

"Now can we get back to the promotions. I have other things to take care of." Hiashi spoke.

"Yes, let us." With that they all got back to giving out promotions to those who performed well during the exams along with the invasion. Some would be happy while some might be a little upset at not getting what they hoped.

Tsuchikage office

"So you are telling me that the yellow flash has a child and not only the but contains the 9 tails along with the storm release bloodline." Ohnoki spoke with his big eyebrows twitching with anger.

"T-that w-was not a child but a DEMON!" the clearly traumatized man spoke.

"Pull yourself together and speak right."

The man took a second to calm himself down and gain control over his raging heartbeat along with his brain that kept playing back the memories of Naruto slicing them down with that blank face. Along with those damn storm jutsu and flying birds. The terrifying sight of a giant dragon made of storms coming down on all of them. He nearly fainted when he saw a picture of Naruto looking directly at him with those cold blue eyes that gave away nothing.

"Y-yes sir. He was able to transform into the 9 tails and easily defeated the 4 tails along with 50 of our soldiers all while he was tired. I-I don't know if anything short of High S-rank ninjas can defeat him."

"This is indeed troubling. I knew I should not have gone along with that damn snake but I let my emotions guide me into it. Now they have that damn Roshi."

"That is not the worst thing. Namikaze even knows the flying raijin." The Iwa ninja spoke and felt defeated.

This shocked Ohnoki to his core. "If he knows that we won't be able to get close without losing all of our ninjas. Just like last time!" Ohnoki gritted his teeth. "We will have to take him down a different way or just leave them alone. Put that brat in the bingo book." Ohnoki spoke to the ninja in front of him.

"Yes sir!" With that he left the room to fill out his task leaving the old kage in his seat.

"I am too old for this shit."

Leaf hospital

In the bed of one Naruto Uzumaki he is sleeping peacefully, unaware of the target that is now on his back. Opening his eyes slowly he can see something orange. Kasumi can be seen sitting on his chest in her fox form. Ears laid flat on her head and worried eyes.

"W-what." He spoke up looking at Kasumi who just looked back at him. She then hits him in the face with her paw.

"I was worried, Naruto-kun."

"For what? you told me to rest."

"It's what I am supposed to do." Kasumi licked his face.

Naruto put his head against hers and spoke softly. "I am sorry for making you worry Kasumi-chan."

"It's okay I forgive you." Kasumi licked his face again making him smile.

"How is everyone else doing? Are they safe?" He said sitting up from his bed.

"Yes everyone is just fine. Haku is working in the hospital along with Sakura while everyone else is back home waiting for you."

He let out a sigh at the good news. "Well that's good." He layed back down and Kasumi sat next to his head. The door slid open and a head of black hair appeared followed by pink and then red.

"NARUTO-KUN!" The shout came from Haku, Sakura, and Karin. They all went to his bed and gave him a hug while Haku kissed him on the lips.

"Hello girls I see you are okay." Naruto said with a smile on his face.

"Yes and everyone has been waiting for you to wake up." Karin said

"How long was I out for?"

"2 and a half days." Haku spoke

"Well that is longer than I wanted. Did anything interesting happen while I was out of action."

"Other than your being promoted to jonin nothing special." Sakura said, smirking.

"Oh so nothing too important." Naruto said until he realized what was just said. " I got promoted to Jonin!" Naruto was grinning as if he hit the jackpot.

"Yes I also made Chunin for my medical skill along with Shikamaru, Shino, And Ino." Haku said smiling.

"Well that is great news indeed." Naruto spoke smiling

"Well you can leave now that you are awake, there are other people who could use this bed. So hurry up and leave." Haku gave him another kiss and walked out with a sway in her hips sending him a wink at the door.

"Oh she is going to get it." Naruto thought to himself with a smirk.

"Bro stop those perverted thoughts this instant." Sakura said cracking her knuckles.

"Relaxe little sis. I was not thinking anything like that." Naruto puts his hands up to guard himself. "Plus you think I didn't see those red panties you bought." Naruto smirked at seeing the red face of Sakura.

Karin started to laugh along with Kasumi making Sakura blush.

"SHUT UP!" She punched Karin out the window all the way to the compound. Naruto and Kasumi quickly flashed away leaving the pink haired girl to mumble to herself.

Naruto and Kasumi appeared in front of the gates of the compound. Naruto was still in a hospital gown and Kasumi was laying around his neck as usual.

"Well It's nice to see that they didn't burn the place down without me." Naruto chuckled walking up to the gate and putting some of his chakra into it. The gate opened with a slight creek and blew away some of the leaves on the front yard. Making his way to the front door he can hear the sound of shouting and things flying.

"You fucking crystal asswhipe!"

"You damn tomato head chopping board!"

"Will you two shut the hell up and stop cursing, the kids will pick up your horrible language!"

"Now how about we all just calm down."

"Kin! Who's side are you on?!"

"Master won't like you cussing in front of Rukia-chan or Inari-kun."

"Who gives a damn I am not going to be his slave!"

"I like you girl, You should stay around and join the group."

"W-what you are all sharing shithead?"

"It's not that bad really we are all just a big family."

"I will think about it. But back to the crystal ass wipe. Who said you could eat my damn food you bitch!" The sound of punching and kicking can be heard along with the sound of something breaking.

"Uh oh."

"You girls are in trouble now."

"May you rest well."

"Sorry it had to be this way."

