
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

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39 Chs

Ch-23 Shock of parents.

You can read 16 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.




"What just happened in Shikamaru's house also occurred in the other houses, although not everyone utilized their abilities like Shikamaru did. They simply used them and shocked their parents with the unexpected display of powers.

The reactions from the parents were as expected; they were greatly surprised by the fact that their children had acquired new abilities, such as Kekkei Genkai, which were traditionally passed down through bloodlines. Despite their initial shock, they were pleased that their children had gained such powerful abilities, seeing it as a sign of potential and strength.

One thing that everyone emphasized to their parents was, "Do not disclose this to anyone. This is a strict directive from Jugram, and if this information leaks, there will undoubtedly be severe consequences for all of us."


On the same vibrant evening, in one of the renowned restaurants owned by the 'Akimichi Clan':

"I was quite skeptical about how exactly Jugram would fulfill his promise. But witnessing my son's remarkable performance, I harbor no such doubts," declared Shikaku, his voice tinged with pride.

"Me too. I was scared out of my wits when Ino threw a flower and it exploded like an 'Explosive Tag,'" reminisced Inoichi, his eyes reflecting the astonishment of the earlier event.

"I may not fully comprehend the extent of my son's abilities, but they are undeniably impressive," chimed in Choza, a hearty chuckle escaping him.

All three of them were intoxicated, celebrating their decision made earlier that day.


The next day dawned over the Ninja Academy, the air buzzing with anticipation as students eagerly awaited the announcement of their teams and the Jonin leaders who would guide them.

Among the assembled students sat the members of 'Sternitter,' their expressions a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. While the prospect of having a Jonin leader should have been cause for excitement, there was an undercurrent of concern among them. They harboured worries that the presence of these leaders might inadvertently complicate matters for Jugram. This concern wasn't solely born from natural instincts but was rather a consequence of Jugram's unique ability, the 'Soul Distribution Power.' Through this power, a bond had formed, weaving threads of attachment between them and Jugram. As time passed, this initial concern would inevitably evolve into a profound sense of loyalty, binding them even closer to Jugram.

When Jugram arrived, all the members of 'Sternitter' gathered around him. Jugram simply greeted them and engaged in some casual conversation, nothing more, before taking his seat.

At that moment, the door swung open, revealing Iruka's figure. Instantly, a hush fell over the classroom as every student turned their attention to the entrance. It wasn't merely obedience that quieted them, but rather the palpable anticipation of learning which team they would be assigned to.

Iruka, sensing the eagerness in the room, addressed the students with sincerity. "As you're all aware, today marks the assignment of your teams. As your teacher, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to each of you for successfully reaching this milestone on your journey to becoming skilled ninjas. Your safety on missions is of utmost importance to me, and it would deeply sadden me if any of you were to face harm." Every word uttered by Iruka resonated with genuine care for his students' well-being.

Iruka then proceeded with a sense of anticipation evident in his voice, "Now, I will announce your respective teams. Team 7 will consist of Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and Jugram. Team 8 will comprise Shino, Kiba, and Hinata... Lastly, Team 10 will include Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji."

As he announced the teams, the atmosphere in the classroom crackled with excitement and curiosity. However, there was a notable change in Team 7. Jugram's inclusion in the team had not been part of the initial plan; it was a decision made by none other than Hiruzen himself. Hiruzen's choice to place Jugram in Team 7 was deliberate, aimed at allowing Kakashi to closely monitor Jugram's actions. Moreover, Jugram's presence in the team would enhance Naruto's security, considering Naruto's crucial role in Konoha.

When Naruto heard that Sakura was in his team, he jumped for joy. He also didn't have any problem with the presence of Jugram, as he held a good impression of him; Jugram had always been quite kind to him. However, when he heard that Sasuke was also in his team, Naruto wasn't happy and he couldn't help but wonder, "Why is he in my team?"

Ino felt a pang of regret that Jugram was not assigned to her team, but she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

Iruka continued, "Your respective team leaders will collect you after lunch." With that, he exited the classroom.

Subsequently, the classroom gradually emptied as each student made their way out.

As Jugram made his exit, the other members of the 'Sternitter' trailed behind him, their expressions reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. Walking along the bustling streets, Jugram paused, turning to address his companions.

"I understand what's on your minds," he began, his voice carrying a reassuring tone. "But there's no need to dwell on it excessively or let worry consume you. Everything will fall into place in due time, especially once you've attained the rank of Chunin. For now, our focus should be solely on honing our skills and becoming stronger. Leave the rest to unfold as it may." His words resonated with a sense of calm assurance, easing the tension among the group.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)