That was the moment Naruto decided to walk in. He saw that his favorite cup had been broken. When the girls saw him they were happy but then scared at least the two who broke them were.

"H-hello m-master it is so good to see you again." Kin spoke bowing.

"Hey Naru-kun." Anko said with her usual grin

"M-m-master h-hey there." Guren spoke nervously

"Oh shithead glad to see you are awake. I was able to stay hear thanks to you. I guess I owe you one. That damn council tried to set me up with some damn mut for marriage though." Tayuya spoke as if her life was not in danger.

"So you broke my favorite cup did you." Naruto spoke with his eyes shadowed by his hair.

"It was that crystal bitch not me!"

"D-don't lie it was you who threw that plate at me."

"I think you both shall be punished." Naruto said smiling which unnerved them. Guren covered her butt because she knew what was going to happen

"B-but Master I am sorry." Guren spoke trying to find a way out of her situation.

"Punished, You ain't going to do shit." Tayuya said.

Before she could blink she was bent over the couch with her pants down showing her red panties. Making her blush at everyone seeing what she is wearing.

"H-hey y-you fucking pervert let me go!" The red faced girl said. She turned her head to see guren in the same position crying anime tears at knowing her fate.

"Damn you girl this is all your fault!"

"No it's not you-" she is cut off when she felt a stinging sensation on her butt and yelped out in pain. "W-what the fuck!" she turned and saw the grinning Naruto.

"Bad children must be punished." He makes a whip of water and delivers a smack to her ass along with Guren. The other girls watched in sympathy at knowing how that felt. Karin then stumbled into the house after getting up from the hit she took from Sakura.

"Oh looks like little Tayuya is in trouble." Karin laughed at her friend.

"D-don't just stand there help us." Tayuya asked with tears in the corner of her eyes.

"I tried to warn you but now it is time you learn your lesson from Naru-kun." Anko spoke walking away followed by everyone else leaving only the sound of a water whip hitting skin and the cries and occasional moan from the girls.

2 Days later

Naruto was in the yard of his compound training his storm bloodline. He was trying to access that transformation he used before, but he was finding it extremely difficult. It is as if his body refused to let the lightning take shelter in his body once more. He decided to leave it alone for now. Getting up. He just went through jutsu for his bloodline, making more and correcting the ones he already had.

Storm Release supernova

A condensed ball of storms formed in the palm of his hand the size of a tennis ball. He made it bigger to be the size of a Beach ball. "The power of the sun…In the palm of my hand." Trying to make the ball even bigger, it proceeded to expand even more to the point where it started to float above his hand like his own personal sun. It started to spark with lighting and water droplets fell from the bottom. "Don't falter on me now, We've come this far." You could feel the heat and sense the amount of chakra in the attack. Karin was in the doorway watching with wide eyes.

Right when it seemed the attack was about to be finished it frizzled away in his hand leaving slight burns. "Glad it didn't blow up." Naruto said, wiping the sweat from his forehead and letting out a sigh.

"Woah Naruto that was really an impressive attack." Karin said walking outside in her purple hoodie with black biker shorts with black ninja sandals.

"Yea that was some attack." Jiraiya spoke walking from inside the house.

"Who let you in?" Naruto asked

"The beautiful Ino-chan." Jiraiya said pushing his fingers together.

"Dude you know how wrong this looks for you." Naruto said with amusement, his face and tone.

"You are a pervy old man saying how beautiful a 13 year old girl looks." Naruto spoke almost laughing along with Karin.

Jiraya understood where they were going with this. "W-wait no I am not like that I promise. It was a misunderstanding." He could see them laughing at him and it didn't make him feel good at all.

"Okay pervy-sage what is it that you need?" Naruto asked taking off his training Gi and putting on his clan head kimono. It was black and had a red Uzumaki swirl located in the left shoulder and back. A red belt to go around his waist. Kasumi resting on his head like usual.

"Well I have a mission and I need your help." Jiraiya spoke walking behind Naruto who went inside.

"Really must be some mission if you need my help." Naruto spoke while taking a seat on the living room couch. "Are we killing someone or taking out a strong hold?"

"No we are looking for someone."

"I am not the best at finding people."

"It's when we find this person. I will need you to help me."

Ino came and sat a tray of tea on the table in front of them with a smile on her face. Naruto and Jiraiya thanked her while sipping the tea.

"This is some good stuff." Jiraya spoke with wide eyes. Taking some more because of how good it was, He was burning his throat in the process.

"I know Ino-chan makes the best tea I have ever had in my life." Naruto also spoke while drinking some. Kin poked her head around the corner cutely.

"Is it better than mine Naruto-sama?" Kin asked giving him a cute look that made Jiraiya almost pull his notebook out.

"Yes kin-chan, Ino-chan makes it better than you." Kin almost burst out in tears making her seem all the more cute. Naruto seeing this, makes a chain and pulls her in his lap. "Hey no tears." Naruto said wiping them away from her face.

"Don't throw me away." Kin said and held Naruto. "Orochimaru wanted to kill me when he found out I was only good at genjutsu, he didn't need me because he had Tayuya. You won't get rid of me will you?" Kin asked looking up at Naruto with tears in her eyes. He held her tighter.

Jiraya seeing this hardens his resolve to kill his former teammate. How could he do these kinds of things? Where did we go wrong with him? Maybe he was always like this and was just hiding it from everyone.

"Don't worry Kin-chan, You are a Uzumaki now and we look out for our own. So don't cry, just overcome this and get stronger from it." Naruto said kissing the top of her head.

"T-thank you Naruto-sama you are to kind." Kin said getting up. "I will train and become worthy of the Uzumaki name." She then went to the training field in the compound.

"Well it seems like you know how to run your clan." Jiraya said

"Yea, but back to the mission who is it that you need my help with?"

"It is my other teammate Tsunade Senju. She is to become the new hokage." Jiraya spoke seriously.

"Wow, you want me to come. Why?" Naruto asked still not getting why he was needed, unless they had to beat some sense into her then he didn't see why he was needed.

"Well you seem to have a way of convincing people and I want you to come, also I can teach you some more things if you come with me." Jiraya said pointing a thumb to his chest.

"Okay I will come but we have to bring Hinata with us. She will help us locate her. This will also give her a chance to meet another female legend." Naruto said. He went through hand signs and summoned a messenger thunderbird. "When are we leaving?" He asked looking at the old man.

"Today in an hour."

Naruto wrote the letter and gave it to the thunderbird. "Bring this to Hinata Hyuuga." The bird nodded and flew outside. "Okay I will get ready and meet you with Hinata later." He walked away to go get packed.

Hinata's room

Hinata was in her room practicing her chakra control in order to advance her training in the new gentle fist style she had found. She had seen it was made by her mother but not finished, So she decided she would finish it for her.

She is stopped when a tapping can be heard on her window. Turning to see what it was. "Is that one of the birds of Naruto-kun?" She asked nobody, not expecting an answer. Walking to the window to open it, the bird flew in and landed on her shoulder. The bird than gave her the letter from Naruto it read.

Dear Hinata

This is from Naruto and I need you to come on a mission with me and Jiraya to help find someone. So I need you to get your sexy ass ready in one hour and you better not where that big ass jacket I know you be hot in that. I will come to get you in 1 hour so be ready to be picked up soon.

Naruto Uzumaki.

Finishing the letter she could see a chibi Naruto giving her a two finger salute. "N-naruto-Kun t-thinks I a-am s-s-s-sexy." Her face became red and she started to feel light headed. "I-i have to g-get ready!" She got to her feet and became a blur in her own room. The bird just poofed into smoke and left.

1 hour later Naruto is wearing a black jonin vest over a black long sleeve, A black haori with blue flames touching the bottom. He had on black pants with tape on his ankles, Black ninja shoes that were high topped. He was being enveloped in a group hug by everyone in the compound. "Okay guys I will be back before you know it." Naruto said getting out of the hug.

"Okay Naruto-kun just be careful." Kurenai said giving him another kiss.

"What she said." Anko gave him a kiss as well.

"Be safe Master." Ino gave him a kiss.

"Bye Naruto-kun." Haku gave him a kiss

"Come back in one piece." Tsunami gave him a kiss.

"Bye master." Kin and Guren gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Otou-san." Inari gave his dad a fist bump.

"Bye papa, we will continue my training when you get back. Right?" Rukia said giving her dad a hug and a kiss on his head.

"Of course we will. Just stay safe while I am gone." Naruto said giving her a kiss on her head. After he stood up and one more goodbye he floated in the air and blasted towards Hinata.

Hinata was standing at the front of her compound waiting for Naruto with her father and Ranmaru. "Oh here come Nii-san." Ranmaru said with his bloodline activated.

Her father wanted to give her some last minute words. "Hinata don't disappoint the clan and yourself on this mission. Be sure to listen to what the leader says." Hinata puts her head down at those words.

"Yes f-father I-I will." She speaks shyly.

"That's not how you tell your daughter goodbye. You give her a hug and kiss her goodbye." Naruto said from behind Hiashi and pushed him into Hinata and she opened her arms to catch him. It was awkward because Hiashi hadn't hugged his daughter in a long time. He was angry at himself when he thought about that. Here he was the clan head, not knowing how to give a hug. It was awkward for a few seconds until he pulled away and looked at Naruto with his heated stare.

"Don't put your hands on me again Uzumaki."

Naruto waved his hands and patted him on the back. "Yea yea whatever. Come one Hinata we got a mission to do." He grabbed her around the waist pulling her against him making the girl blush. "Ranmaru I hope to see you again buddy, make sure you woah the women of the Hyuuga." He ruffled his purple hair.

"Nii-san that's lewd." Ranmaru put his head down with red cheeks.

"Aaa if it wasn't then you wouldn't be here. Now I will see you around." He flew into the air and went towards the gates.

"Hiashi, what does he mean by that." Ranmaru asked innocently to the clan head. Making the man cough

"W-well you will have to ask your brother. And I told you it's Hiashi-sama." He walked away a little fast.

Naruto landed at the gate next to Pervy-sage. "All right lets go." Naruto said and started walking off.

"Wait what's wrong with her." Jiraya asked pointing at the passed out girl over his shoulder.

Naruto looked at Hinata who had changed her outfit. She is wearing a lavender style kimono styled blouse with vertical lines, tied with a dark purple obi. She is wearing dark navy shorts with high stockings. Black high heeled ninja sandals.

"Whoa. She looks good." Naruto says looking at the girl over his shoulder. "Let's go before I end up holding us back for a day." Naruto started to walk off again.

On the other side of the village two figures with hoods on their head can be seen. "Okay they are leaving, we can go in now." The shorter one said.

"I don't see why we are not able to go inside while they were inside. It would have made things much more fun." The taller one said.

"Because without a doubt he would have come to us and started a fight and we did not come to start a fight." The short man said in a tone giving nothing away.

"Yea I know, we just want to see how strong he is." The tall man said in a tone mocking the shorter one. The figure stopped and looked at him showing a spinning sharingan.

"Don't do that again." The Uchiha said.

"Itachi you are so boring it's not even funny." The tall man said and walked into the village, leaving Itachi behind.

"Idiot." He then walked into the village passing the two guards who were not aware of anything.

Naruto and his group were currently flying towards the location of Jiraiya's spies who said they have a location on their target.

"S-so N-naruto-kun w-who are we looking for?" Hinata asked still blushing at being held by Naruto.

"We are looking for 1 Tsunade Senju." Naruto speaks grinning at the girl in his arms.

"W-wow I have always wanted to meet her. Maybe she can give me advice on being a medical ninja." Hinata spoke not stuttering as much.

"Wow Hina-chan you didn't stutter at all." Naruto spoke to the girl who was also shocked.

"W-well I-I d-did." She said.

"And it's back." Naruto said. "We are going to work on that for this trip. It's cute but also makes it hard to understand what you say sometimes. People also won't take you seriously if you are stuttering and blushing up a storm when you see them." Hinata looked down a bit at knowing his words were true.

"Hey don't feel sad just have more trust in yourself. That is the first step to being strong." Naruto smiled down at the girl.

"Okay Naruto-kun." Naruto smiled even more at that.

"See that's how you do it." He kissed her forehead. "If you can not stutter the whole trip I might kiss you on the lips and who knows maybe even ask you out." Naruto says to the blushing girl.

"Alright Naruto-kun." Hinata smiles and snuggles closer to the flying blonde.

Few days later

The group can be seen walking towards another town and Naruto was getting sick of this. They kept bouncing from town to town looking for this blonde bimbo. "You know Pervy-sage I am starting to doubt your spy network, it seems they can't find this lady." Naruto said glaring at the man in question.

"Hey hey easy. She is hard to find, just give it some time." Jiraiya puts his hands up because Kasumi was also glaring at him.

"Hinata can you find anything?" Jiraya asked looking at the young girl.

"Yes I can see her in a casino playing cards and losing badly." Hinata almost laughed but held it in. "Those other two chakra signatures are also still following us."

"Good lord they are still following us. I am just going to let them know we see them." Naruto then uses his lighting manipulation to make a lighting javalion and throws it toward one of the two.

"Naruto-kun how do you know where they are?" Hinata asked with amazement.

"How the hell can he do chakra manipulation like it was nothing. That is a highly advanced skill." Jiraiya thought to himself in amazement

"Hina-chan did you forget I am a sensor. I felt those guys waiting outside the village for us to leave. It is probably that group that is after me for Kasumi." Naruto spoke looking in the direction he threw his attack with crossed arms.

"They won't get me."Kasumi spoke from a top Naruto's head

"You damn right they won't." He said rubbing her head, getting her to purr.

Off in the distance they all can hear a great explosion go off and a cloud of smoke start to rise. "That hit one of their asses." He laughed at that.

Itachi and Kisame

They had been following the group for the past few days and Kisame was getting annoyed by the brat flying in the air while Itachi was just impressed but never showed it.

They had stopped because they were watching them look for whoever they were. That is when they felt a spike in chakra and looked up to see what looked like something coming towards them.

"Itachi what the hell is that, It has a shit load of chakra in it." Kisame squinted his eyes to get a better read on it.

Itachi also looked at it but with his problem he was having a hard time gazing upon the falling star. "I think we should avoid it." Itachi spoke steping to the side.

"I will just absorb it." Kisame put his sword out in order to gain the chakra from the attack. Right when he was about to absorb it the attack hit him with so much force it blew him back making him cough up blood and spit. It then exploded right on him but he was able to absorb some of the attack to lessen the damage. Itachi just eyed the explosion site with eye widened just a bit.

"That was locked onto his chakra and hit him square on. A lighting attack as well. It seems that our information is true." Itachi thinks to himself.

Kisame climbed out of the crater and was angry. "What the fuck was that!" He cough, his blade was healing him because he took a lot of damage from that attack. The left side of his cloak was destroyed and burn marks were all on his body. "When I find who did that I am going to rip him apart."


After his attack they all walked into the city to meet Tsunade and confront her about what they came for. That was until Jiraiya was distracted by a woman who was flirting towards him.

"You kids go find us a place to stay. I will come find you later." He gave them money and ran after the lady. "Wait beautiful!"

The three only sweat dropped at the legendary pervert. "Come on Hinata-chan it's just us 3 now." He grabbed her hand making her blush and walked off. He looked directly at Itachi who was surprised he could sense him. So shocked he didn't even put him in a genjutsu.

Naruto walked around with the two girls and explored the party that was going on in the village they were in. They played games, ate food and laughed. They had enough and walked to go find a hotel and get some rest.

They entered the room and tossed their bags and flopped on a bed. Kasumi went into Naruto's seal not wanting to give the two following them any chance to grab her.

"I had a fun time playing Naruto-kun." Hinata said smiling looking at Naruto.

Naruto smirked at her making the girl blush. "The fun doesn't have to end here Hinata-chan." He climbed on top of the blushing Hyuga.

"N-naruto-kun w-what a-are you doing?" Hinata said looking anywhere but at Naruto.

"I am just trying to have some fun and get closer to you." He started to kiss her neck and rub up her thighs making the girl moan.

"W-we c-can't, we are on a mission and we are not a c-couple." Hinata stammered out.

"Do you want me to stop?" he whispered in her ear, giving a kiss to her cheek.

"N-n-no I mean y-yes." she spoke wrapping her arms around him leaning her head to the side to give him more access.

"Your body doesn't seem to be agreeing with you. You're wetting all the sheets." Indeed the spot under Hinata was soaked, making her pants stick to her bottom.

"C-can we wait. I-I want to do this b-but when we are dating and know each other b-better." Hinata said still red as ever.

"Okay Hinata-chan take as long as you need. We have guests anyways." When he finished, a knock was heard at the door.

"Who is it?" Naruto asked pulling his sword out

"Room service." Someone said from the other side of the door.

"Are you in the special bikini that I asked for." Naruto said.

"Yes and I brought my friends."

Naruto laughed at making whoever it is say those things. "DId you also bring the sauce for the cooked fish?" A pause from the other side of the door and he could just feel the anger of someone.

"Yes we have the sauce."

Naruto opened the door and had to do his best not to laugh. "So ladies are you ready to have your world rocked." Naruto looked around. "Where are the girls and sauce?" Naruto and Kasumi were dying laughing on the inside.

"Naruto you will come with us." Itachi spoke looking at Naruto in the eyes trying to put him in a genjutsu.

"Genjutsu at that level won't work on me." Naruto said in a straight tone. Itachi's eyebrow twitched just a bit but he caught it. Kisame burst out laughing at that.

"Naruto just come with us and no one get's hurt." Itachi spoke again trying to use genjutsu but it was not working.

"Itachi, just relax my chakra is too dense for a genjutsu that low to work on me." Naruto looked away from him and eyed the damaged fish. "So you are the one my attack hit." Naruto smirked.

"You brat that shit hurt! Itachi let me chop his legs off so he won't run!" Kisame pulled out his blade wrapped in bandages.

"Try me sharkboy." Naruto delivered a quick punch towards Kisame who barely blocked but was pushed out the wall due to how hard the punch was. "Hinata go and find Pervy-sage. I will hold them off for now!" Hinata quickly got upped and went to go look for him.

"Come on emo." Naruto jumped out the whole followed by Itachi. Naruto landed in the street and saw Kisame getting up. Naruto went Kcm and grabbed his face and jumped off to a clearing outside the village shocking both of the S rank ninjas. He threw the man down who crashed with a boom and Naruto heard some bones crack.

"Wow he is fast, I will stay back and watch for now." Itachi thought landing on a tree.

"Alright you asked for it!" Kisame charged the blonde who had his blade ready for him. They then clash in a battle of strength causing Kisame to widen his eyes. "You are a strong brat but that's not all you got is it." Kisame than pulled back and went to strike again but Naruto parried his attack and delivered a quick slash to the man. Naruto jumped back to gain distance.

He went through hand signs for a jutsu. Wind of the mountain god. A massive amount of wind picked up and destroyed everything and made it's way towards the wide eyed sharkman who only swiped his sword down and he was unharmed. "Nice try brat but I can just absorb your attack." Kisame said grinning at the boy.

"Oh is that right, I will just cut you to pieces then." Naruto than release some KI shocking the two ninjas at the amount. Kisame grinned wider and released some of his own and charged at the blonde.

They then began to cut, slash, and dodge all over the destroyed clearing. It was no jutsu just them and their blades causing all of this damage. Itachi had never seen Kisame so focused in on a battle before. He was trying more in this fight than he did when the two of them had spard. "Is Naruto more worthy to spar with then I." Itachi thought with wide eyes.

Wind cutter

Kisame quickly absorbed the attack and charged back towards Naruto. He landed a downward slash on his front cutting his chest open, making blood pour. "Got you!" Kisame then kicked him away and went through his own hand signs. Water style water shark bullet

The attack quickly made it's way towards Naruto.

Lunar Halo

Naruto swung his sword downward and cut the shark right down the middle and the attack carried right towards Kisame who put his sword up to block only to be surprised when the attack cut Samehada and left a deep gash on his shoulder. Naruto capitalized and rushed with amazing speeds and delivered a blow to his stomach with his elbow and did a vertical slice upwards, leaving another gash on the skin of Kisame.

Itachi seeing Naruto about to finish the fight by killing him quickly jumps in the way and punches Naruto in the face but Naruto dodges and goes to cut Itachi in half but he blocked with a Kunai that was quickly cut in half. Naruto then takes flight and goes high to the clouds, blocking some of the sun making him look like a god coming down to earth. Itachi felt DeJa'Vu, He remebered he did a similar thing to some other blonde

Naruto goes through hand signs. "This will get one of them. But it will also destroy the area." When he ends the seal his hand looks like that of the Yamanaka. He aims it towards Itachi who is currently fighting a horde of his shadow clones along with the injured Kisame.

Raiden fury

The skies suddenly go black, A loud clap of thunder can be heard along with the sound of the rain falling down and hitting the ground. The skies open up and a huge beam of white lightning strikes where Itachi and Kisame are, whose eyes go wide. The area of the attack is decimated and a huge nuclear cloud of smoke is created that can be seen all the way from the town that Hinata and Jiraya are located. The attack sent shockwaves all through the land causing an explosion sight of 500 feet from the point of impact.

"So they got away. I know it hit something but whatever it was did not block the full attack, so they are probably really hurt." Naruto speaks floating in the sky looking at the 500 foot crater in the ground. He sees Hinata and Jiraiya and flashes towards them. "Hello guys, nice to see you." The two jump and Hinata hit him in the stomach.

The girl had jumped and put her hands over her mouth. "N-naruto-kun I am so s-sorry." Hinata said red with embarrassment.

"Wow, who knew you could punch so hard." Naruto said picking himself back up. "Don't worry I am just fine."

"Are you okay Naruto? We heard and saw all the explosions." Jiraiya spoke, taking a look to see the damage Naruto was under. Naruto was sporting a long gash along his chest and several cuts along his body, bruise forming and…he is still not tired.

"I made them run away. I beat up Kisame pretty bad at the end but neither of us went all out or this whole village would be wiped off the map. Itachi was just watching but I didn't show anything special because I wanted to keep some things to myself." Naruto spoke walking with them.

"So you didn't use that Kcm mode of yours?" Jiraiya asked.

"Nah I only used it for a burst of speed to make them move to a different place." Naruto said as if it was no big deal.

"Wow he beat an S rank ninja without Kasumi's chakra. I guess it is a good idea he trained his own skills first." Jiraiya thought in amazement.

"Anyways have you guys found Tsunade?"

"Yes I have. We can go meet her later. Once you have rested a bit and the town has settled down from your battle." Jiraiya said clapping Naruto on the back and walking off. "I will see you two later."

"So want to finish what we were doing earlier?" Naruto asked Hinata with a smirk

"N-n-naruto-kun I already told you my answer." Hinata turned her head in embarrassment.

"I am just messing with you. Let's go, I need to change my clothes." They then walk back to the hotel and rested until it was night time and Jirayia came back to the hotel room.

Hours later

Naruto and Hinata can be seen in an intense stare off with each other. You could just feel the tension between the two, So sharp you could cut it with a knife. Kasumi had a bead of sweat going down her whiskerd face. She had decided to go in her human form for the moment.

"It's my move Hinata-chan." The sentence was short but seemed to go on forever in there heads.

"It will be your last." Hinata replied just as short and sharpley. It seemed hanging with 3 outgoing people for hours on end seemed to make her be able to be just a young girl and not the Hyuuga heir.

Naruto's hand twitched and he sharpley placed down a green 9. He smirked at what was to come next. "Uno." Hinata narrowed her eyes at his statement.

"Hehe it's fine Naruto-kun go on and think you've won, I will allow it just this once." Looking down at my hands I can see that I have the rare draw 4 card. It glistened in the light ready to be placed and make Naruto despair. "I win." Hinata spoke and then placed the card down in what seemed to be slow motion. Naruto's eyes widen because he now knows it is futile to continue the match.

"Damn it, You won again. You must be cheating. Are you using your eyes to look at my cards?" Naruto spoke with an accusing gaze towards the Hyuuga who was blushing.

"N-no, I would do no such thing. Kasumi-chan tell him." Hinata said falling into the arms of Kasumi like a damsel in distress.

"Don't worry princess Hinata, this mongrel is just jealous that he can't beat you." Kasumi spoke while playing along with Hinata making Naruto get a tick mark.

"Why you." Naruto is stopped when Jiraiya came through the door with his usual smile.

"Alright let's go I have Tsunade's location." They all walked behind him out of the hotel and then into the streets of the town they were located in. Getting waves and smiles from the overly happy people. Naruto was holding hands with Kasumi and Hinata. Making both girls smile while Hinata was finally living one of her dreams.

"Okay she is in this bar. Follow my lead." He then opened the doors like an idiot and shouted to his not- so secret crush. "TSUNADE!"

Tsunade got up in shock. "JIRAIYA!" Making her massive boobs inside her kimono top to wobble gaining Jiraiya's attention quickly. The black haired women with a pig in her arms tried to calm the blonde down.

"It's so good to see you again my old teammate." Jiraiya made himself comfortable in his seat. Naruto, Hinata and the fox sat down next to the man.

"Oh great, Old memories just keep popping up today." Tsunade said taking a sip from her saucer.

"So the snake pedo came looking to get his arms healed, I presume." Naruto said leaning back in his seat with a smirk at remembering what he did to that freak.

Tsunade eyed the kid for a moment. He was doing a good job at hiding it but she can just feel the power and aura coming off this kid, it almost made her want to bow her head for being allowed to be in his presence. Shaking her head thinking it was the drinks. She looked back at Jiraiya with a question all over her face.

"Who are these brats?"

"These brats as you so put it-" Jiraiya was stopped from talking when Naruto held his hand for the man to stop talking.

"We can introduce ourselves. My name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, The storm of Konoha." Naruto spoke gazing upon the two women with a piercing gaze as if he was looking into their past and future.

"I-I-I a-am-" Hinata was stopped from talking when Naruto puts a hand on her shoulder gaining her attention.

"Remember what we said, speak with courage, confidence in yourself Hinata-chan." Naruto reassured the girl who stopped and took a deep breath.

"I am Hinata Hyuga, The heiress to the Hyuga clan." She smiled at being able to speak confidently in herself. Naruto and Kasumi smile.

"We know everyone else, But I didn't get your name gorgeous." Naruto said grabbing Shizune's hand softly and giving it a kiss. Making the poor women go red. No one has ever done that to her. Tsunade always sent everyone running away, causing her to be naive about dating.

"M-my n-name is Shizune." She spoke, removing her hand while cheeks were still red. Tsunade sent Naruto a glare but he ignored it.

"Naruto-kun you sly fox, I know what you are doing." Kasumi said with an amused look on her face in the lap of Hinata.

"You know me too well Kasumi-chan." Naruto replied to her inside the mind link.

"Hands off you brat." Tsunade smacked his hand away sending him another glare. "This is the 9 tails container and also the son of Kushina and Minato, he's a ballsy one but just a little brat. Even if he already is S ranked in the bingo book but they must be hyping him up."

"Anyways back to why we came here. The village has chosen you as the 5th hokage." Jiraiya spoke seriously, eyeing her for any hostile movements.

The two women were surprised and even the pig made a surprised squeak. Tsunade couldn't believe the nerve of him, To say that to her face with a straight face. She waited to see if he would just laugh it off like he would always do.

He didn't

The memories then came back racing into her head. All the times of her younger brother along with past lover. There dreams of wanting to be hokage and protect the village with their lives. They died in the end, making her grit her teeth. All because of the damn village, the fools they are.

A laugh with no joy just the sound of a broken woman. "Why would I want a position like that, to risk my life for the village and end up like so many who came before me. It's a fools job, The will of fire, Don't make me laugh. I can't believe people still eat those lies." Tsunade says all this looking at her cup of alcohol. Gazing upon her reflection which seemed to be…scowling at her as if she really just said that out loud.

Jiraiya also couldn't believe what she just said. He knew she didn't like the village but to say things such as that out loud was astonishing. "You've changed Tsunade, to think you can say such things about your grandfather and his village."

"I am not as young as I look. You of all people should know that." Tsunade smirked at the man who was looking at her with disappointment and sadness. It made her chest ache. To see the man who had always gazed upon her with love his whole life to suddenly gaze at her with those eyes like that. It cut deeper than any wound could ever.

"You are so pathetic." The calm voice filled with disgust and contempt made everyone turn their gaze towards the speaker to see Naruto looking at Tsunade with sharp eyes that don't belong to a 13 year old.

"What you say brat?" Tsunade spoke trying to sound intimidating but it was not working thanks to her drunken stupor.

"I said you are pathetic. To think this is the women my little sister's and daughter look up to. It makes me wonder are you even Tsunade Senju. The same Tsunade Jiraiya went on for hours about how beautiful and strong she was. Smashing a mountain on a group of Iwa ninjas. The strongest kunoichi in the world, a star to all those who wish to become a medical ninja. The granddaughter of Hashirama Senju."

Each Statement was like getting hit by her own fist. Past achievements she was famous for. "He speaks as if I still can't do that. Like I am not the same person or something." Tsunade thinks getting angry at Naruto who was looking at her as if she was beneath him. Then the words of Jiraiya pass through her head. "You've changed." But change is a good thing right?

"From what I see. You are just a broken woman drowning in her past. Not able to move on. Most of all I see a weak. woman." Naruto crossed his arms having felt he said enough.

"Wow he's really pissed if he pulled the weak woman card." Kasumi thought with a smirk that angered Tsunade even more.

"Naruto-kun that might have been a little too much." Hinata thought, gazing at Naruto and the angry Tsunade with worry.

"Oh he has done it now." Jiraiya thought with worry.

"Tsunade-sama, Naruto-kun, wait where did that come from." Shizune thought with worry but for which matter she didn't know.

"Weak, Pathetic, Disappointment, what does this brat know. He hasn't felt my pain. He doesn't know what I went through. I can crush him with just my finger. 9 tails container or not." She got up and looked at him with eyes full of fury. "You want to take this outside?"

Naruto gave her an amused gaze already knowing that it would come to this. "I guess I can humor you for a while, let's go." He got up and walked outside flapping his cape for extra effect.

The group then went outside to witness the one-sided beatdown that was about to go down. They stood from across each other and Tsunade had a cocky grin on her face. While Naruto just looked at her with his arms crossed and usual battle grin on his face gone.

"Me Tsunade Senju fighting a lowly genin I should feel ashamed. I'll just use one finger to take you down." Naruto raised an eyebrow at her. Did she not see his jonin vest on his chest.

"Uhh Tsunade I-"

"No don't tell her anything. I am sure she know exactly who I am and what I can do. This is the same arrogance most of the leaf shinobi have, But I had beat that out of them. I will just do the same to her." Naruto only stood straight up not giving anything about his style away. Sword strapped to his right along with his haori flapping in the wind, Blowing his blonde locks across his face. Overall he was pretty handsome and Tsunade's face gained a bit of pink to her cheeks along with Shizune.

"H-he's hot." Tsunade and Shizune thought at the same time.

"Come on granny are you just going to stand their drunk or fight me." Tsunade gains a tick mark at his comment and rushed him ready to flick his head off. "Look at her, she is just full of openings charging me with chunin speeds. Is she serious? I can easily withdraw and slice her head clean off." Naruto thinks to himself getting ready for his counter attack. Gently deflecting her attack, he guides it to the side, leaving her midsection wide open. Naruto sends a knee into her gut making her eyes go wide from the force and lift in the air a little. He kicks her in the face sending her flying back to where she came from.

Jiraiya smacks his forehead at Tsunade for just rushing in at him like that. He had learned that the hard way when he and Naruto fought for a little while.

Shizune couldn't believe it. Her master had been easily countered and hit by an attack that did a lot of damage if her facial and blood coming from her mouth was anything to go by. Kasumi and Hinata only shook their heads at knowing Naruto doesn't hold back when he trains.

"W-what I-I didn't see him m-move. That attack h-hurt like hell, he didn't even use chakra." Tsunade thought getting to her feet. "Lucky shot brat, don't let it go to your head." She charged back at him with reckless abandon.

"No style at all, I Can't believe you are still alive fighting like this." He guided her attack to the ground and went behind her to grab her waist and perform a German suplex, sending cracks through the ground from the force. He picked her up and tossed her to a clearing from town. The force at which he threw her caused the windows to break and air to screech at the sound of Tsunade shooting through the sky.

He took to the skies after her and disappeared in a sonic boom shocking those who didn't know he could go so fast.

"Let's follow them." Jirayia said and took to the ruff after them followed by Kasumi, Hinata, and Shizune.

Tsunade landing created a massive crater and kicked up dust blocking her view of anything. Her whole body hurt like hell. It had been a while since she had got into a fight and a longer time since she had been handled the way she had been now. Healing herself of all the damage, she didn't see the blood that was marked on her face.

Naruto landed a good distance away from her still looking at her as if she was just a tree to be blown away by the storm to come. "Are you finished now? He asked her almost mockingly.

"You brat I am just getting started." She spoke ready to charge him again but stopped when she felt his chakra spike and the ground trembled from his pressure.

"No you are finished." Going through hand signs at speeds she couldn't keep up with. "Storm Release Arashi!" with that final shout he put his hand to the ground and what could only be called a GOD took form. The skies seemed to get even darker while storm clouds covered and rained down lighting bolts that barely missed her. A gigantic mass of water started to form and take the shape of a 3 headed dragon the size of the 9 tailed fox. It was coated in a thick layer of lightning and coated with intense winds all along its body. The beast named Arashi let out a roar that cracked the ground and lifted the trees, making fear run through her body making her take several steps back with wide eyes.

Naruto was atop Arashi's head with an impassive face that gave nothing away. "Let's see what she will do now." He crossed his arms and gazed down upon the shaking woman who looked like nothing but an ant from how high above her he was.

Kasumi along with the others who had just arrived couldn't help grin at how dominating her mate was being tonight. He was definitely getting some tonight. If her senses were correct it seemed Hinata was getting turned on by his dominating side as well. It seems the Hyuga likes to be dominated. JIraiya had wide eyes along with Shizune at what they were looking at.

"Master Jiraiya, maybe he is going a little overboard." Shizune said holding Tonton a little tighter.

"No, he is about to wrap things up right now. I am pretty sure he only made that thing to prove his point. She has changed, To arrogant for her own good. I know she had a tough life but she has lost her way and he is pushing her back to the road." Jiraiya knew Naruto had a way with changing people but he never thought he would resort to things like this.

Back with Naruto he could see Tsunade slowly gaining her resolve. She took several hesitant steps forward. Ignoring the blood pooling from her lips. It was as if she remembered what she was fighting for in the first place. To carry the will of her brother and lover with her. She promised them to stay strong but it seemed she forgot her promise. "You've changed." Jiraiya's words echoed in her head again. "Pathetic." Naruto's voice followed. "Promise to stay strong Tsuna, no matter what." Dan's final words made its way into her head. "Grandfathers will lives on through us." Nawaki hyper voice sounded.

"I am sorry you guys, it seemed I did change but not for the better." She whispered to herself. She looks up to Naruto with determination and the look of a woman with a goal.

"Well it seems the Senju has gained her moral again." Naruto speaks smiling now. He releases the jutsu and all the water collapses down on Tsunade in the form of a giant wave ready to wash her away. She throws her fist back and charges a huge amount of chakra in her fist, so much that you can see it glow on her hand.

"Ora!" Putting all her anguish and sadness into this one punch, memories of her past flash through her head. She throws her fist upwards toward the massive wave and a huge amount of pressure slams into the water. Making a massive hole appear in the center. The rest only dispersed into little rain drops falling down to gently hit her smiling face.

"That was some power Tsunade Senju, it seems Jiraiya's words were not all talk." He spoke floating to the ground.

"S-shut it b-brat." Tsunade said a little out of breath at exerting herself so much.

"Tsunade-hime!" Jiraiya shouted, coming and wrapping her in a huge hug. She would normally just hit him but she was too tired and she wouldn't say it but missed him and his antics. Everyone else smiled at the interaction.

"N-naruto-kun how are you not tired?" Hinata asked amazed by his stamina. This cause Naruto to smirk.

"Oh Hinata-chan I have enough stamina to go all. Night. Long." He finished huskily in her ear. This caused the girl to think naughty thoughts and faint in his arms. This caused everyone to laugh.

"Alright let's go back I need to rest." Tsunade spoke.

"Yes we can leave in the morning." Naruto said walking off with Kasumi on his head and Hinata in his arms.

"What about Orochimaru? Did you forget about him." Tsuande asked looking at Naruto.

"Just leave his ass hanging, it will piss him off to be stood up." Naruto laughed, making everyone else imagine an angry Orochimaru at being stood up.

Harem list

Anko, Tsunami, Kurenai, Kasumi, Hinata, Ino, Kin, Tayuya, Shizune, Guren

I hope this will satisfy your taste because I am not adding anymore, if you don't like the girls then I am sorry you feel that way.

I recommend you guys go and read the beginning after the end. this shit is heat, I am reading the novel now and at the part where he leaves to go train with the deities. It is a weebton btw

Allright that's all I got for now Ima halle at you next time.